For All Mankind (AH Tv series at Apple TV)

in background of Mars race, happen threatening development

in Middle East what USA abandon do no more need for Oil
n USA the rising unemployment in Mining and Petrochemical industry

Episode 4 show clearly, The vice President even goes against the President, next to that common people follow wild conspiracy plots...
i wonder how will react President Ellen Wilson ? special if Vice President start to blackmail with her past !
i would not surprised if Wilson will shoot the unemployed Miners to Moon literally, to work in Lunar Mines...

Yes The Soviets made with Mars-94 a Ground launch WITH NUCLEAR ENGINE !!!
And in your 2001 A Space-Time Odyssey reboot in Secret Projects
the first manned Mars missions are now underway!
So my buddy and I were talking about the ladder-climbing scene on Polaris in s3e1. We couldn’t agree on whether or not it would get easier as you climbed up the spoke. Physicists, any thoughts?
So my buddy and I were talking about the ladder-climbing scene on Polaris in s3e1. We couldn’t agree on whether or not it would get easier as you climbed up the spoke. Physicists, any thoughts?
in Plot driven Story, is Physics first victim, follow by a dead of popular character, I'M LOOKING AT YOU STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLD !
I wonder how far this series is going to go.

Assuming it doesn‘t get cancelled prematurely, what would be next after Mars? A manned mission to the Jupiter system perhaps? Then what, interstellar?

Is Aleida this TL’s Zephram Cochrane and does she invent some advanced propulsion method to send a human mission to Proxima? In 1994 ITL they’ve already passed us technologically in every way except perhaps computers and network tech. At the current rate of advancement they’re heading to the stars by 2050 or so.
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Next season will maybe consolidate on Mars (assuming this season doesn't end in disaster) and maybe the beginning of mining in the asteroid belt?
Fusion power means fusion engines are coming soon. It also means advances in controlling high temperature plasma can be the basis for capturing antimatter (for instance, in Saturn, which also has amazing views).
The orbital telescope shown this season looks like the James Webb. So it may veer into softer sci-fi: exoplanets are discovered in Alpha Centauri, and interstellar travel comes next
I expect a fourth season will feature an absence of characters like Ed and Margo, and might even timeskip significantly to the 2020s. The cast will likely be composed of the next generation like Kelly and Danny, or completely new faces.

By that point Lunar colonisation will be well under way with Jamestown and Zvezda becoming more like actual settlements than research based, and will likely be joined in that by a number of other space powers.

Orbital infrastructure will be well developed with several space stations even grander in scale than Polaris. Some of which will serve as transfer points for travellers coming to and from Earth and other destination.
Travel to the Moon and Earth orbit will be something that tens of thousands of people do each year, and there will be strong commercial enterprises involved.

Mars will likely have a permanent base, that gets regular visits, though my guess is that it will be an international effort kind of like the ISS is IOTL.

Expeditions to the asteroid belt may be semi routine and some outposts could already exist there. The main story might centre around the construction and journey of a fusion torch ship to the moon's of Jupiter and Saturn.
I expect a fourth season will feature an absence of characters like Ed and Margo, and might even timeskip significantly to the 2020s. The cast will likely be composed of the next generation like Kelly and Danny, or completely new faces.

By that point Lunar colonisation will be well under way with Jamestown and Zvezda becoming more like actual settlements than research based, and will likely be joined in that by a number of other space powers.

Orbital infrastructure will be well developed with several space stations even grander in scale than Polaris. Some of which will serve as transfer points for travellers coming to and from Earth and other destination.
Travel to the Moon and Earth orbit will be something that tens of thousands of people do each year, and there will be strong commercial enterprises involved.

Mars will likely have a permanent base, that gets regular visits, though my guess is that it will be an international effort kind of like the ISS is IOTL.

Expeditions to the asteroid belt may be semi routine and some outposts could already exist there. The main story might centre around the construction and journey of a fusion torch ship to the moon's of Jupiter and Saturn.
Expect DOZENS of orbital hotels, wealthy groups will have space based communications centers, and of course space clean up services.

Also expect one of the in universe networks to have a space based weatherman. I can see major airlines operating space routes.
I'm actually more cynical and believe that a major plot point in the future will be that a global wave of populist "Earth First" political movements will take power after the successful Mars missions, drawing a line at the previously lavish spending into space exploration that began with the Soviet moon landing in 1969. It's been made clear from Clinton and the Democrats' campaigns that a key part of their messaging is that they are the party of fiscal responsibility that cares for the plight of "working Earthlings" struggling to get by, while Wilson and the Republicans are the party of wasteful space spending detracting trillions of taxpaying dollars made by hardworking Earthlings.

It's presumable that there are other similar political movements taking root in the other spacefaring countries, especially in developing ones such as China, Brazil, and India that must choose between lavish space spending or investment in Earth infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the Warsaw Pact was able to cover up their institutional weaknesses right until their collapse starting in 1989. The fact that Roscosmos is still relying on Margo to give them illicit designing advice in 1994 means that the Soviet science and technology are now failing to keep up with the Americans on their own accord. I wouldn't write off the possibility of the Warsaw Pact collapsing suddenly at the end of Season 3 or at the start of Season 4, causing the hundreds of cosmonauts stranded on the Moon and Mars to be the last remnants of their former countries.

Imagine the shenanigans inside Zvezda or the Soviet Mars base when the USSR breaks up and all of the Russian, Ukrainian, Baltic, or Central Asian cosmonauts now find themselves free from any Soviet control or blackmail.
I'm actually more cynical and believe that a major plot point in the future will be that a global wave of populist "Earth First" political movements will take power after the successful Mars missions, drawing a line at the previously lavish spending into space exploration that began with the Soviet moon landing in 1969. It's been made clear from Clinton and the Democrats' campaigns that a key part of their messaging is that they are the party of fiscal responsibility that cares for the plight of "working Earthlings" struggling to get by, while Wilson and the Republicans are the party of wasteful space spending detracting trillions of taxpaying dollars made by hardworking Earthlings.

It's presumable that there are other similar political movements taking root in the other spacefaring countries, especially in developing ones such as China, Brazil, and India that must choose between lavish space spending or investment in Earth infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the Warsaw Pact was able to cover up their institutional weaknesses right until their collapse starting in 1989. The fact that Roscosmos is still relying on Margo to give them illicit designing advice in 1994 means that the Soviet science and technology are now failing to keep up with the Americans on their own accord. I wouldn't write off the possibility of the Warsaw Pact collapsing suddenly at the end of Season 3 or at the start of Season 4, causing the hundreds of cosmonauts stranded on the Moon and Mars to be the last remnants of their former countries.

Imagine the shenanigans inside Zvezda or the Soviet Mars base when the USSR breaks up and all of the Russian, Ukrainian, Baltic, or Central Asian cosmonauts now find themselves free from any Soviet control or blackmail.
You know I don't think they showed inside the Soviet moonbase
Haven't rewatched it in a while, but IIRC we don't see anything actually inside the Soviet Space missions proper outside of possibly the Soyuz for the handshake.

I know that's the case in Season 1 because the only PoV's were from NASA, same with most of Season 2. It's only this season we are getting a PoV that is still in the space race but not NASA.

I know I'd personally love an episode from Soviet PoV this season that's just their space command trying to stay together as the Union collapses, but considering the Russians until now have been shown to speak Russian, I don't think Apple would put out a whole episode in a language most of their users don't speak.

By the way, new crack theory: Ellen being gay is about to hit the newspapers, but the collapse of the Soviet Union supersedes it in the news and Ellen's sexuality is relegated to, at most, a minor byline somewhere.