How dangerous would a Fascist America be?

How Dangerous would a Fascist America Be?

  • Very Dangerous

    Votes: 193 82.1%
  • Mildly Dangerous

    Votes: 39 16.6%
  • Not Dangerous at all

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters
I can't really make an informed decision on this since it really depends on what kind of fascists we're talking about. Is it some Nazi-analogue with an Uber Manifest Destiny ideology? A Business Plot gone mad military coup/dictatorship?

Depending on the fascists it ranges from very dangerous, to not at all dangerous.

I can't imagine them being anything less than terrifying for Latin America, and for their own citizens. Other details are up in the air.
I think Hitler's perception the the United States is probably somewhat plastic; especially on the racial front, I think it's telling that none of his main allies were really Germanic like he'd want. Hungary, Romania, Italy, Spain, Japan. If the U.S. makes a good show of its Anglo-Saxon fascism, consistently opposes the Soviets, and comes to an understanding re: spheres of influence (Germany gets Continental Europe, U.S. gets the Western Hemisphere and Allied Asian colonies) I don't know that Hitler would consider them the Final Boss as per OTL. Certainly, I think he'd prefer an Anglo Saxon to an Asian ally if both show equally fervent anti-communism.
Ahh yes, fascism. A bit of a malleable term. The Germans never really propped up many fascists in France as Hitler thought Laval and Petain were better for German interests, so can't really get examples their. Then there were the radical ones they set up in Croatia which caused them a lot of trouble. Anyways, I think a lot of Fascists (or just right-wing groups) where focusing on their own countries, restructuring order there, and regaining areas of land they had lost previously or that was populated by their own ethnicity. The Turks and Greeks and Ormanians and Bulgarians even did their own population exchanges to clear things up, though they weren't really Fascist at those points, and then they didn't go after the territories of each other much. Romania refused an offer to occupy up to the River Bug because of a couple reasons. One, they didn't believe they could police it well while dealing with their other commitments. Two, the Germans controlled the economy in Transnistria while the Romanians did the heavy lifting. This would just mean more work by Romanians to help the Germans. And three, they didn't want that land. They wanted ROMANIAN land. The Nazis wanted everything. I don't see the Americans going this route as much as their was a strong tradition of elected government and they wouldn't allow someone with a marked minority of seats in the legislature become dictator. Hell, with the amount of guns in the US, despots would need to hide to keep themselves safe, opening them to ridicule. And really, what would the Americans go Fascist for? There wasn't even any land they would want to annex.