Italian 'Revanchism'

Pretty sure Italy's humiliation in the First Italo-Abyssinian War would be a contributing factor to Mussie wanting to invade. Just to show that he could indeed beat them.
That's precisely the point.
It wasn't conquering for conquering's sake, but because it could be used as a domestic propaganda issue

Mussolini also did indeed have serious claims to Albania, which dated to before his time (pre-WWI, actually). Italy was trying to get Albania as part of a deal for joining either side in the First World War.
Yes and no. you're right on the great war dealings (actually thay were attempted just after, in 1919), but the point was that no-one was particularly interested in it.
To make an example, the italian king family had the possibility to get in the Albanian succession line (through marriage) in mid '20 and the king flatly refused because he thought it would not be worth.
After the conquering of Albania the actual words of the king were: was it really worth waging a war to conquer these useless pebbles [questi quattro sassi]?
Even in famine-stricken poor begin-of-the-century italy, there was a way of saying to define something utterly poor and worthless, and that saying was "miserable as Albania [povero come l'Albania]".
Even Mussolini was not very keen on the Albanian expediton, for the simple reason that Albania was already in the italian sphere of infulence , and under de-facto italian economic control.
The (quite comic) Albania conquer was wanted and masterminded by Galeazzo Ciano, which at the time was overawed by the Mussolini figure and strived to present himself as a sound son-in-law (and would-be-successor) of the Duce: the idea was to present himself as the man who give italy another piece of empire.
With Libya, I was thinking more of Egypt could go to Italy. By larger chunks of A-H, I was indeed talking about Dalmatia and maybe parts of Carinthia (isn't Carinola in southwest Italy?). Tunisia would definitely have to go, and I agree with your comments on Italian stance towards German colonies.

Maybe they'd be allowed a sphere of influence in Abyssinia as well (an earlier Abyssinian Crisis perhaps?).

If Italy had been allowed Tunisia, would they be more concerned about 'Italianising' their North African colonies early on?

Carinola is actually in Southern Austria. The parts of Carinthia and Carinola were actually quite important, and Italy got them OTL so I dont think they are up for discussion. And youre very right about North Africa. With their decent empire in the Adriatic (Albania was part of the Treaty of London too, but as mail said it wasnt that terribly important. Maybe as compenation for not gaining parts of the German colonial empire?) and North Africa they will be much more focused on integrating and italianising this. Maybe followed by a quick war with France while its down to get Nice, Savoy and Corsica, but they wont risk going for Malta or any additional territories, I would guess.
Yes and no. you're right on the great war dealings (actually thay were attempted just after, in 1919), but the point was that no-one was particularly interested in it.
To make an example, the italian king family had the possibility to get in the Albanian succession line (through marriage) in mid '20 and the king flatly refused because he thought it would not be worth.
After the conquering of Albania the actual words of the king were: was it really worth waging a war to conquer these useless pebbles [questi quattro sassi]?
Even in famine-stricken poor begin-of-the-century italy, there was a way of saying to define something utterly poor and worthless, and that saying was "miserable as Albania [povero come l'Albania]".
Even Mussolini was not very keen on the Albanian expediton, for the simple reason that Albania was already in the italian sphere of infulence , and under de-facto italian economic control.
The (quite comic) Albania conquer was wanted and masterminded by Galeazzo Ciano, which at the time was overawed by the Mussolini figure and strived to present himself as a sound son-in-law (and would-be-successor) of the Duce: the idea was to present himself as the man who give italy another piece of empire.

This is very interesting, thanks :). It sounds like a romantic comedy in a way :p

Carinola is actually in Southern Austria. The parts of Carinthia and Carinola were actually quite important, and Italy got them OTL so I dont think they are up for discussion. And youre very right about North Africa. With their decent empire in the Adriatic (Albania was part of the Treaty of London too, but as mail said it wasnt that terribly important. Maybe as compenation for not gaining parts of the German colonial empire?) and North Africa they will be much more focused on integrating and italianising this. Maybe followed by a quick war with France while its down to get Nice, Savoy and Corsica, but they wont risk going for Malta or any additional territories, I would guess.

When I typed in Carinola on Wiki (dun-dun-dun!! I know), it came up as a city in Southwest Italy. Maybe there are two?

How would Italy fare in a war with France, and what do you mean 'while it's down'?
This is very interesting, thanks :). It sounds like a romantic comedy in a way :p

When I typed in Carinola on Wiki (dun-dun-dun!! I know), it came up as a city in Southwest Italy. Maybe there are two?

How would Italy fare in a war with France, and what do you mean 'while it's down'?

Damn, youre right, there is a town in Campania called Carinola. Well, I meant the other one... :p

As for 'while it's down', I mean that Italy might take advantage of an alt WWII (pretty destined by now, unless there is a hugely different Versaille) to jump on France, a bit like OTL but probably less direct. They might wait for Germany to make peace and leave a ravaged France behind, for example.