Implausability Check

I bring to you these 3 HOI2 AARs,very good,but completely implausible,but,what I want to know is:In your opinion what´s the most utterlly completely Implausible.Here are the AARs:

The WHRAIT of KHAN! ALL ARRE mine!-Ongoing

Basically is the story of the 2° Mongol Empire,begning in 1936,now the Mongols are fighting the Russians,and control Africa and Eurasia.

Czar Putin and the new Russian Empire,a MDS AAR-Finished

Exactly what says on the tin!It ended with the final war between Super-Russo-Wank against China-Wank.

Raise the Crimson Banner ! - An Albanian World Conquest AAR -Dead

King Zog leads Albania in the ultimate challenge of World Conquest,it died with the Albanian Empire from Turkey to Poland(and Italy)