Flight of Fate

In case anyone's wondering about the family...

Jean Smith: Still active after Steve's death in 1997.

Eunice Shriver: Caring for Sarge, stricken with Alzheimer's since 1999.

David Kennedy: never did drugs ITTL.
Great Work RougeBeaver. :)

Oh, and just wondering but, what would be the ranking of the Presidents in this TL? I mean in terms of Great,average or poor. I imagine Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown woud be near the bottom, and RFK Sr. and GHWB near the top. Teddy I think would be viewed with sympathy.
Ah yes, the rankings.

Robert Kennedy Sr. (1969-1977): 7th overall, behind Truman and Teddy Roosevelt. Credited with economic prosperity and an end to the Vietnam War, along with a reorientation in US foreign policy. Criticized by conservatives for Indian, "Arabist" and environmental policies, and liberals for overt social conservatism.

George Bush (1977-1985): 9th overall. Known as one of America's greatest foreign policy Presidents, credited with breaking union power in the US. Criticized for handling of the 1979-81 recession.

Richard Lugar (1985-1989): 16th overall. Credited with economic prosperity and successful foreign policies, but severely criticized for deregulation of savings and loans industry,which caused the 1989-91 recession. Conservative Republicans severely criticized Lugar for what was seen as excessive deference to Majority Leader Kennedy during his term.

Ted Kennedy (1989): 25th overall. No significant accomplishments, significant personal failings.

Bill Clinton (1989-1990): 28th overall. Economic policies helped recovery, but conviction on criminal charges in 1994 and forced resignation make his rehabilitation extremely unlikely.

Jerry Brown (1990-1993): 17th overall. Peace and prosperity, presided over fall of Soviet Union, but failed to advance a domestic program.

Donald Rumsfeld (1993-2001): 13th overall. Peace and prosperity, but criticized for non-intervention in Bosnia and attempts to repeal Indian Act.

Robert Kennedy Jr. (2001-2009): Not yet rated.