hollywood becomes rightwing

make hollywood right wing

California Bungalow style becomes dominated by a recessed entrance at left, large prominent front room at right, bulging forwards as a mass.

This style is taken up by Hollywood mansions, regardless of other architectural style, giving the dominant "mono-wing" mansion style of Hollywood domestic architecture, the mono-wing universally being a right wing.

Sam R.
Hollywood actually is more rightwing that americans tend to see it generally.

Beyond a 'latté liberal' cover, there is pretty much trends of conservatism rising now and then, with noted conservatives figures as Eastwood and Schwarsy.

Buddy, you speak of peoples who made Rambo movies by example. :rolleyes: And look at how things as Brokeback Mountain where recieved...
Hollywood actually is more rightwing that americans tend to see it generally.

Beyond a 'latté liberal' cover, there is pretty much trends of conservatism rising now and then, with noted conservatives figures as Eastwood and Schwarsy.

Buddy, you speak of peoples who made Rambo movies by example. :rolleyes: And look at how things as Brokeback Mountain where recieved...

first all clint eastwood is not conservative \he made that anti american
movie flags of our fathers and that pro japanese movie letters of iwo jima

Deleted member 1487

first all clint eastwood is not conservative \he made that anti american
movie flags of our fathers and that pro japanese movie letters of iwo jima

What??? Did you miss his speech at the RNC in 2012? He's a life long Republican. Are you just trolling?
What??? Did you miss his speech at the RNC in 2012? He's a life long Republican. Are you just trolling?
no i'm trolling

watch flags of our fathers and letters of iwo jima compare them both

flags - anti american [americans evil]
letters - pro japanese [they even take care of a pow which is bs]
Yes, we can see the obvious left-wing bend of things such as The Dark Knight Rises and every Michael Bay movie.

In any case, this was certainly moreso the case in the fifties in response to things such as HUAC.

Deleted member 1487

no i'm trolling

watch flags of our fathers and letters of iwo jima compare them both

flags - anti american [americans evil]
letters - pro japanese [they even take care of a pow which is bs]

I have seen both several times. It wasn't about Americans being evil, it was humanizing and demythologizing the WW2 generation and what they did, while Letters is equally demythologizing the Japanese soldier too, making him a human being not a propaganda inspired 'Jap' from the old movies. Eastwood was making them against the grain, not to make 'liberal' statement. Watch Heatbreak Ridge if you want one of his ra-ra Americana films.
"Flags of our fathers" is anti-American??? 'The Dark Knight Rises' is right wing??? I think both right and left wing have serious issues, you guys see enemies everywhere.

That said, Hollywood is not overwhelmingly liberal/left wing as frequently suggested. As mentioned, there's still Michael Bay and he's hardly alone in flag waving. Even then, he may just be doing it to pander to the market (note that if he needs to pander to Chinese market, he'll do it, just like Marvel, just like damn near everyone currently in Hollywood!), same with any so-callled left wing/liberal movie.

One thing cannot be disputed, Hollywood is capitalist. So that's closer to right wing already :p

Oh well, thanks to this thread I feel the need to go watch evil Chris Nolan's right wing masterpiece again! :D
"Flags of our fathers" is anti-American??? 'The Dark Knight Rises' is right wing??? I think both right and left wing have serious issues, you guys see enemies everywhere.

That said, Hollywood is not overwhelmingly liberal/left wing as frequently suggested. As mentioned, there's still Michael Bay and he's hardly alone in flag waving. Even then, he may just be doing it to pander to the market (note that if he needs to pander to Chinese market, he'll do it, just like Marvel, just like damn near everyone currently in Hollywood!), same with any so-callled left wing/liberal movie.

One thing cannot be disputed, Hollywood is capitalist. So that's closer to right wing already :p

Oh well, thanks to this thread I feel the need to go watch evil Chris Nolan's right wing masterpiece again! :D

Just as a note I don't think TDKR is as Ameriright-pandering as some make it out to be, but it's not exactly what some would define as too 'left' either. ;)
One of the reasons recent American films avoid outright American nationalism is because it doesn't do well in the international market.
One of the reasons recent American films avoid outright American nationalism is because it doesn't do well in the international market.

American/Hollywood movies, avoiding nationalism? :rolleyes: Yes, there is moves to cull down obvious chauvinism, but the number of times americans are the GOOD big G guys, or things shown american pov, or with a light nationalism-patriotism.. :rolleyes:

Hollywood LIVES on America, F*** Yeah!, to cite a certain movie and TV Tropes.

To be fair, the world of blockbusters and big studios is different than the Sundance crowd, the smaller indie cinema. THIS is another thing....
Just as a note I don't think TDKR is as Ameriright-pandering as some make it out to be, but it's not exactly what some would define as too 'left' either. ;)
It may not be left, but it's certainly not right wing. The fact that there was a vaguely socialist uprising portrayed as a bad thing doesn't make it a right-wing movie. You might as well call Interstellar left-wing propaganda because its central premise is climate change and space exploration. I don't particularly think Christopher Nolan has a particularly major bias either way, but if the bias exists it's certainly not one of "Ameright-pandering".
Wasn't Hollywood Right Wing back in the Cold War? All those War films, Cop thrillers, Westerns, Noir, and Spy thrillers?

Go on YouTube and watch some short black and white films from the 1950s. Like the ones on Homosexuality, Women in the workplace, and Race issues.

Plus look at the Cartoons from MGM,Disney, and Warner Brothers.

And I'm sure Rocky IV came straight out of the Reagan campaign office.

Hollywood was Right Wing pretty much to the 1990s. This thread is OTL.

But I guess you want it Right Wing today. That's easy, just keep the Cold War going.
Hollywood isn't left-wing. Hollywood isn't right-wing. Hollywood is money-wing. It will go wherever the money's at. It's a business.

Are most actors left-wing? Certainly, for the same reason most engineers and commercial geologists are right-wing- interest in the given career choice tends to correlate with a set of personality traits which tend to correlate with a set of political views.

On the whole, though, I can think of more successful Hollywood films off the top of my head that pander to a right-wing audience than to a left-wing one.
I don't think it's fair to cite films where the Soviets are the bad guys during the Cold War as evidence of right-wing sentiment in Hollywood- during World War II, the Germans and Japanese were the bad guys, during the Cold War the Soviets were the bad guys and after 9/11 Muslim terrorists were the bad guys.
One thing that Conservatives are right about is that there's been memorable films about the Holocaust but there's never been memorable films about Stalin's or Mao's crimes. Plus, every time the Second Red Scare is depicted, the victim is always an innocent liberal and not someone willfully blind to Stalin's evil.