German 20th Century Victory timelines.

The German wins a World War timeline is understandably quite popular as she managed to lose not one but two World wars in the first half of the 20th century shaping the world we live in today.

Now most time lines starting post 1933, with WW2 analogues and ending with Germania Invicta have serious credibility problems. It is hard to imagine the either Western allies (UK and France) or the SU allowing Germany to dominate Europe and if war came the chances of Germany not drawing in the US and coming out victorious are very slim.

However WW1 is a lot more plausible, it is very easy to imagine a US staying out and while the correlation of forces is still massively against Germany it is less unbalanced than 20 years later.

Now most Germany wins WW1 TL's can be put in one of three groups:

1.UK stays out and Germany beats France and Russia

If the UK and the US stay truly neutral the odds are with Germany, but difficult to manage (the UK has no desire to see Europe dominated by one power Germany, France or Russia and will fight to prevent it.)

Potential Plausibility 6/10.

2.Germany win a lighting victory in the West taking Paris before Britain can become seriously involved the tiny BEF is forced to retreat to Britain and Russia can't stand up to Germany and Austro-Hungary on its own.

Difficult to manage, the technology simply wasn't there to march a large enough army across Belgium and Northern France to Paris while keeping it supplied and defeating troops of near equal size and similar quality. A Gigantic blunder on behalf of the French could make it happen but it is difficult to manage

Potential Plausibility 4/10.

3.Germany's 1918 spring offensive succeeds knocking France out of the war, the UK and US magnanimously agree to leave France rather than fight on.

Germany is in dire straights by 1918 short of everything bar useless land in the East (thanks to Brest-Litvosk), while the summer offensive could have knocked the allies further back and even approached Paris American troops were pouring into France and the British had plenty of fight left in them. Also even if the French try to make an armistice there is no guarantee that the other allies are going to accept it.

Potential Plausibility 1/10.

Now I am sure there are many more possibilities so lets hear them.
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