Higher Black American presence in Hard Rock/Heavy Metal

Recently, I was listening to 'Death' but not Chuck Schuldiner's group, this other band that came out of Detroit in the early 70's. They had this album that I heard about here that had a song called 'Politicians in my Eyes' that I heard the first time and loved. As I listened to the whole album recently, I was more and more impressed with their sound as it had a very Black Sabbath meets raw punk meets general hard rock kind of feel; a link to the songs if you want to hear them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFs11ZFLpjE

What I was wondering is if Death becomes popular in America and Europe given the right circumstances, does this give Black Americans a bigger role in Hard Rock and even Heavy Metal; does it give Black Americans in Detroit a radically different musical identity than in other areas?