Independent South Yemen name

If the Southern Transitional Council succeeds in making Southern Yemen independent. What do you think they'll call their new country?

Republic of Aden? Republic of South Yemen? Restore the old Democratic Republic of Yemen?

As of now I can't find an offical name for their new country if they succeed. So, what do you think they will call it?
It'll just revert to how it was before 1990. They already tried to recreate South Yemen in 1994, and it was called the Democratic Republic of Yemen. The world would just call it South Yemen or Yemen (Aden), and the Republic of Yemen would be called North Yemen or Yemen (Sana'a). Reminds me of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo, basically.

Unless al-Qaeda takes over, maybe then it will be the Islamic Republic/Emirate of Yemen.

There had been a Lahej Sultanate in southern Yemen during the 18th and early 19th centuries.

Lahej was one of many sultanates, so it be like the US South seceding again and calling itself Virginia instead of the CSA. It doesn't make sense, and isn't acceptable to people on the other side of the country. And given how tribal/clan based the civil war in Yemen is, that would be even worse.