Italian Norimberga

What should happen for having a trial against the italian criminals war like in Germany and Japan?
A harder line Communist Party is the easiest way.
However, the worst Italian war crimes were committed 1) before the war, when the Fascist regime was seen as a legitimate partner by the winners 2) largely against not-quite-white-skinned people in Africa who had relativaly little in the way of tools to make their voice heard internationally, in the context of the same colonial "policing" France and Britain were still very much busy undertaking (although thankfully without poison gas, unlike the Italians).

The Italian crimes committed against "civilized" people, while still very nasty, were indeed pretty tame in comparison to what the Nazis and the Japanese had performed.

So, at the international level, the pressure was very limited.

An "internal" Norimberga (trials solely by Italian authorities) would have been possible is the Communist party and others leftists had pushed for that (IOTL they chose not to). The problem was that it was (quite rightly) seen as traumatic and thusly counterproductive to the essential aim of getting back to normalcy as the speediest possible pace.
That of course fostered the extremely dangerous myth that Italians were "good people" that only did wrong thing when forced by the evil Nazis, which would indeed be sort of true if Libyans, Ethiopians and Yugoslavs weren't people, too.

(I have not mentioned persecution and destruction of Italian Jews, because indeed it happened under Nazi urge. But it found quite a willing response. Contrary to widespread belief, Fascism did have an Anti.Semiic streak right from the start, although it took the Steel Pact to become dominant. )
Another point is that Italy was never fully under occupation. In last two years of the war, she had a sort of functioning government that was on the Allied side and which, at various points, included some people compromised with the old regime.
A trial for the war crimes in Ethiopia, for instance, would have had Badoglio among the main convicts (liberal use of poison gas, reprisals on civilians and other assorted nastiness, not to mention the whole business of waging a war of blatant aggression for naked landgrab purposes), which would have been very awkward politically has he had been instrumental in overthrowing Fascism later on.
A lot of those not-quite-Fascists-anymore with less than clean records were useful to the post-war goverments (and to the Western allies).

In order to have a Norimberga-level trial in Italy you should probably have an unbroken Fascist regime that stays in power until the very end and leads to an occupied Italy. A clean slate in order to put the former high brass to trial.
Would that require Mussolini staying in power a lot longer though? Because even the mighty Duce has fallen as a result of Victor Emmanuel III calling for his removal from power.