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Nice update and I like the internal ramblings which make that TL style so unique.

Shiftygiant: who is the guy in the picture with the indian thing on his head ?

What is a primary but an agglomeration of democracy the counted-up votes of the populace all measured together weighed on an arbitrary scale with some votes having more merits than others more powers than others because they award the candidate with these strange little men called delegates delegates are like the electoral college in miniature aren't they the people decide on their existence but then they don't get to vote for the man they want the party does and the delegates do for God's sake the voter's choice doesn't even matter in '68 it didn't matter the people didn't choose Humphrey and I respect Humphrey but nobody chose him but the party the party chose him to run against Nixon fucking Nixon McCarthy won the most votes but he wasn't the choice of the party no the party chose Humphrey and perhaps he was even the best choice of the party but for God's sake why him why him why him?

"We've won Idaho, Senator McGovern."

"Thought as much. That's good. And, uh, it's, uh... Vermont next?"

"Yes, Senator McGovern."


"That'd be good Muskie turf, I guess. Are you sure he's dropping out?"

"He said he would."

"What did you offer him?"


"We can't give that away forever, George."

"I know, but the man can handle it, can't he?"

"Sure, sure. It's an expensive promise to make, though."

"Did... Is he endorsing you?"

"Yes. He said he would."

In Vermont:

"Thank you all for coming today."

Cheers. Applause.

"I want to thank you all so very much for fighting the good fight with me. I still believe America can be a nation of moral leadership and high purpose. I still believe America can be a symbol of hope for all mankind."

A pause.

"America is not what America should be, and we need change."

"But I will not be the one to offer that change."

"Please, please. It has become obvious that I will not be able to win the nomination."

"I am suspending my campaign, and I swear to endorse the eventual nominee."

"I still believe that America can have a new beginning, a new life."

"Thank you."​


"Oh, that traitorous bastard!"


"Fuck you, Ed Muskie! FUCK! YOU!"

"Now, Gary, I doubt he can hear you through the TV-"


"Gary, please, would you calm down?"

"Sorry. I got... carried away."


"Well, it's not... that bad."

"What he's done is he's reenergized Humphrey's campaign."


"So, he's our competition in Vermont now."


"That'll be a battle."



I'd also just like to say how flattered and stunned I am at being nominated for Turtledoves. That's really awesome of you guys, and it means a lot to me. Thank you all so much. :)