Hungarian Sponsored Trialism

Simply put, there has been much theorizing about FF and his plans for south Slav trialism, but what if the Magyars beat him to it and cultivated the Croats from early on? The structure is already there in the sub-compromise, it puts wedge between the Croats and Serbs and neutralizes Austrian meddling. Also, Croatia is fairly homogenous and outside the Magyar language zone. I know, I know, the Magyars were obstinately chauvinistic but wouldn't this course be smarter than their historical policies? Could Bosnia have been joined to Croatia? Dalmatia even?
The magyars are indeed very chauvinistic. However if there is a part of their country they are ready to let go its Croatia. In 1848 the hungarian parliament actually voted for the independence of Croatia and though later they changed this course its not ipossible.
The Magyars wouldn't be beating anyone to it as even FF did not want nor plan for Trialism.

Hungary didn't want to give up its influence in Croatia, but most of all it didn't want any changes to the status quo because, once that ball starts rolling there's no telling where it might end up - Hungary's own minorities demand the same? Partial breakup, or complete breakup? And the new Greater-Croatian government might very well become an enemy of Hungary.

It would have been viewed as potentially dangerous and not that useful. There was already a wedge between Croats and Serbs. And the Hungarian and Austrian governments were already skilled in exploiting that wedge and keeping local politicians obedient with divide-and-conquer tactics and the occasional good cop/bad cop act.