Greatest of counterrevolutionaries

I'm trying to create a list of the greatest military leaders who campaigned against revolutions, independence movements, rebels in civil war, or native uprisings. American Civil War doesn't count. I'm looking towards more of the best British/Tory forces in the Revolutionary War, and the other wars of that era (the monarchist French anti-revolutionaries?).


Alexander Suvorov, perhaps the greatest of all Russian generals, who crushed the Polish Revolution in 1795 and then battles relentlessly against the forces of Revolutionary France.
You also have the likes of:
'Mad Anthony' Wayne (for defeating Miami Confederacy at Fallen Timbers, 1794)
any moderately successful French gen in Spain
Josef Radetzky (who crushed the 1848 Italian and Hungarian nationalist risings) + his subordinates such as Heynau, Jelacic
Frederick Funston and Wesley Merritt (US Army cdrs who eventually defeated the Philippine Insurrection)
Charles 'Chinese' Gordon
Plehve, head of Tsarist OKHRANA secret police pre-WWI


jolo said:
Metternich, Bismarck, most popes, and more.

If Garibaldi was a revolutionary, so was Bismarck. Most Popes were apolitical as they were mainly pawns of the Holy Roman Emperors until late Medieval and Renaissance times. Metternich was certainly a counterrevolutionary but he was not a military man.
From the AmRev: Banistaire Tarleton, called Tarleton the butcher.

Santa Anna crushed (or tried to) numerous revolutions across Mexico and caused Mexico to loose more than a million sq miles to the US.

Charles I lost his head to the Cromwellians, which presaged the English Civil War.

Its a stretch, (given your restriction on the US CW) but George Custer was certainly active in attempting to crush the Am Indian tribes in the west.

Aleksandr Kolchak - Commanded much of the White Russian forces during the Russian Civil War.


The Baron Von Ungern-Sternberg, who in a "victorious White Russians" TL would likely become a proto-fascist visionary megalomaniacal dictator. He's occasionally mentioned in passing, but I'm surprised he doesn't yet have a TL of his own.

If Charles "Chinese" Gordon is mentioned, then so should Frederick Townsend Ward.

I wonder... does Napoleon qualify as a counterrevolutionary?
Hendryk said:
The Baron Von Ungern-Sternberg, who in a "victorious White Russians" TL would likely become a proto-fascist visionary megalomaniacal dictator. He's occasionally mentioned in passing, but I'm surprised he doesn't yet have a TL of his own.

I wonder... does Napoleon qualify as a counterrevolutionary?

A couple brief efforts:

drewmc2001 said:
Charles I lost his head to the Cromwellians, which presaged the English Civil War.

We're meant to have effective anti-revolutionaries here. Prince Rupert, on the other hand...

Also, Charles died AFTER the war.
Hendryk said:
The Baron Von Ungern-Sternberg, who in a "victorious White Russians" TL would likely become a proto-fascist visionary megalomaniacal dictator. He's occasionally mentioned in passing, but I'm surprised he doesn't yet have a TL of his own.

If Charles "Chinese" Gordon is mentioned, then so should Frederick Townsend Ward.

I wonder... does Napoleon qualify as a counterrevolutionary?
I thought about Napoleon, but came to the conclusion that, while a stabilizing force, he was not a counterrevolutionary. Granted, he was far more moderate than those who came before him.
Hmmm, what about also the (poss very controversial) following ?
von Trotha in Namibia
John Smith in Virginia against Powhatans, John Mason, John Underhill, Benjamin Church against NE Indians
Sherman and Sheridan against Plains Indians post-ACW
Capt Watkin Tench, Royal Marines, against hostile NSW Aborigines
Jeffrey Amherst against hostile Indians post-1763
KKK leaders against Reconstruction-era Carpetbagger govts and freedmen
FREIKORPS leaders such as Ernst Rohm who suppressed post-WWI SPARTAKIST revolts

BTW, Tarleton's 1st name is spelled Banastre, and his success as a counter-revolutionary could be questioned, since his indiscriminate brutality against both loyalist and neutralist ppl in the SC backcountry alienated previously uncommitted Americans into supporting the Rebel cause (as portrayed in THE PATRIOT with the fictional Col. Tavington).