Help Request Operation R4

Anyone have a Order of Battle for Operation R4? Got some stuff off Wiki but it's rather incomplete.

I'm trying to get an idea of what units were planned to be sent and what were there designated landing areas for a possible timeline.

Sorry if this a bother, tried searching the site but the search engines fighting me again.
Ok got a rough outline of how the Operation was organized.

24th Guards Brigade with:
1st Battalion, Scots Guards on board the Batory
1st Battalion, Irish Guards on board the Monarch of Bermuda
2nd Battalion, South Wales Borderers on board the Reino de Pacifica
and misc support onboard the Empress of Australia.
Naval escort/support provided by the cruisers HMS Aurora & HMS Penelope with the destroyers HMS Maori, HMS Shanty, HMS Foxhound, HMS Escapade & HMS Encounter

1 battalion of the 146th Infantry Brigade on board the Chrobry

2 battalions of the 146th Infantry Brigade

2 battalions of the 148th Infantry Brigade

Bergen & Stavanger forces embarked onboard the cruisers HMS Devonshire
HMS York, HMS Berwick & HMS Glasow

Not sure which units were on what ships for Trondheim, Bergen or Stavanger, if any body has more information feel free to pipe up or I may just wing it when I write out the timeline(s).

Units assigned to the 146th Infantry Brigade were:
4th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment
1/4th Battalion, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Hallamshire Battalion, The York & Lancaster Regiment

Units assigned to the 148th Infantry Brigade were:
1/5th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment
1/5th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters
8th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters