Hitler wins in 1932


The 1932 Reichspräsidentenwahl was mostly between Adolf Hitler and Paul von Hindenburg. In OTL, the aging Hindenburg won the elections and made Adolf Hitler his Chancellor.

But what-if Hitler managed to win the Presidential Elections instead of Hindenburg? Who would be his Chancellor? What are the other consequences?
If Hitler became Reichspresident, he'd probably pick either Goering or Goebbels to be his Reichschancellor. Other than removing an impediment to power such as Hindenburg, I don't see major differences except in details of Coordination (dissolving the government himself, then rigging the election so that the NSDAP becomes the majority party or things like that; and easier dismantling of the opposition) and that some things happen a year or two early.


I think it could have made a significant difference, just because the timing of everything gets thrown all out whack. First off, the no Riechstag fire thing creates a significant level of differences. Hitler and the Nazis obviously want to assume absolute power but they also need a reason. Will they manufacture one? If so, will the manufactured one work as well as the real one?
I think it could have made a significant difference, just because the timing of everything gets thrown all out whack. First off, the no Riechstag fire thing creates a significant level of differences. Hitler and the Nazis obviously want to assume absolute power but they also need a reason. Will they manufacture one? If so, will the manufactured one work as well as the real one?

Well if you're asking about differences to the means, not to the ends, then there might be some. The end result would still be the same - Nazi Germany preparing for war by the end of the 1930s.

As for the manufactured incident, it depends on what you're proposing.