For All Mankind (AH Tv series at Apple TV)

In any case, it's just confirmed that she was merely plain stupid when it comes to anything else but engineering. She did all this for the past nine years for a guy she liked and "in the interest of the furtherance of space travel and international peace", whatever the hell that means. For a moment I thought she would retain that backbone she showed but nah, that's overrated I suppose.
9? Has she not given them secrets since the 70s?
Right episode 3

The race is on! I guess we must assume Margo did give the Soviets the engine details. I wonder, though, if she left any Easter eggs in there?
Hey you know what bothers me, thus far none of the scenes make me think it's set in the 90s what with all the flat screen monitors. I'm starting to suspect that I'm not going to be getting any Anton Ego type flashbacks because they seem to only care about 80s nostalgia
Hey you know what bothers me, thus far none of the scenes make me think it's set in the 90s what with all the flat screen monitors. I'm starting to suspect that I'm not going to be getting any Anton Ego type flashbacks because they seem to only care about 80s nostalgia
Yeah, it’s slightly unfortunate. I guess in the 80s they could have fun wheeling out the prototype laptops that never caught on or the electric car that never caught on. Here in the 90s they’re mostly just using commercial tech from the mid-to-late 2000s. Even the entertainment (Battlebots) is cribbed from later times.

I will say the boring corporate aesthetic and clothes feels VERY 90s to me. The space hotel is spot on, which is kinda funny because the Enterprise D has been dunked on in the past for looking like a corporate retreat at the Radisson.😂

And I think they’re doing a good job with the soundtrack so far. Better than season 2, even.
Time Warp!

Obviously, knew this would be coming, but I thought it might not happen until the next episode, that they might spend more time on the prep to launch. They did lay the groundwork for what had to happen in that time though, and from the outset, the show writers and promoters have made this season about Mars, so the sooner they get there, the better.

Also no surprises with Ellen being in the Oval in '94. I had sorta hoped they'd make election night an actual scene, but I did like the debate between her and Clinton. That was nicely done. I was also pretty sure they'd hold any "outing" scandal for after the was President, and not make it an election issue. Hopefully, we will see more of her in the coming episodes and see how all that plays out.
I wonder how they are going to make it a race. Basically, once they burn to get into a transfer orbit to Mars, that's it - they'll just coast towards their destination. Theoretically speaking, everyone can calculate the arrival date for all three ships after they all depart. There is still capturing at Mars, at a time already known for all ships, and then landing, which is the only moment where one could race ahead of the other. And even if they have trouble in the ship while travelling to Mars, it doesn't affect its arrival date, unless a thruster ignites (and then they may not arrive at all)
I wonder how they are going to make it a race. Basically, once they burn to get into a transfer orbit to Mars, that's it - they'll just coast towards their destination. Theoretically speaking, everyone can calculate the arrival date for all three ships after they all depart. There is still capturing at Mars, at a time already known for all ships, and then landing, which is the only moment where one could race ahead of the other. And even if they have trouble in the ship while travelling to Mars, it doesn't affect its arrival date, unless a thruster ignites (and then they may not arrive at all)

My guess is that the actual "race" would be once they are in orbit and are landing. But for news and propaganda, the "race to mars" is catchy.
Margo learn hard way that Russians are no nice people to each other...

...Dev Ayesa get lesson by Ed that space flight is not Video Game...

...That Bill Clinton lost election to Woman :D
They seem to be starting this season off strong, which is a relief because usually shows like these get shaky in their third season (House of Cards US, Man in the High Castle come to mind)

Only mildly disappointed we didn't see more of the 1992 campaign and what the exact results were (or at least if it was narrow or a landslide), but Ellen's, or even her husband's, "alternate lives" will come out at some point. I also don't think we've seen the last of Bill Clinton, I think he'll be running again in 1996.

Hey you know what bothers me, thus far none of the scenes make me think it's set in the 90s what with all the flat screen monitors. I'm starting to suspect that I'm not going to be getting any Anton Ego type flashbacks because they seem to only care about 80s nostalgia
I think that's just because with retrofuturism, progression in it usually is just an extension of the old. Like my Soylent timeline, the world has been stuck in the 1970s for half a century. I also think that because technology has taken such a different route in this universe, it will be harder to mimic the 1990s than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
HELIOS is company that produce fusion power plants, but not they use it as Engine to fly to Mars and goes for MethanLox instead ?

NASA Sojourner were to hell are its propellants tanks ?!

Soviet what oddball contraption are they launching ?
HELIOS is company that produce fusion power plants, but not they use it as Engine to fly to Mars and goes for MethanLox instead ?

NASA Sojourner were to hell are its propellants tanks ?!

Soviet what oddball contraption are they launching ?

The Sojourner is flying with a NERVA nuclear engine, rather than the more standard NH4LOx for interplanetary travel.

I believe it'll come out that the Soviets are using a knock-off NERVA design based on Sojourner. Although I'm not sure if Margo gave them the updated design or the one that Aleida was testing at Jamestown that kept overheating on them. I am surprised they launched from Baikonur rather than from Svezda, considering the energy requirements to get a ship that big into a Mars transfer orbit from the ground. But, if they had to rush a design through to try and meet the NASA and Helios '94 deadline then it makes sense that they'd need to get the engine from R&D and mount it for immediate use. It's also possible that the Soviet design has some sort of modularity to it, where they're hauling a lot of the prefab modules for a Soviet Mars station along with the ship itself.

The blurb for next week said that one of the ships (probably the Soviets) attempt a risky maneuver. If they screw up and overheat their engine trying to overtake Helios and NASA, someone would need to go back and try to rescue them or let the Russian crew die in the attempt to reach Mars first.

Considering how desperate Sergei was to get the design for the Soviets to remain relevant in the Mars race, I'd guess that they have overlooked a few critical inspections and tests to get Mars '94 off the ground.
First, all three ships look cool and each seems to have a slightly different approach, if I had to guess the Soviets are somewhere in between what NASA and HELIOS are doing,

So, based on what has happened and trailers, I think what is going to happen is that HELIOS is going to land first. This is due to the dust storms mentioned in the trailers and the fact that NASA prepositioned their supplies which they cannot reach due to the dust storms. HELIOS having brought everything on the ship can land where it is clear and make a deal with NASA to let them use HELIOS extra mobile base till the dust storms clear in exchange for being allowed to land first. Though that does leave out the Soviets and I do agree with General_Paul something happens to them though from the trailer it is clear they manage to get to Mars.
First, all three ships look cool and each seems to have a slightly different approach, if I had to guess the Soviets are somewhere in between what NASA and HELIOS are doing,

So, based on what has happened and trailers, I think what is going to happen is that HELIOS is going to land first. This is due to the dust storms mentioned in the trailers and the fact that NASA prepositioned their supplies which they cannot reach due to the dust storms. HELIOS having brought everything on the ship can land where it is clear and make a deal with NASA to let them use HELIOS extra mobile base till the dust storms clear in exchange for being allowed to land first. Though that does leave out the Soviets and I do agree with General_Paul something happens to them though from the trailer it is clear they manage to get to Mars.
Something will force all three groups together and to work with one another.
Maybe I'm saying something heretic, but...

the Helios spaceship command area kind off reminds me of Star Trek command bridge, or at least an ancestor version of it

Science-fiction becoming true!
Anyone else feeling a little suspicious of Ayesa after this episode? Something about he talked to Ed aboard the Pheonix felt manufactured and staged while the whole Cool Guy Tech Bro thing is getting layered on thick.
I wouldn't be surprised if in later episodes it turns out he's cut corners somewhere or has some scheme in the works that'll force Ed to choose between being the first on Mars and doing what's more morally right (like saving one of the other missions after it gets into trouble)
Anyone else feeling a little suspicious of Ayesa after this episode? Something about he talked to Ed aboard the Pheonix felt manufactured and staged while the whole Cool Guy Tech Bro thing is getting layered on thick.
I wouldn't be surprised if in later episodes it turns out he's cut corners somewhere or has some scheme in the works that'll force Ed to choose between being the first on Mars and doing what's more morally right (like saving one of the other missions after it gets into trouble)

I am sure Moore has some "less honest" side of himt to appear in the future. The thing is, I cannot figure out what it could be,

I doubt there are hidden weapons on-board....maybe his goal is to use the Phoenix as a blackmail side to gain leverage and more? Or he plans to get the whole Mars for himself and getting rich by owning the whole planet?

Also, Kelley's words about finding bacteria on Mars sounds like a foreshadowing: do you think we'll get to see Bacteria life on Mars, the same way Molly found water on the Moon?