Island Nation


Inspired by the past idea of Seacrete, I've decided to write a TL where a guy makes an island from it and secedes. I'll post the information in different formats, starting with an article. This is a work in progress, and I'll add to it as I go.

Article from the New York Times
January 26, 2016

By Robert F. Worth

Throughout American history, there have been several attempts at secession. One obvious one, on a very large scale, is the Confederate States seceding from the United States. Another example is the Republic of Texas, although short lived, greatly influenced American and Mexican politics. Even on a smaller scale, the late Mormon Kingdom of Beaver Island in northern Michigan. All of these attempts, however noble, were unsuccessful. Up until now no foreign nations have been formed out of the US. That is, until now.
This nation project started a decade ago. Henry Clinton, no relation to the former president, won the largest lottery jackpot in the history of the country. After taxes, he had roughly three million dollars (Henry took all the money up front). He was the topic of many news stories around the country for many months. You would think that someone whom has won such a large amount of money would be ecstatic; but during many interviews, he was calm and noble during the matter.
“What was your first thought when you saw you won all this money?” I asked him in a recent interview.
“Well, my life is going to change,” he replied, with a quick laugh.


Highlander said:
Throughout American history, there have been several attempts at secession. One obvious one, on a very large scale, is the Confederate States seceding from the United States. Another example is the Republic of Texas, although short lived, greatly influenced American and Mexican politics.

The Republic of Texas wasn't an attempt at secession. It was a successfull secession. The people of Texas successfully seceded from Mexico and formed their own country and then after nine years as a sovereign nation, they voluntarily joined the United States.


Roedecker said:
The Republic of Texas wasn't an attempt at secession. It was a successfull secession. The people of Texas successfully seceded from Mexico and formed their own country and then after nine years as a sovereign nation, they voluntarily joined the United States.

Yes, but the point was that it was a attempt. It didn't actuelly work out; this one is supposed to.
Highlander said:
Yes, but the point was that it was a attempt. It didn't actuelly work out; this one is supposed to.

The point should be made that they 'attempted' - tho only in retrospect - to remain a sovereign nation. Their secession from Mexico was successful. Unless one was to purchase some island from a third world country the attempt is going to fail everywhere else. Sovereignty is pretty much an impossible thing to buy. $3 Million dollars isn't going to buy one anything these days.
I don't know, 3 million dollars could buy you a small third world country if you have enough planning and all. All you would need is a few armed men...

Leo Caesius

Leej said:
I don't know, 3 million dollars could buy you a small third world country if you have enough planning and all. All you would need is a few armed men...
You mean, something like this guy?

If I were to stage a coup d'etat, Equatorial Guinea would be high on my list. I'd turn Fernando Poo into a floating pleasure palace and luxuriate in coffee and chocolates.
Leo Caesius said:
You mean, something like this guy?

If I were to stage a coup d'etat, Equatorial Guinea would be high on my list. I'd turn Fernando Poo into a floating pleasure palace and luxuriate in coffee and chocolates.

Yup, just like that.
Only with better planning.


Heh, I made a mistake there. I meant three hundred million dollars instead of three million.

I'll finish up this article when I get back.


Leej said:
I don't know, 3 million dollars could buy you a small third world country if you have enough planning and all. All you would need is a few armed men...

Not with just 3 mill, most bordering, or even closeby, 'real' nations are going to find you enough of an upstart insult to their sovereignity that they'll spend 3 mill just to take you over.

Remember that sovereignity is seen as dependent on history and nationality and is actually something of pejorative term nowadays. "Good" nations are not supposed to claim it, (tho 800 lb gorillas like the US do it as the "Bush Doctrine", of course) and the smaller a nation is, the more it relies upon others goodwill.

But why just 3 mill$, even a decade ago we had 9 figure jackpots. These come to 44 mill after taxes (and that earns $1,760,000 annual in non-taxable T bills at 4%, so don't EVER let me hear of someone who 'lost it all' after winning the lotto. I'll kill the worthless bastard myself.)

Now 44 mill MIGHT be able to maintain 60-70 well trained men for a year or even two, as long as you can somehow restrain them from throwing $30,000 worth of ordnance at a dog every other night for giggles.

But you have to ensure two things:
One; that your country is not worth anything to anyone, otherwise they will take it, and what can you do and
Two; that it has no income either, which ensures you an unhappy two years of uneasy existence as Ineffective I and then an early death with possibly an entry in the Guinness book as World's Biggest Idiot.

Me, I'd just take the two mill a year and go finance a hashbar w/rooms in Amsterdam's red light district. It might not be world leadership, but I'd get by somehow.


OOhh...Three HUNDRED:eek: :D (crossposted last one, sorry, I type really slow)

Now OK, that's a villa on the Cote d' Azur and the birth of Count Paolo for me but others might be able to finance a revolution.

The problem is labor, at a grand a man a day, 7 days a week a hundred men will eat up 300 mill in hmm...just under 8 years, (3000days). Now lets allow more than that for ordnance, which is again, not cheap....maybe 7years.

That's only 100 men, mind you and that's not elite Special Ops but guys who are working in Bagdad right now running the "Taxi Service" to the airport. They're good, but don't seem all that much better than standard regulars.

You could do it, but probably only as financing another guy who himself had some actual political clout and somehow I don't think the life of Sargeant Doe's American devil Vice President would be all that relaxing for the average American or European college student.

I'd still rather tool around the Riviera in a Lamborghini, but hey, you're not the only one with this idea
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How about this idea?

Consider the usage of the following places as steps towards your FTL:

-Consider the following 750-ft long, 25-story tall vessel, the Freedom Ship, which would serve as the first wholly transportable nation, run by a libertarian group of investors:

and the much smaller, and modestly constructed S.S. Residensea:

-There is also the government of Freedonia that is supposed to be created somewhere in the Carribean or Gulf of Mexico:

or the similarly ambitious city of Oceania, imagined to be constructed in the Pacific Ocean:
@Napoleon: Yes... but before those 8 years are up, you should've managed to take a country like Equatorial Guinea. Then it's only the question how good you can manage it. (What kind of experiences did that Thatcher guy have anyway? Quite funny how many people believe they could run a country...)
You aren't taking into account what taking over a country entails though and the poverty in some areas of the world.
You could maintain a small private army of Africans for a while with 3 million and the promise of riches to come when you take over the country.
3 million is definatly enough to start with, you should get a lot of investors if your plan is sound.

I don't think Thatcher was actually going to install himself as president of the country, he was just part of the plot. They would probally install a local in on the plot as their man on the spot.


I think some of you are missing the point of this. I'm not "taking over" a country; this is about a guy who builds a country from a man made island, that slowly grows over time.

Three hundred million is just a starting point. The island will be a big money maker, from tourism and newly found oil wells (it's around the Gulf of Mexico.

Hopefully when I finish this, it will make a lot more sense . . .
Highlander said:
We all know about that - this is actuelly quite a bit different.

not really, your jackpot winner want's his own real estate not just to own but govern, even with 300 million its really going to be shoestring affair. Exactly what Sealand is, a shoestring country (sort of) which consists of an old WW2 artifact pinched from the UK.