Germany takes London


So i was thinking that if Hitler learned (from spies or what ever it doesn't really matter how he does just that he does) that the allies were planing to take Normandy if he would try to take London at the same time that the allies were landing on the beaches. So i was thinking that if i was Hitler and wasn't completely bat crap crazy that i would have Rommel, Dollmann, Rundstadt, and Salmuth march north towards Antwerp and grab up the little divisions on the way there and regroup (this would be about a couple weeks before the invasion) from Antwerp they would leave about a day or two before the allies land on Normandy and on June 6th as the allies are fighting to establish a beach head Rundstadt and about 250 thousand troops land on Thames Head. About a week before the invasion force leaves Antwerp Hitler comes and meets his generals while they have a meeting Hitler tells the generals to use any means necessary to reach London.

So my question is that is this plausible and would it make a good time line?
He's kinda going to run into one of the largest fleets ever assembled if he tries it. If the KM couldn't get past just the RN in 1940, they sure as hell aren't doing it in 1944.
This sounds quite plausible, you should totally expand on it in a timeline. I sense The Whale has Wings has some competition!
This sounds quite plausible, you should totally expand on it in a timeline. I sense The Whale has Wings has some competition!

Either you jest with utmost curelty or you are woefully unacustomed to how this board will react to such a premise.

An invasion of England has been picked apart till it's bones are shiny and clean.

The short answer?

No. The long anwer.


By this point, the Kreigsmarine were shot. Their chance to attack England (if there ever was one) was gone by 1943. The Allies knew the location of almost every tank, boat and soldier that the Germans had in France before D-Day. Not to mention that Britain was flooded with soldiers and surrounded by a massive fleet of both American and British ships. To attempt an invasion now, would be beyond suicide. Hitler would have to be completely off his rocker to even try such a thing and even then I doubt the Heer would try is, it's just ridiculous.

I know you are new to the board and I don't want to be harsh but such a plan plan won't work. The Nazis don't posess such a capacity to invade Britian when it was JUST Britian, let alone when it is backed by the United States. The Germans would get slaughtered in their thousands if they tried a counter-invasion in 1943, it was never going to happen. In fact, I would go so far as to say it is physically impossible.

What I would recomend is to have a look around the baord and see other posts and threads on Operation Sealion, a proposed operation to invade England. The premise is dubious at best in 1940-41 before American involvement, and after it, there is no hope in hell. Check around, check some other timelines and come back with another idea. :)
Sea Lion would be hard-pressed to happen at any point during the war, much less in mid-1944. Not a chance at that point (not that there ever really was much of one in the first place).
Either you jest with utmost curelty or you are woefully unacustomed to how this board will react to such a premise.

An invasion of England has been picked apart till it's bones are shiny and clean.

The short answer?

No. The long anwer.


By this point, the Kreigsmarine were shot. Their chance to attack England (if there ever was one) was gone by 1943. The Allies knew the location of almost every tank, boat and soldier that the Germans had in France before D-Day. Not to mention that Britain was flooded with soldiers and surrounded by a massive fleet of both American and British ships. To attempt an invasion now, would be beyond suicide. Hitler would have to be completely off his rocker to even try such a thing and even then I doubt the Heer would try is, it's just ridiculous.

I know you are new to the board and I don't want to be harsh but such a plan plan won't work. The Nazis don't posess such a capacity to invade Britian when it was JUST Britian, let alone when it is backed by the United States. The Germans would get slaughtered in their thousands if they tried a counter-invasion in 1943, it was never going to happen. In fact, I would go so far as to say it is physically impossible.

What I would recomend is to have a look around the baord and see other posts and threads on Operation Sealion, a proposed operation to invade England. The premise is dubious at best in 1940-41 before American involvement, and after it, there is no hope in hell. Check around, check some other timelines and come back with another idea. :)

Is this supposed to be in jest as well? You're talking down to a person who was here most of a year before you joined.
Sounds something similar to what happened at the Battle of the Bulge. Attempting to pull of this sort of stunt would result in the war being won quicker. Why? Because all those German soldiers who land in Britain aren't going to be able to retreat like they could around Bastogne. 250k soldiers is a good chunk of the German Army, and their surrender will weaken the Reich that much more. It wouldn't change who won the war, but the campaign might make for an interesting story.
And doesn't make what I said less true.

I was talking to kevinr and I didn't bother checking Evermounre join date, my bad I guess, but I can assume that he was just being cruel as I proposed then which isn't the best way to attract new members.