John Lennon, post-Yoko: what happens?

Taking as my starting point a joke from Dennis Leary:

What happens if Chapman was indeed off his aim, and shot and killed Yoko instead of John? How would John recover from this loss? How would you envision the next few decades of Lennon's life?
I don´t think he´d survive it actually.

Either that or he gets seriously depressed and end up finding another mom.
In all likelyhood John Lennon becomes very depressed and ends up going back to May Pang for support. According to most accounts Lennon still had feelings for Pang even after the lost weekend, so if Yoko died, I could easily see him going back to her. Which could lead to all the problems of the lost weekend coming back.


The assassination of Lennon could have been avoided if Yoko emerged first from the vehicle. In OTL John Lennon first exited the vehicle and walked past Chapman toward his apartment, when Chapman opened fire shooting Lennon in the back several times. So perhaps if Yoko got out of the car first, Chapman gets a strange thought, Yoko Ono is a demon who has John trapped in her sirens call, instead of waiting for Lennon he turns and opens fire at Yoko, she dies the same way as John, massive blood loss.

Lennon becomes seriously depressed, and rarely is seen in public, holing himself up with his son Sean at the Dakota building. He will have to find a new mother, so to speak and May Pang fits that bill. He continues to write but his music becomes darker, and very depressing, perhaps creating a new genre in the process.
If I may paraphrase and plagiarise from the book and many films of "Treasure Island"

Aye! Beware the one-legged woman!
She's the one to fear!
John me lad.:D