How would you have handled Versailles?

Geneva was actually Lloyd George’s and Wilson’s preferred location until they were informed that there were a large number of German agents operating in the city.

I’m surprised The Hague wasn’t proposed since that had a long history of hosting international treaty conferences.

Geneva would be the first choice, however The Hague can do as a compromise. What's important is that everybody concerned is given a fair shake at the peace conference.
My Post World War I Peace Treaty

  • Venue
    • Have the Peace Conference in a neutral location (ie Geneva).
      • The French won't be able to play to the crowd.
      Did they ever do that? I don't imagine demonstrations marching through the palace parks.
    • Make sure everybody concerned is invited to the conference.
      • Takes away the German excuse of a 'dictated' peace.
      Good point, actually, IMHO.
    • The treaty neigoiation sessions to be closed to the public.
      • To make sure nobody can play to the crowd.
      I don't think that "secret diplomacy" would have helped the legitimacy of the treaty, neither in Germany nor elsewhere.
  • Germany
    • Form of government to be decided by Germany, nobody else.
      • No 'Stab in the Back' business.
      That is actually not that easy. The alleged "Stab in the back" would remein the Right Wing's excuse for every nonsense as the revolution HAD happened in November 1918. The TOV cannot state it didn't happen, even if Germany returned to becoming a monarchy. Also, the German form of government was decided upon by the Germans. They felt that the victorious powers preferred a Republic, but they themselves drove the monarchs out and defeated Communist uprisings. The parties (SPD, Zentrum, DDP) which won the elections to the Nationalversammlung in early 1919 ran on a Democratic platform (although they wouldn't have actively abolished the monarchy either but would have supported the Septemberverfassung of 1918, too).
    • No Polish Corridor.
      • No German government in their right mind would accept East Prussia being seperated from the rest of Germany.
      • Geopolitical stability in this case trumps ethnic borders.
      Your idea of trumping sounds a bit arbitrary, to be honest. In this case, though, I second your thoughts. The enclave of East Prussia is so simple to point out as an odditity that you can even indoctrinate a two-year-old with that. A solution to guarantee Poland trade-access to the sea would have to be found, though. That is the tricky thing.
    • Status Alsace-Lorraine to be decided by the people living there.
      • German dialect spoken by inhabitants.
      • Was part of Germany (HRE) longer than it was part of France.
      • If Alsace-Lorraine votes to become part of France, it like the Rhineland is to be allowed only light military forces for self-defense.
      That is all very true and noble. But as long as France exists in this timeline, it won't happen once Germany has lost. If you have a stalemate-peace, your chances stand better for such a solution. What should have been imposed, though, is a clause to forbid France to expel residents (or urge them otherwise to leave) of Elsaß-Lothringen if they had lived there at least for 10 years (or have been born afterwards).
    • Light Military forces only allowed in the Rhineland.
      • Addresses France's security needs while at the same reminds them not to srcew with Germany.
      That is sadly just a few years ahead of its time. IMHO it would have made perfect sense to have the whole area right and left of the Rhine policed by a joint effort. Might have turned nasty, but could have taught everyone a lesson how to play nice and get along. Go**amnit.
    • Danish part of Schlweig-Holtstein returned to Denmark.
      • As per OTL.
    • Austria to be annexed to Germany.Just won't happen. You don't grant the loser (annexation would be the wrong term here anyways, unification after a plebiscite would be better) such major territorial gains.
      • Bohemia (Czech Republic) keeps the Sudetenland. (Secure borders trumps ethnic borders)
      Yes and no. We are here in St. Germain-territory, anyways. Your proposal would be no long-term solution if you allow Austria to go German. You would directly skip to summer '38. The treaty should enforce the CSR to become a federal state (example of Switzerland to be binding). The Czechs would foam, but it would be to their own good.
      • Italy gains the Tyrol. (Secure borders trumps ethnic borders)
      Actually, I would put it the other way round here. When post-1918-Austria is your neighbour, your borders are secure. A border North or South of Bozen/Bolzano (I am not exactly sure which would be fair) is secure enough for Italy!
    • German colonies divided among Allies.
      • As per OTL.
    • No War Guilt Clause
      • Germany, Britain, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Serbia were all equally guilty of starting the war.
      "Equally" is more than debatable. However, a war guilt clause is needed as a legitimation. More reasonable Germans were actually just annoyed at the exclusive war guilt. I think it would be elegant to state that "While Germany had a share of guilt to the general outbreak of hostilities comparable to other nations, it had to bear the largest part of the responsibility for bringing the conflict to Western Europe by declaring war on France and violating the sovereignty of Luxemburg and Belgium." That would be justification to make the Germans pay while it would be far harder to be attacked.
  • Reconstruction Fund
    • Everybody pays 10% of national revenue of fund.
    • War Debts and Reparations to be paid out of fund.
        • Germans won't be able to say 'Highway Robbery'.
        • US will get their war-debt money.
        • France and Belgium will get money to rebuild.
        I suggest you read it again and find out who unworkable this is. This is so open to fiscal manipulation (OK, the reparations were, too) and also it means that Germany only pays a very little fraction of the whole costs. War debts are everybody's own business. And I always had the idea that while Germany pays Belgian reconstruction, a share of the effort would have to be done via German contractors. Unrealistic, too, I know, but it would be interesting.

see in the quote
With the benefit of hindsight, the first thing I would like to change is the location and method. Instead of the Versailles Treaty, it would be the Strasbourg/Strassburg Conference.

a) Lorraine is to be given to France, a plebiscite is to be held to determine the future of Elsass/Alsace on continued union with Germany or annexation to France.

b) Other plebiscites are to be held at the following areas: Schleswig, Tyrol, Istria.

c) Czechoslovakia is to become a federal state, with equal rights given to Sudeten Germans, Slovaks, Ruthenes as the Czechs.

d)The Austrian people are free to choose their form of govenment, but is to shoulder primary responsibility for starting the war; and must stay separate from germany for 20 years, after the time period is up, the issue of union is decided through a referendum. Reparation is in the form of 200 million Krones to Serbia/Yugoslavia per year for 20 years.

e) Hungary is to shoulder secondary responsibility and its borders are defined as per OTL Treaty of Trianon for 30 years, any intended revision must wait until the 30 years are up, and in the meantime the border agreement is guaranteed with help from neighbouring nations.

f) Germany is to shoulder tertiary responsibility, and reparations to france is in the form of Togoland, Kamerun and a payment of 5 billion Reichsmarks per year for 10 years. Belgium is given 2.5 billion reichsmarks per year for 15 years. The colonies of Tanganyika and Kaiser Wilhelms Land is given to Great Britain while the Carolines is given to Japan, minor reparation money to China as compensation, along with Shandong. The colony of South West Africa is under South African mandate. The German army is to be reduced to 3/4ths of the French army, the Kriegsmarine reduced in tonnage to half of that of the Royal Navy, and the air force permitted to operate 100 planes total.

g)the League of Nations will administer the following territories for 10 years, after which plebiscites will be held: Danzig-Gdynia, Memel, Saarland, Upper Silesia, City of Rijeka.

h) Most of the province of Posen/Poznan and a strip of land connecting aforementioned province to Danzig-Gdynia is given to Poland.

i) Lithuania is to have port rights at Memel. Poland to have port rights to both Danzig and Gdynia. territorial rearrangements to be made at either nation's request.

j) Rhineland (only) demilitarised. Straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles open to all shipping and the turkish republic do not reserve the rights to close the straits in times of war.

k) former arab lands held by the Ottoman empire to be divided into mandates of the Entente powers. Hejaz comes under british influence.

l) Bulgaria to cede Aegean coastline to Greece.

m)Status of Vilnius/Wilno to be decided through an International Court.

Extraordinary situations:
1. any state within Germany is permitted, in fact, encouraged to form their own type of govenment, be it monarchy or republic. If any state wish to secede, they may do so, with their peoples' consent.
2. The rights of any group in Yugoslavia is to be respected.
e) Hungary is to shoulder secondary responsibility and its borders are defined as per OTL Treaty of Trianon for 30 years, any intended revision must wait until the 30 years are up, and in the meantime the border agreement is guaranteed with help from neighbouring nations.
I don't quite understand the idea behind this point. Doesn't it basically say "Gear up for revisions and possible war in 30 years?"
a strip of land connecting aforementioned province to Danzig-Gdynia is given to Poland.
How much land exactly? Less than OTL Corridor doesn't solve the underlying problem and more than OTL seems far-fetched in the context of the treaty.
Hm. Alright.

Have Austria (or whatever is the A-H successor state) accept responsibility for the war, instead of Germany.

France still gets Alsace back still

Germany doesn't lose land in the east, but must allow ethnic Poles to migrate to the new polish state if they wish.

Reparations and restrictions on Germany aren't as harsh, but there still should be some.
Whoops, I actually meant an extraterritorial railway and roads to Danzig and Gdynia and the right to use the Vistula for river transportation, if any.

This sort of thing would require the most rigid enforcement of the treaty to work. What if, at some later date, Germany decides to block transit across that transport route until Poland consents to some demands? Who would die for a railway, especially if Germany manages to rearm in before making such demands?
For a more realistic and likely-to-be-enforced version:

1) Leave Neuilly as it was.

2) When it comes to Austria, permit an Anschluss on the condition that the border with the new Czechoslovakia is guaranteed by a DMZ on both sides of the border. Secure this DMZ further with a Franco-Italian joint bloc to safeguard the new border, strengthened by territorial concessions in the Adriatic to secure that Italy would be interested in this.

3) Integrate the Bolsheviks into Europe, using an EU-style approach to smother the revolution in bread and butter. This would prevent any possibility that Bolshevik Russia would need to turn to Germany to reconstruct a military, securing in particular a joint bloc of the French and Bolshies against Germany, preserving the alliance that began the war, combining it with a new, more tightly-knit approach to unifying all the other states. Additionally, specify Eastern European borders, such as Poland's on the Curzon Line, thus to forestall any German attempts to end-run guarantees of the Western border by going to war in the East.

4) When it comes to Hungary, create a customs union-military alliance of a Hungarian-Yugoslav-Bulgarian-Romanian economic bloc and military alliance, integrating the Balkans states into a united economic bloc that's interdependent and not able or willing to go to war against each other without mutual economic collapse.

5) Accept that the Allied conquests in the Near East form the core of LoN mandates, but do not try to partition Anatolia, seeking instead to return Transcaucasia to the USSR in return for a joint Greco-Turkish customs union and economic bloc that would make it impossible for either to risk war against each other.

6) Germany must disarm all weapons for an offensive war, retaining enough to defend itself against its neighbors, meaning that it cannot have armor or aircraft carriers or submarines but can have a surplus of heavy artillery and other weapons unfeasible to invade other countries. The amount of troops are also appropriate to defend Germany, this and nothing more. The peace treaty must be signed by the dictators who lost the war, not a new Republic that might be weakened, then the new Republic is permitted this kind of military at the expense of another, and this together with economic guarantees means that Germany is less likely to turn its Self-Defense Force into an offensive military. Germany yields Alsace-Lorraine and accepts a temporary French interest in the Saar, for a term specified for a specific duration of years, in return for the German devastation of French mines.

No War Guilt Clause for anyone, that's an idea that can only end poorly.

It's got the right combination of idealism and the more indirect means of power that it'd have at least a chance of enforcement beyond OTL Versailles.
Snake: It sounds like the stuff directed at Germany would be stuff that after things settle down to a state that nations can pretend to be reasonable people again can be approached again - maybe not specifically spelled out as such, but there's room for dealing with things when it comes up.

Germany really, really isn't in much of a position to maintain much beyond a Self Defense Force in 1918 anyway. Keeping a powerful offensive-bent force in existence would be a dreadful strain on a greatly overburdened by the war economy.

It'll recover, sure, but by that point, it can be worked out when that comes up, assuming things have generally held together.


see in the quote

More reasonable Germans were actually just annoyed at the exclusive war guilt. I think it would be elegant to state that "While Germany had a share of guilt to the general outbreak of hostilities comparable to other nations, it had to bear the largest part of the responsibility for bringing the conflict to Western Europe by declaring war on France and violating the sovereignty of Luxemburg and Belgium."
Which wasn't in the treaty OTL.

`The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies

The ignorance people show here is staggering, really :p
The ignorance people show here is staggering, really :p

Well, speaking for myself, that looks a lot like saying its "all your fault". A plural you, but a you directed at Germany and friends.

But that's not technically exclusive - just partisan.


This is the realistic one, right? I'm not picking on you, simply commenting on everyone's fantastic scenarios would be too exhausting. If i didn't mentione something, it's realistic in my opinion.

3) Integrate the Bolsheviks into Europe, using an EU-style approach to smother the revolution in bread and butter. This would prevent any possibility that Bolshevik Russia would need to turn to Germany to reconstruct a military, securing in particular a joint bloc of the French and Bolshies against Germany, preserving the alliance that began the war, combining it with a new, more tightly-knit approach to unifying all the other states. Additionally, specify Eastern European borders, such as Poland's on the Curzon Line, thus to forestall any German attempts to end-run guarantees of the Western border by going to war in the East.
Appeasing Bolsheviks is simply impossible with, say, Lloyd George at the helm. And Entente deciding Polish-Bolshevik borders is fantasy, they had practically no leverage there at all.

4) When it comes to Hungary, create a customs union-military alliance of a Hungarian-Yugoslav-Bulgarian-Romanian economic bloc and military alliance, integrating the Balkans states into a united economic bloc that's interdependent and not able or willing to go to war against each other without mutual economic collapse.
Happy convincing Romanians and Hungarians to cooperate. This is also borderline ASB.

5) Accept that the Allied conquests in the Near East form the core of LoN mandates, but do not try to partition Anatolia, seeking instead to return Transcaucasia to the USSR in return for a joint Greco-Turkish customs union and economic bloc that would make it impossible for either to risk war against each other.
Greek-Turkish... uh, what next? Polish-German economic union (well, that one would be more realistic, actually)? This is no go.

6) Germany must disarm all weapons for an offensive war, retaining enough to defend itself against its neighbors, meaning that it cannot have armor or aircraft carriers or submarines but can have a surplus of heavy artillery and other weapons unfeasible to invade other countries. The amount of troops are also appropriate to defend Germany, this and nothing more. The peace treaty must be signed by the dictators who lost the war, not a new Republic that might be weakened, then the new Republic is permitted this kind of military at the expense of another, and this together with economic guarantees means that Germany is less likely to turn its Self-Defense Force into an offensive military. Germany yields Alsace-Lorraine and accepts a temporary French interest in the Saar, for a term specified for a specific duration of years, in return for the German devastation of French mines.
Kaiser in Holland, Ludendorff in Sweden, and treaty signed by what amounts to private citizens... interesting.


Well, speaking for myself, that looks a lot like saying its "all your fault". A plural you, but a you directed at Germany and friends.

But that's not technically exclusive - just partisan.
Ah, yes - but that's what the poster proposed, non-exclusive war guilt, not aware that's exactly what was IOTL treaty...

Of course, it could be changed by adding others by name, still, you can't call OTL wording "exclusive".
It increases German influence above the pre-war levels.

Seriously though, you don't see anything wrong with Poles continuing to be dependant on Germany?

Again: OTL is any different? Having a larger state didn't do Poland much good OTL in the next twenty or so years.

Poland is too weak to avoid being overshadowed by Germany even if that's only in the economic sphere. Whether I regard that as wrong or not won't rebalance the scales.

Personally I think the idea of reestablishing a Polish state is an exercise in folly. Not wrong per se, but...its neighbors overshadow it so badly it hurts.


This is worse (I might even go so far as to say "different") than OTL how again? :(
Well, if we go by ethnic cleansing, why not partition East Prussia between Poland and Lithuanian with the condition that these countries "allow" ethnic Germans to migrate to Germany? That gets rid of the corridor issue, too :D

(not actually directed at you since it wasn't you who made that silly proposal)


Again: OTL is any different? Having a larger state didn't do Poland much good OTL in the next twenty or so years.

Poland is too weak to avoid being overshadowed by Germany even if that's only in the economic sphere. Whether I regard that as wrong or not won't rebalance the scales.

Personally I think the idea of reestablishing a Polish state is an exercise in folly. Not wrong per se, but...its neighbors overshadow it so badly it hurts.
That could be said about plenty of states, though. Czechoslovakia, Poland, Baltic States, Finland, basically everyone that happens to border Russia. Or China. ;)
Well, if we go by ethnic cleansing, why not partition East Prussia between Poland and Lithuanian with the condition that these countries "allow" ethnic Germans to migrate to Germany? That gets rid of the corridor issue, too :D

(not actually directed at you since it wasn't you who made that silly proposal)

This is the sort of thing that makes me want a treaty that adjusts borders as little as possible, because any adjustments wind up badly.

That could be said about plenty of states, though. Czechoslovakia, Poland, Baltic States, Finland, basically everyone that happens to border Russia. Or China. ;)

See above. It sucks, I don't like it, but I don't want to commit to something I have no faith in just because I dislike the alternative.