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Sea of sand
1 week after Gregory’s entry into the desert:

Gregory’s army continued to navigate the sea of sand. Everyone had dried hair, all the men felt the blazing sun, and all they could see was sand. The soldiers complained about the sand, saying that it is coarse and rough and gets everywhere. For the wind, it may feel like a cut, but to their senses, the desert was hellish. Gregory has lost 800 men to the sea of sand, but mass casualties have been avoided. They told him that the best hours to move are early in the morning and in the evening.

They also told the men to dress for the desert-like conditions by wearing long sleeves, and that all the wagons and other supplies needed to be carried by camels or men and not by horses since they would die and they needed their cavalry for the upcoming battles. Even with this knowledge of the Berbers, the desert is giving much trouble to the usurper, but he has not lost heart yet and is convinced that the rewards will be worth the torture of this hellish place.


Valentinus is still preparing his troops, his supplies, and the navy. He is wondering where Gregory is; his scouts did not find him in Tripolina or on the coast to march to Egypt. Has he returned to Carthage? asked the general. The few days went by fast, and he still wondered where the usurper was.

Libyan Desert: Despite their loyalty, the majority of men signed up to fight the Romans and heretics and install Gregory as emperor, not go on a mortal expedition. As every day passed, they lost their fervor, and only his most loyal men and the Berbers who were paid in high quantities of gold stayed loyal to him. The men were fed up; they did not want to die, and even if they agreed to a sacrifice, they wanted to do so fighting the heretics and their supporters, not here in the dune sea. As a rumor spread that they were lost, which they were, the last ounce of loyalty vanished The men took their arms and were willing to kill Gregory; he tried to calm them to no avail; some of his troops in the front ran to avoid the massacre; the Berbers did so as well; Gregory was thrown off his horse to the ground; the men screamed and cursed him for leading them to their deaths until one of the men from the front who just came back yelled.


The men stopped what they were doing, even though Gregory was surprised; the men ran to see, and indeed they saw the water, the one that Gregory had promised. The men ran to it without a second thought. The Berber commander came and said to Gregory, The Berber commander apologized for leaving him; he went to check the location of the oasis. Gregory did not believe in him, but he could not care less; these men want gold, and as long as there are no more mutinies, he would keep the Berbers in line. He asked, Where are we?

The Berbers replied that they were near where Gholaia once stood, and they rested for a three-day rest before they went west and had the troops stockpile on resources, especially water. Gregory replied that he would do this, and he smiled despite his soldiers almost killing him, knowing that they would trust him more and that all the pains would be worth it.

It was likely Gregory did lose track as the valleys had not flooded, as the rains usually come in the winter, but he had still moved south to propose to the local Berbers to join, which he managed to do after giving them lavish gifts.
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Mid May 1 week after Gregory’s entered the desert:

Gregory’s army continue to navigate the sea of sand, everyone had dried hair , all the men felt the blazing Sun and all they could see sand . The soldiers complained about the sand saying that it’s coarse, rough and it gets everywhere.

for them wind may feel alike a cut, to their senses, the desert was hellish , Gregory has lost 800 men to the sea of sand ,mass casualties have been avoided to the Berbers knowledge , they told him that the best hours to move is early morning and in the evening.

They also told the men to dress for the desert like wearing long sleeves, and that all the wagons and other supplies need it to be carried by camels or men , not the horses since they will die and they need their Calvary for the upcoming battles.

Even with the knowledge of the Berbers ,this desert is giving many troubles to the usurper ; but he has not lost heart yet he is convinced that the rewards will be worth the torture of this hellish place.


Valentinuis is still preparing his troops, his supplies and the navy, he is wondering where Gregory is, his scouts did not find him in tripolina neither in the coast to march to Egypt. Has he returned to Carthage? said the general. the few days went by pretty fast he still wondered where the usurper was.

Libyan Desert:

despite their loyalty the most men sing up to fight the romans and heretics, not going in to a mortal expedition, as every day passed somewhere losing their fervor, only his most loyal men and the Berbers who were paid in high quantities of gold stayed loyal to him.

Early June

the men where fed up, they did not want to die and even if they did they wanted to do so fighting the heretics ,and his supporters not here and not this way in a sea of dunes and as a rumor spread that they were lost , the last ounce of loyalty vanished .

The men took their arms and where willing to kill Gregory he tried to calm them to no avail, some of his troops in the front ran to avoid the massacre the Berbers did so as well.

Gregory was thrown of his horse to the ground the men screamed and cursed him for leading them to their deaths ,until one of the men from the front who just came back yelled .


The men stopped what they were doing even Gregory was surprised, the men ran to see and indeed they saw an oasis , the one that Gregory had promised . the men ran to it with out a second though .

The Berber commander came and said to Gregory, sorry for leaving you we wanted to confirm if this was the place of the oasis.

Gregory did not believe in him but he could not care less these men want gold as long as there are no more munities he would keep the Berbers in line.

He asked where are we?

The Berber replied, the Arab traders call this oasis Awbari , I recommend a 3 day rest before we go to the east have the troops stockpile on recourses like wood and specially water.

Gregory replied of course it will be done.

He smiled despite his soldiers almost killing him he knew thanks to they will trust him more and that all the pains will be worth it.
You sure that gregorys troops arent related to Anakin Skywalker ?
Red dunes
When early May arrived in Constantinople after a month of preparation, Valentinus had his army, some 1800 cataphracts, and some light cavalry, and the rest were Greek, Anatolian, and Armenian infantry, which was made up of skirmishers and melee warriors, and he set sail with 300 transport ships and 30 warships, and thus the next day he set sail towards Leptis Manga.

While Gregory spent some time in the desert and moved, looking at his progress, the army and the men believed in him, and mutinies dispersed into the nearby oasis as he continued to avoid the coast as much as possible. He spent almost all the night thinking about how this strategy will work once he reaches the city, but as the sun rose, he set aside these worries and began to prepare to move out to the east again. The next few days went by slowly. He made a great advance, and until now, since leaving the oasis, he had not lost any men, but that would change for the usurper. The Berbers noticed large thunderhead clouds and noticed the wind was picking up. A loud yell could be heard from one of them.


It was spring, when storms were most likely to occur; Gregory’s army panicked; this is the thing he feared more than any army, nature herself. The army quickly covered their mouths and noses; some tried to run, and the Berbers tried to yell orders to find shelter. Some put the supplies in the center in a tight sack and covered them with a shield wall. People seeing this went and joined them, and once there, they would close their eyes and use their shields.

Still, panic ensued. This lasted for a few minutes but felt like centuries for the army once the storm calmed. Gregory’s army was in a state of shock. They had noticed that some groups were missing and others were almost buried in the sand. It took the whole day, but the army was reunited at camp by the end of the day; Gregory had lost 3000 due to the sandstorm, and these troops were nowhere to be seen despite their weapons being found they were not. He continued to march as morale fell. Gregory himself began to doubt, but he could not show the armies that he took out the coin of Heraclius and said, I will be a greater man than you, Basileus.
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A jourenys end
Late May

Leptis Magna

The defenders of the city knew that they did not have many recourses since they gave those to Gregory, and they only had those for about two weeks before they would run out. Valentinus had tried some assaults, but he noticed during the night that fishing boats tried to bypass the navy to get something to eat for the defender, so he called off the assaults. He knew this city would starve soon, but he still wonders where Gregory was? Since taking Leptis Magna would allow him to push further, why didn’t he come to its defense? It was then that news came that Gregory had taken Arae Philaenorum.

I recommend a march to the coast, said one general. I say we attack the oasis at Siwa and from there to Egypt, but we still don’t have the navy to support us since they are back in the capital, said another general.

The other general replied, Does it matter? If we can take these cities, our control will be absolute. Gregory was waiting; he had sent 15 men in to reach the coast and scout it; they moved a whole two and a half weeks ahead, and while the generals continued to discuss, the two scouts arrived. They were immediately given water, and Gregory asked, What is your report?

The scout said while panting that the Romans were still laying siege to Leptis Magna, and with this news, the discussion turned into a heated argument.One of the generals said we could divide our forces and attack the coast and the oasis. The Berber commander agreed to this idea; he said one smaller portion could take the oasis while the bulk of the army would march to the coast there; he could lay siege to the city; this would cause Valentinus to return, fearing that the land route would be cut.

All agreed, and Gregory and his generals decided that out of their remaining 25,000, 5000 would go to the oasis of Siwa and the other 20,000 would go to the coast. Thus, preparations were made, and the next day Gregory and the Berber commander Tariq moved out to the coast while the other 5000 went to the oasis of Siwa.
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battle of Barca
By the 16th of June, Gregory finally reached his destination, the city of Barca; he asked for their surrender, but they remained loyal to Constans. He was going to make them pay, but his real objective was to draw Valentinus out, so he began a siege but did not commit his troops to any assaults. Valentinus had heard the news but conquered Leptis Magna first. He left a small garrison and departed to Barca; he arrived a week later, landing his troops on Cyrenaica, and marched to the city; the city was still holding; it had tried three sorties but failed and lost many men, so they did not try anymore and morale fell, but when they saw Valentinus army, morale got higher, and seeing this Gregory smiled and went to meet him in open battle.

(Army composition):

Gregory was in the back with some archers; the rest of the troops were archers in the center with heavy infantry, and he put the heavy and light cavalry on the flanks. He put his army in smaller groups, but they were well-positioned so as to negate the numerical advantage of Valentinus; they also served to free up space so that if one group was in trouble, another could help it. Valentinus' army was concentrated in larger groups, with him and his cataphracts in the back, heavy and light infantry in the flanks archers in the center, and his light cavalry on the front. The battle began with Valentinus ordering his light cavalry to attack the archers in the center.

battle begings.png

The archers retreated, and due to their light armor, many were killed. As they advanced, the light cavalry almost got surrounded, but they managed to retreat, suffering many casualties. But it was worth it since Valentinus thought he found the weak spot. He ordered the light cavalry to go to the flanks as a distraction, as the archers and the heavy infantry marched towards the center. The first one to arrive battled the heavy infantry while attacking the archers of the center and showering them with arrows, despite taking many hits.

After some fighting caused the archers to retreat, they barely escaped with most of their forces dead. Seeing this success, the light infantry moved. By that point, the right side of the heavy infantry had clashed with Gregory's troops, and the archers had arrived to help them. The light cavalry arrived at the enemy wing to prevent the enemy from attacking and increasing their numbers. After some 15 minutes, the right side of the light infantry arrived to support the heavy infantry. Seeing this, Valentinus sent his heavy cavalry forward but did not order them to charge yet, while the left side of the light infantry was in reserve.


With the arches arriving at the right center, Gregory's army felt the pressure and began to retreat while suffering many casualties, while the light cavalry managed to best Gregory Berber's light cavalry and, with support from the archers, managed to inflict substantial losses.

seeing this, the heavy infantry pushed Gregory's troops, and most of the archers were concentrated on that part of the advance. For the heavy infantry, seeing that his left side was beginning to win, he sent the light infantry to support on the right. The heavy infantry managed to push their enemies back, and Valentinus light infantry arrived to relieve the light cavalry, As the battle reached half an hour, Valentinus' forces pushed on both sides, leaving the center open. Valentinus, seeing this, moved but was still cautious about the enemy's heavy cavalry, despite having moved his cataracts to the left flank and the center while he moved to the right. Seeing this, Gregory sent his archers forward, and the cataphracts charged. Seeing how the cataphracts got into range and all other troops were busy, the other archers began to fire at them, but the cataphracts destroyed the archers of the center. Seeing this, Gregory went to charge them, and while doing this, he gave a signal to the heavy cavalry to concentrate their forces in 2 bigger groups and move out.


On the right, they completely destroyed the light infantry, and Valentinus reacted quickly to save his right flank. When Gregory charged the other archers and moved to close the gap and shoot them at the enemy troops, on the left flank, the Berber commander charged the cataphracts and began pushing them so that they might not help the light cavalry. Back in the center, due to the arrow fire and Gregory's charge, the cataphracts were being pushed back; since this was the weakest area, they did not expect this and some began to retreat. Seeing his enemy leave, Gregory joined the left flank and now surrounded the cataphracts, who were killed.


Gregory and the Berber commander moved and attacked the left flank of Valentinus army and massacred them. Seeing this, Valentinus called for a general retreat before the remaining forces were surrounded. As they fled, the heavy cavalry on the right chased them, killing many. The chase was short-lived since they did not want to get ambushed.


Gregory saw that his plan had worked out; of his 20,000, he had lost 4000, but Valentinus had 22,000 and was only left with 15,000; the people inside the city were horrified, and the next day they would open the gates; this news got to all of Pentapolis, and the main cities surrendered. With this and the victory over Valentinus, Gregory had completed the second phase, and he could look to take Egypt.
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Greogorys conquests
It was there in Barca that Gregory received the news that his troops had taken Siwa, two days after his victory; with this news, he sent messages to his capital Carthage to bring a part of his navy he was ready to take Egypt, later in Constantinople, Constans was furious. He received the news a week ago and knew that Valentinus had lost, and he received the news that he had just arrived, and he waited for some 30 minutes.

A servant said that general Valentinus has arrived basileus; Valentinus pleaded that the emperor should listen, but he got interrupted, and Constans replied:

I told you if you needed reinforcements and for me to talk to the Berbers, but due to your pride, so many died even though you outnumbered them.

When Valentinus heard his emperor rambling against him, he felt down, believing he would be executed until he said he would not do what he was thinking and told him to prepare for another battle, The emperor asked, What was Gregory doing?

Valentinus said, "They took the desert route to flank us; it worked since it surprised me and the navy; we had to return in haste and were not prepared while Barca suffered a siege, and with my defeat, they surrendered."

Constans said to prepare; Valentinus agreed that we needed conscriptions, but that would take time. He sent letters to the cities, telling them to hold on, prepare for sieges, and wait. Constans agreed, and he also sent letters to the Ghassanid king and the king of Altava as well as to Vahan and Nikitas, reporting themselves to come as well, Soon, the preparations began. By the 18th of July, the Carthaginian navy arrived; with this, they defeated the Byzantine navy near Barca; with this, the surviving Byzantine navy fled to the capital.

And with this, they moved to the east. Within six days, they arrived and began the siege of Paraitonion, In Constantinople, Emperor constans had already begun his preparations, and a messenger arrived, saying, Sir, general Vahan and general Niketas have arrived. The emperor told them to enter. Began to tell them the situation they knew, and soon

The 3 men discussed while constans watched. Vahan said: If Gregory’s troops won’t stop, and it's clear that he wants to take Egypt, then he will most likely attack or try to convince the Ghassanids to join him for an invasion of Syria.

Nikitas said: But if he were aiming for the throne, why not sail to the capital as the great Heraclius did against Phocas?

Valentinus replied, It’s too big of a risk for him; he is taking cities per city and trying to draw smaller armies, After talking for about 25 minutes, a messenger came in and said that Gregory’s troops are besieging Paraitonion. Silence fell on the conference, and the argument got more heated."

We must relive them. Vahan said they should wait because more troops were needed; if they went, there would be a slaughter. Vahan said we have no time to waste because you failed because of your ignorant pride. Valentinus responded that he was too hasty and failed and that if he wanted to commit the same mistake, he should wait, Nikitas was still thinking.

ENOUGH! Yelled the young emperor, who despite his age managed to show his authority to his generals. The emperor soon demanded what they should do. Vahan said: Paraitonion is an important port city and is only 240 km west of Alexandria, Gregory will continue to invade, and if he takes Egypt, all the empire is in danger. I suggest we move now.

Valentinius replied: The city can hold. We have to wait to get more troops, supplies, and weapons and wait for the Ghassanids and the Berbers to respond.Constans then proposed a compromise, and Niketas agreed that his idea was to send supplies but not all the forces if the city held until winter or, in the worst case, if it fell close to winter, Gregory would have to wait until February to move. All three men and the young emperor agreed, and they continued to prepare. By late July, the city of Paraitonion had held for a month, and Gregory, not wanting to lose troops, simply surrounded the city.

The city now had no reinforcements, but by that time, 3000 troops and many supplies had come to the city; even so, the siege continued. Gregory was tired of waiting; he had planned for the city to fall this very night. He told his navy and the men on the ships to assault the walls late in the night, and the assault on the sea walls began. The city garrison moved there since it was the weakest part of the defense and rushed to save the city.

An hour later, some warriors led by the man who took Siwa, Stotzas, managed to use this distraction to climb the walls. They were still hiding, and one warrior managed to kill one of the guards. Soon, they kept moving and reached a place near the gates, where they proceeded to kill the guards and quickly open the gates for the army to enter.

The rest of the soldiers noticed this and proceeded, and they began to enter; the defenders noticed but it was too late; fighting ensued, but the outnumbered defenders stood no change yet; they fought, some burning houses and other buildings, to stop the advance of Gregory’s troops and to kill as many as they could. But by sunrise, the city belonged to Gregory. He lost about 1500 soldiers and executed all the ones who did not join him willingly or by force. With the fall of Paraitonion, Gregory's conquest of Egypt was almost complete.

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Greogorys conquest
The next month, Gregory had not wasted his time, and in these new territories he began to find more troops again. This was hard, as constans was the grandson of Heraclius, yet he used the same strategy to convince the people as he did in Carthage, It worked before, as he made Constans look like a traitor or a victim of the men that manipulated his grandfather.With this, he received 7,000 new recruits and 5,800 reinforcements from the Exarchate; after 2 months of recruitment, he had 35,000 men, and even with North Africa under his control, there was barely enough food for his troops, and he relied on the navy for supplies. And despite this, another argument broke out. The generals were bickering."I suggest we go directly to Alexandria and take it," said the general.

Another said we are in early spring and there is almost no food, and if we confiscate food from the populous, we will lose the support we need to take the Nile.

Tariq, the Berber commander, said it would be better to divide the forces, one to go to Alexandria and one to take the Nile, But Stotzas, the man attributed to the man who took Siwa, and Barca said it would be better to go for the Nile and beyond.

Everyone, even Gregory, asked him to explain. He explained that one part of the army should take the Nile while the other should cut the land connection between Egypt and the rest of the empire. Gregory, in his overconfidence, took troops and told them to take Arcadia, as he was confident he would win despite this and it would be worth it, These were also partitioned, as one force went to Arcadia and another force laid siege to Babylon fortress.

By August, Constans, like Gregory, had made his preparations, but despite becoming sole emperor in late 645, he was not confident in his limited skills. Vahan, Niketas, Valentinus, and the Ghassanid king had already been discussing battle plans. The latter, apart from being a client of Constans, also had his interest as, due to the collapse of the Lakhamid kingdom some 45 years ago and the Persians losing the great Roman-Persian war in 628, the Ghassanid kingdom began to regain more influence.

So much so that some Bedouin tribes were slowly converted, Gregory was a menace to the Ghassanids, and the king would have his kingdom under control over an unpredictable man who had no love for his view on Christ and would obligate him to break relationships with the tribes and the slow convention that was going on.

As the Ghassanid king Jabalah V ibn al-Harith had died in 645, Abu Kirab al-Nu‘man ibn al-Harith II became the Ghassanid king. He respected Heraclius and therefore Constans, so he rejected Gregory’s proposal. He was loyal to Rome since he preferred to have them as an ally rather than an enemy.

As the men kept discussing this, there was still no response from the king of Atalva; still, conscription was not yet over, and they were; the kingdom of Aures remained loyal to Gregory. The siege was lasting too long; the city was starving, but the people feared what would happen to them if they surrendered.

On the 15th of August, the siege of Alexandria began. But unlike many other cities that Gregory had conquered, Alexandria was ready for a siege. The city had huge reserves of food and a 10,000-strong garrison. The walls were fortified and had wall-mounted artillery. With all his forces and seeing the formidable walls and garrison, we just waited. As the first week passed, the defenders still had many quantities of food, but they noticed how Gregory never assaulted the walls. Maybe he didn’t know about the huge quantities of food. But a dust storm came from the west. Gregory smiled at his army, saying his great army had arrived, but in reality it was a show to intimidate the garrison. Seeing this defender's morale fell, they asked where the Roman army was.
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Savior of Alexandria
As the second week passed, The morale continued to fall, and it seemed that the great city was the last bulwark in Egypt; for when it fell, all of Egypt was soon to follow and was about to surrender, but Cyrus of Alexandria gave a motivational speech, and this lifted the morale of the men. Just 3 hours after that, the defenders heard something from the north. They feared that this was the first assault, but to their surprise, it was not Gregory’s navy but their compatriots, the Roman navy, that arrived, and the heavy galleys led the spearhead against Gregory’s navy. But this was just a distraction, and the transport ships quickly went to the harbor and docked.

Not wasting time, the army began disembarking while some supplies arrived; they disembarked quickly while the galleys kept Gregory’s navy; under pressure, the galleys still did not allow Gregory’s army to interrupt the transport ships; it took 4 long hours that felt like centuries for the men in the galleys, but they had done it. The 40,000, along with all the supplies, had arrived and disembarked safely in the city. Seeing how the transport ships were leaving, the galleys began to leave as well.

Still, the morale of the defenders was at an all-time high, but they saw him, the man" in his golden armor. They knew who it was: the emperor himself came to their rescue.

LONG LIVE BASILEUS! yelled the crowd; they could not believe it. The emperor, who was barely a man, was here, ready to fight some of the older citizens. He gave a happy smile. One old veteran who was defending the city as part of the garrison said

"You would be so proud, Basileus Heraclius, to see your flesh and blood here, a boy to fight for your throne, your legacy, but most important, like you, Basileus, for his empire, he went to the young emperor and said."

Basileus I have fought by your grandfathers’ side since we departed from these lands, and for 18 years I fought. I did not want to see war again since the war was too long and I am just tired of it. He bound himself in respect, but now God wills for me to have another mission to fight by your side, Basileus. I am an old man, but if you allow it, I want to leave the city to fight this usurper.

Constans: said, You are a brave man; tomorrow an old hero like you shall fight; He replied, I will fight like a man 20 years my senior.

This day was a day of prayer. Constans ordered that icons be taken around while the army and the crowd of Chalcedonians and Monophysites joined in prayer. This moment, despite being so short, accomplished what even the great Heraclius failed to do, as for just this short moment, the divide in the church was forgotten.
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Battle of Alexandria
Early September 646
Constans' army left the city while Gregory’s troops had already retreated to avoid a sally; Constans' army caught up 2 km south of Alexandria.

Army composition:
Gregory's troop had 30,000, and like the last battle, he divided his forces into smaller contingents; he had heavy cavalry at the center, heavy infantry at the front, with light infantry in the flanks and archers at the back, while he and his light cavalry were in the back. Constans army had 40,000 men and concentrated his troops in a bigger group, he was in the center with Valentinus alongside archers and heavy infantry; in his right flank was Niketias with his cataphracts; and in his left flank was Vahan; these flanks also had heavy infantry and light infantry for support; in the front, the Ghassanid king Abu Kirab al-Nu‘man ibn al-Harith II with his light cavalry was in the left while the Bedouin cavalry was in the right. The battle began with the Arab light cavalry charging toward the light infantry.

battle  of alexandria2.png

Despite being light cavalry, the Arabs clashed with the infantry like they were cataphracts. The Arabs began to push back, but due to the fear of being surrounded, they retreated with some casualties. Finding the weak spot, Constans ordered his heavy infantry to move with the archers moving towards Gregory’s heavy infantry; the heavy infantry clashed while the light infantry moved to attack the archers; the Arab cavalry moved to stop this; and the rest of the army covered the gaps.

battle of alexandria.png

The ghasanid king clashed and caused many casualties against Gregory’s light infantry; the Arabs on the right also caused casualties, but not as many; seeing this, Gregory sent the rest of his light infantry; seeing this, Constans sent his own infantry.

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After nearly 40 minutes of fighting, heatstroke was becoming a big danger for both armies. Wanting to end the battles, Valentinus sent his heavy infantry to destroy Gregory's heavy infantry in the center. Seeing this, Gregory sent his heavy cavalry under Stotzas, who united the 2 groups in the center to charge and to end the battle.

battle of alexandria4.png

While this was happening, the cataphracts began to move. The heavy cavalry charged and pushed back the heavy infantry of the Romans. Stotzas knew if they could destroy the infantry, he could charge at the emperor himself before the cataphracts could react. He was doing great as he began to push the cataphracts into a better position to strike, and it seemed that the infantry would collapse seeing this. Gregory told Tariq to send the light cavalry as a distraction so that Stotzas would soon win.

battle  of alexandria5.png

But Stotaz was winning too much, and he pushed too far too fast. Seeing this old veteran from Heraclius days who had been fighting grab him and pull him off his horse, some soldiers saw this and rushed to the defense of their old compatriot; this struck terror into the troops. Stotaz was a hero, and when the troops saw that his banner was not present, they began to route; some other officers tried to stop this, but it was too late. The route began. Constans now ordered his remaining infantry to pursue the retreating cavalry, while Valentinus sent a message to Niketas and Vahan to move their cataphracts.

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The cataphracts surrounded the flanks, and seeing as how the situation deteriorated, Tariq persuaded Gregory to flee; he hesitated, but saw the cataphracts killing many, he had no choice but to call for a general retreat.

battle  of alexandria final.png

The cataphracts did give chase, but not for long as they feared an ambush. Still, the battle of Alexandria was over. Gregory lost over 8,000 soldiers along with his dream of taking Egypt and even one of his best commanders. For Constans, this was the opposite; his popularity rose, and he was seen as the true successor of Heraclius. But still, he knew that this war was not yet over.
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17 th of June

Constans army left the city while Gregory’s troops had already retreated in order to avoid a sally , constans army catch up 2 km south of Alexandria.

Army composition

Gregory troop had 35 000 and like the last battle he divided his forces in to smaller contingents he had heavy cavalry at the center, heavy infantry at the front, with light infantry in the flanks with archers as back , while he and his light Calvary was in the back.

Constans army had 45 000 and concentrated his troops in bigger group , he was in the center with Valentinus alongside archers and heavy infantry , in his right flank was Niketias with his catapharcts and in the left flank was Vahan ,these flanks also had heavy infantry and light infantry for support.

While in the front the ghassanid king Abu Kirab al-Nu‘man ibn al-Harith II with his light cavalry was in the left while the Bedouin cavalry was in the right.

The battle began with the Arab light cavalry charged toward the light infantry.

View attachment 470360

Despite being light cavalry the Arabs clashed the infantry like if they were cataphracts ,the Arabs began to push back but do to the fear of being surrounded they retreated with some casualties.

Finding the weak spot Costans ordered his heavy infantry with the archers moved towards Gregory’s heavy infantry , the heavy infantry clashed.

While the light infantry moved to attack the archers the Arab cavalry moved to stop this

While the rest of the army covered the gaps

View attachment 470371

The ghasanid king clashed and caused many casualties against Gregory’s light infantry , the Arabs on the right also caused casualties but not a smuch seeing this Gregory sent the rest of his light infantry.

seeing this Constans sent his own infantry

View attachment 470376

After nearly 40 min of fighting heat stroke was becoming a big danger for both armies, wanting to end the battle.
Valentinus sent his heavy infantry to destroy , Gregory's heavy infantry in the center , seeing this Gregory sent his heavy cavalry under Stotzas who united the 2 groups in center to charge and to end the battle .

View attachment 470377
While this was happening the cataphracts began to move

The heavy cavalry charged and pushed back the heavy infantry of the romans ,Stotzas knew if they could destroy the infantry he could charge at the emperor himself before the catapharts could react.

he was doing great as he began to push the cataprachts moved to a better position to strike and it seemed that the infantry would collapse seeing this Gregory told Tariq to send the light cavalry as distraction that Stotzas would win soon.

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But stotaz was winning too much and he pushed to far to fast.

Seeing this old veteran from Heraclius days who had been fighting grabbed him and pulled him of his horse, some soldiers saw this and rushed to the defense of their old compatriot.

This struck terror in to the troops Stotaz was a hero and when the troops saw that his banner was not present they began to route ,some other officers tried to stop this but it was too late

The route began, Constans now ordered that his remaining infantry to pursuit the retreating cavalry while Valentinus sent a message to Niketas and Vahan to move their cataphracts.

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The cataphracts surrounded the flanks, seeing as how the situation deteriorated Tariq persuaded Gregory to fled he hesitated but saw the cataphracts killing many, he had no choice he called for a general retreat.

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The cataphracts did gave chase but not for long as they feared an ambush

Still the battle of Alexandria was over Gregory lost over 8 000 alongside his dream of taking Egypt and even one of his best commanders.

For Constans this was the opposite his popularity rose and he was seen as the true successor of Heraclius But still he knew that this war was not yet over.
its getting intresring
Gregorys Lament
It was late September in Arsinoe, and Gregory’s army had retreated in shame from Alexandria to do a slow march in fear of an ambush. There was no cheer, no festivity, just silence and mourning, not only for their compatriots, but morale plummeted when they learned that Stotaz was captured. Gregory was also worried because he was a good commander; losing him was like a swordsman losing his arm.

Yet for the first time, surrender was on his mind, but he was too sad to comment on it. As days passed in Alexandria, after interrogations and deals, Constans finally took a decision, and the next morning he was paraded through Alexandria and got to the center of the city with the mob attacking him. Before going to his execution, a later writer recorded his supposed last words:

"MAY THE LORD CURSE YOU FOR YOUR ARROGANCE, AND WE SHALL NOT BE THE LAST SHADOW TO COME FROM AFRICA," he said as he dropped, and a deafening crack of bones was heard.

The crowd cheered as Stotaz's body was hung, and with his death and the news spreading by early June, the king of Altava received the news that Emperor Constans won at Alexandria. He sent a letter to Constans explaining that he could not attack due to his preparation. He was looking at who was going to be the winner, and now he was convinced that Constans was the winner.

And thus he marched against Gregory's allies, first attacking and defeating a small force of the kingdom of Ouarsenis.


When the Berber king moved to the east, Gregory did not leave his best troops, yet they were overconfident because only 7,000 of them were experienced professionals, When they heard the Altavans were moving against them, they only sent 8000 forces. Still confident they would win, they marched to fight an enemy he severely underestimated. The forces met near Caesarea, and when the confident troops were stunned when they found such a formidable force, the forces stayed in position for 2 days, but on the 3rd day,The Berber heavy cavalry charged, and the line nearly collapsed. The unprepared troops tried to form a shield wall, but the second charge broke the center, the Ouarsenis broke formation, and with it, the rest of the Altavan army clashed. The battle lasted merely 30 minutes, and there were 4000 casualties among the exchart while the Berber king suffered 120 deaths. With this, he continued to push toward the west.

late September
Gregory had retreated to the Siwa while leaving troops to garrison Arsnoe. When he later received the news that the altavan kingdom had defeated his troops and the Ouarsenis, he knew that he had to send reinforcements, but if he did, he would have to give up control of Egypt west of the Siwa Oaisis since he did not have the numbers to hold on to the coastal cities and fight a two-front war. His generals bickered for hours; he thought if Stotaz were here, he would have known what to say, but that was not the case.

He finally decided that of his troops, 1/3 would go back to slow the Berbers, and the rest would stay in Siwa, where the Romans would not follow and try to hold. This was not a war of conquest but of survival.


Constans recovered all of Egypt and went to the west. When constans forces arrived at Paraitonion, the civilians inside the city murdered the guards and opened the gates. He was surprised that Gregory was nowhere in sight. He thought he was hiding the dessert. In reality, Gregory had even moved out of Siwa since it was not favorable, as the population was getting hostile, and there were reports that Constans was coming there, so he retreated with a scorched earth policy to slow down Constans. He reached Barca and received the news that he had lost a major city; the situation in the west was better, but the Altavans were still besieging Saldae, so still now he waited for another clash with the Romans, and as he retreated, he was thinking, How did it all come to this?

Late October, Constans had marched along the coast, and now his last major objective was Leptis Magana. He had received news from the Berbers who had taken Saldae just a few days earlier, but still, Leptis Magana had a strong garrison of 7,000 and had many supplies, so the siege began.
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Siege Of Leptis Magna
Mid November

Constans finally realized that the garrison had enough supplies to hold, and he ordered the first assault. The Romans crashed against the walls like a wave, but the defenders’ arrows and stones were thrown at the Romans.Still, the assault continued; the sea assault did not, but due to a lack of ships since they were still on patrol for Gregory and in fear of losing the ships, the Romans did not commit to a full assault. After just one hour of fighting, the assault failed. The defenders lost 400 men, while the Romans had lost 1200. By late August, the defenders sallied out to attack the Romans, who were sleeping, but Niketas noticed this and the Romans reacted. A skirmish began, and the defenders were defeated and lost 700 men.

Still, the defenders sent many letters to Gregory, who was returning to Carthage. He sent some 2000 men against the 30,000 Constans men. On the last day of August, at 12 a.m., the army arrived. They know they cannot win but still wanted to kill as many Romans as they could. So they charged the camp. The Romans did not expect this. They started to panic, and some began to run while others desperately began to fight while the attackers began to burn the camp.

But despite the danger, Constans who had barely put on his armor, went to the center of his camp. This inspired the men, and 2000 who were already in the camp were trapped. They tried to kill the emperor, but his excubitor guard defended him. They began to fight, and in just 1 hour, all 2000 men were dead. Still, the night attack killed 5,000.

The next day, the defenders knew what had happened, but they still were not going to surrender since they feared they would be killed. To their surprise, Constans offered peace with just 4000 men and more Roman ships arriving. The defenders surrendered the next day. With the surrender, Constans would wait before he went to Carthage; he sent a letter to the Berber king to move to the city by spring, and the young emperor promised that he would kill Gregory with his own sword.

( early September ) (inaccurate Italy map...)

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Siege of Carthage
Spring 647

The Altavan king arrived at Carthage and began the siege, but he did not begin any assaults. Gregory was still mourning how he had fallen so low when just a year ago he was a conqueror, and now, in his mind, he was acting like a coward, and Tariq, despite being a mercenary, was still loyal to him. Gregory, in an act of desperation, sent word to Aures and other Berbers, but they had already sent word to Constans to ask for clemency in return for giving details about the defense of Gregory’s capital. With this, Constans took his navy and went directly to help the Altavans.

By mid-spring, word got to the Berber king as emperor Constans landed 100km to the south and spent his time marching towards Carthage, Due to his popularity, the march north was not interrupted as the men of these cities became disillusioned with Gregory. When Gregory heard about this, he had no option but to send 7000 men under Tariq to move out via sea while he distracted the Berbers with a sortie. Some 2000 men launched the sortie against 15 000 Berbers, but the battle was short-lived as the Berber cavalry and infantry cut down the foolish sortie. Still, Tariq and the 7,000 landed.

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And thus they took the same track, that the vandals used 100 years ago. Unbeknownst to them, the Romans had camped nearby. Seeing this Constans move out while the 7000 did not know that they were being chased, the Berber king was informed about this by his scouts, so he sent a portion of his forces. The 7000 kept marching until they almost crossed, but like Belisarius did 100 years before Constans charged, Tariq’s men were surprised since they did not expect an attack from the south. They began to panic, but Tariq, with his guard, tried to control the army. The Berbers who saw this charged at the fleeing men, and the massacre began.

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As Tariq tried to reunite his army, he was slain by the Roman army. The defenders could hear screams and horses trampling men; the horror was so great that the men turned pale and some others threw themselves into the sea. Gregory knew that Tariq had died and that the end of his rebellion had come. In the sea, the two navies’ met, but the battle was clearly one-sided, the heavy Roman galleys broke the smaller Berber ships, despite being outnumbered, leading to the destruction of a large part of the navy in Alexandria Gregory’s navy still tried to fight, but it was futile.

In just a couple of hours, Gregory’s navy was destroyed, and the Roman navy surrounded the sea walls. As the month passed and the first assaults took place just days after Tariq’s death, the city still held. The Romans managed to enter but were driven in by Gregory and his troops. Causalities were mounting on both sides, but Constans knew this was far from over. He let Gregory leave; all this was pointless at this time, and a small force of the kingdom of Aures came to help the Romans as a way to show that they were on their side.
constans ordered Niketas, Vahan, and Valentinus to come, and they made what, in their minds, would be a plan that would break the defenses. With that, he issued a decree that this day was to be a day of prayer. Gregory knew that the moment of truth was upon them, yet he gave no speeches or anything, but his loyal troops understood what was going to happen tomorrow.
15th of April
The final assault began at sunrise. The Romans used some of Gregory’s captured ships to dismantle them and build three siege towers. They were moved to storm the walls, and the mighty Roman navy led the assault to the sea walls, Both sides began to lose many men as arrows from both sides killed many, but the city still held. The storming of the walls continued for hours. The defenders were getting more desperate as they threw stones and hot sand to deter the Romans. and in the early afternoon, after hours of fighting, the defenders burned one of the siege towers down. With this, most of the defenders left for the other sides of the walls.
The Romans kept the fire alive, and the smoke made an unbearable smell for the defenders. Seeing this, Vahan and some other warriors on the other side used this distraction to enter; the first ones were an Armenian and a Greek, followed by Vahan and the other men. They began to kill the defenders while the other went to kill the guards, and without time to spare, they opened the gates. Seeing this, the men entered, and the Berber king and his guards were the first to enter.
Gregory tried to reunite his army but was injured by an arrow to his elbow. The retreat to the streets left the other gates abandoned, and due to this and Gregory being injured within a matter of minutes, the defenses of the city collapsed. Gregory was carried by his men; they were taking him away from the carnage. But the Berbers found him, and when the king himself saw him, they killed his guards and captured him.

Gregory was already fainting as the city fell; he just wanted to die since he did not want to see the destruction of the city. The Romans were already inside killing the defenders; he saw as to how the city began to burn as he faded in and out of consciousness; he could barely watch the destruction of his capital as his watery eyes could not see this torment any longer and he closed his eyes; the last thing he remembers is seeing the fire and hearing the screams. Gregory woke up. He was startled. He saw the ruins of the walls and the stench of blood, and he heard.
Gregory tried to move, but he soon realized he was tied up.
Gregory panicked. What was going on?
The crowd yelled: TRAITOR! As they had the intent to kill him.
He saw the man who was talking to the crowd; it was... Constans.
I hope you are happy and are a satisfied "emperor."
Gregory just stayed silent and lowered his head.
Constans said all those men who could have helped the empire are dead because of you. Well, I made a promise, he said as he drew his sword.
Gregory said. nothing as he closed his eyes as constans slew him with his sword.
Finally, it is over. The young emperor said to his generals and to the Berber king, It's finally over
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Battle of Najran
Emperor Constans stayed in Carthage for months as he saw the reconstruction of the city supervising everything, this also boosted his popularity from Carthage he saw the reconstruction of all of north Africa, it was not much for despite the scope of the rebellion it did little damage, constans also had to make deals with the king of altava as he demanded that the kingdom of Ouarsenis be his lands thus reconstructing the Mauro roman kingdom, constans did not agree after all the kingdom was a bane to the Byzantines but the king had proven his loyalty and if he betrayed his trust he could possibly be seen as untrustworthy to all the Berber tribes and kingdoms thus he allowed for this annexation.

By spring, he had supervised it enough for it to return to his capital. As he left Carthage, the people were saddened by his departure, as Constans had burned a light of hope that Rome might return to its glory. When Constans returned, he was surprised to see an emissary of Yazadegerd.

What was the Emissary Shah doing here? Though the young emperor and his generals were also confused, the emissary was also surprised that only five years had passed yet he did not see Costans as a child. Not only was he physically sure the emperor had even grown a beard, but he also saw the young emperor as a confident person, which made him more anxious to speak. The shah representive and the emperor discussed for some time, and he told Constans that he needed to call upon the agreement they made nearly six years ago that if one gets attacked, the other has to defend each other. As the shah was attacked by Axum in Arabia, Constans told him to explain, and they explained the situation.


During the time of Gregory’s rebellion, when he took Leptis Magna, as the power of the king of Axum continued to decline, the nobles with land to the south not affected continued to gain prestige, the merchants wanted to gain back their influence, and Persia was weak, he saw it as a perfect opportunity to recover what Khosrow took from them. The Ethiopians landed and found no resistance; they took Saana, most of the coast over a period of months as they were not confident, making small advances to minimize risks. By the time of the siege of Alexandria, most of the coast belonged to them, and they had control of the sea after fighting the small Persian navy.

With the coast secured, they marched to the north, and by this point, the sha had reunited troops to keep the region, so he sent an army of 5000 under Hormozd to the area with the objective of kicking the Ethiopians back to the sea. By the time of the recapture of Barca, the Persians had arrived and marched south, but the Ethiopians spotted them early on and forced the Persian army to chase the Axumite army, which had 3000, The march continued until they reached Najran, where the Christians joined, making the army 4,000 strong. Here the 2 armies met.

Army composition

The Sassanids put their forces in one line, with infantry in the center and cavalry in the wings, while in the back, the Ethiopians had a similar composition, but the Axumite general was not in the back, and he had Arab light cavalry. The battle began with an all-out charge on the part of the Ethiopians.

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Both armies advanced, and they crashed into each other. On the left, the light cavalry, moving first the Sassanid heavy cavalry, was not allowed time to charge the almost stale cavalry position, which faced many casualties. On the left center, there was no clear advantage, but on the right center, one group began to push back the Ethiopians. The Axumite heavy cavalry clashed, and the last one to clash was the Axumite heavy cavalry on the right. Despite all efforts, the heavy infantry collapsed under pressure and began to flee.

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He noticed this and began to move to save his left, but it was too late, as the Ethiopians surrounded and killed all the forces before Hormozd could arrive.

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Hormozd was attacked and surrounded; he tried to fight and held the line, but soon he was slain. The forces that attacked retreated seeing this, and the cavalry charged the Sassanid infantry.

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They surrounded the left flank and thus the slaughter began.

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The Axumite forces surrounded the rest, as the massacre continued the right flank just fled in the Axumite army lost some 1000 compared to the 5000 that the Sassanids lost

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With this defeat, the Sassanids were thrown out of Arabia by this point Gregory’s rebellion was crushed so he went to ask Constans for support
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