French Colonisation of Australia?


Monthly Donor
In our timeline in the 1770s France had laid claim to the western portion of "New Holland" but the French Revolution kiboshed any plans on placing a colony like the British did in 1788.

But what if the French in the Bourbon Restoration had decided to plant a colony in the west before Britain claimed the whole of Australia in 1827?

Thomas Brisbane who was Governor of the Colony of New South Wales until December 1st 1825 when he was recalled due to factional fighting that limited his effectiveness as Governor and would not have been able to send and "expeditionary force" as as his successor, Ralph Darling, had been able to do. It's also known that the British hesitated in claiming all of "New Holland" out of respect for possible plans by the Dutch to claim a portion.

So let's say that in 1823 at the Congress of Verona it was found out prior to, instead of some time after, that Montmorency and Chateaubriand went against the wishes of Prime Minister Villèle and King Louis XVIII in requesting the invasion of Spain and that the other Great Powers refused to endorse this course of action. As a result the Ultra-Royalists propose other ways to make France great again (sorry!) and one of those was finally claiming western Australia and thus a colony is planted while Brisbane is still Governor and before the more politically able Darling is appointed.

What admirals are likely candidates to lead the fleet there, and what politicians or nobles are likely candidates as the first governor of Nouvelle Hollande, planted somewhere between modern day Albany and Perth?
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Back in the day, I had the French settle the colony of *New Provence in what is today Tasmania, Victoria and the eastern part of South Australia.
I think the 1820s is too late. By then Britain had claimed all of New Holland as New South Wales for quite some time. And the French had a notably weaker navy than the British. In order to have the French seize the western half of Australia, you probably have to avert the French Revolution.


Monthly Donor
I think the 1820s is too late. By then Britain had claimed all of New Holland as New South Wales for quite some time. And the French had a notably weaker navy than the British. In order to have the French seize the western half of Australia, you probably have to avert the French Revolution.
The British did not claim all of New Holland until 1827. Prior to that it was just the eastern half.