Flag Thread II

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In addition to this I would like to note that your canton has a canton, which is not exactly aesthetically pleasing...

Wait, so what you're saying is you don't like my flag of a New Zealand dominated by Australia dominated by U.S. dominated by G.B. which is in turn dominated by a reborn Rome???

And here I thought it was quite fetching.

Makanid Flag from the Raptor of Spain, a Sufri Maghreb dynasty that follows Mu'tazalism and has had a long alliance with the Christian Spaniards. Due to the reign of some 50 years of proto-deist Qarmatians in the Holy Land, they see themselves as bringing the light of True Islam back to the Middle East.

The text translates to "Allah Prepares Us for Victory."

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Wait, so what you're saying is you don't like my flag of a New Zealand dominated by Australia dominated by U.S. dominated by G.B. which is in turn dominated by a reborn Rome???

And here I thought it was quite fetching.

I did a British Canadian Canadian Canada with nesting Red Ensigns a few threads back.
Makanid Flag from the Raptor of Spain, a Sufri Maghreb dynasty that follows Mu'tazalism and has had a long alliance with the Christian Spaniards. Due to the reign of some 50 years of proto-deist Qarmatians in the Holy Land, they see themselves as bringing the light of True Islam back to the Middle East.

The text translates to "Allah Prepares Us for Victory."

Great flag, but the Arabic is the wrong way around. It should read right to left, not left to right which this one does. It think the grammar is weak as well.

it should be:

الله يستعد لنا للنصر
(Allah prepares [for] us [the] victory, which is the correct classical Arabic grammar, I think)

If I flip what you wrote to the write way round, we get:

الله يستعد للنصر بنا
(Allah prepares for victory us)

Getting the Arabic to join up depends on whether your editor supports it.
Here's a space Roman flag.
NISPQR = Novus imperium senatusque populusque romanus (New empire and senate and people of Rome)

space romans.PNG


Here's a space Roman flag.
NISPQR = Novus imperium senatusque populusque romanus (New empire and senate and people of Rome)

Not a bad flag, but I have some issues with the Latin.

"SPQR" stands for "Senatus Populusque Romanus", so I believe "Senatusque" is incorrect in this sentence (though that might just be a typo).

As far as I understand Latin grammar (that is to say I've skimmed a couple of Wikipedia pages on the topic, so not a great deal) adjectives generally come after the noun they modify and must agree with that noun in gender. "New empire" would therefore be "Imperium Novum" not "Novus Imperium".

As I said, I don't know a great deal about Latin, so I would wait for someone who does - such as MrP - to confirm this before believing it, but it would seem to me that the correct Latin would be "Imperium Novum Senatus Populusque Romanus".
Not a bad flag, but I have some issues with the Latin.

"SPQR" stands for "Senatus Populusque Romanus", so I believe "Senatusque" is incorrect in this sentence (though that might just be a typo).

As far as I understand Latin grammar (that is to say I've skimmed a couple of Wikipedia pages on the topic, so not a great deal) adjectives generally come after the noun they modify and must agree with that noun in gender. "New empire" would therefore be "Imperium Novum" not "Novus Imperium".

As I said, I don't know a great deal about Latin, so I would wait for someone who does - such as MrP - to confirm this before believing it, but it would seem to me that the correct Latin would be "Imperium Novum Senatus Populusque Romanus".
I thought endings are all that matter in Latin, not word order.

@JJDXB: Thanks, I have no understanding of Arabic so I had to use google translate. Appreciate the corrections.


I thought endings are all that matter in Latin, not word order.

Well, as I said, I don't actually know that for certain, but the Wikipedia article said that adjectives mostly come after the noun, and I can't remember any examples of the adjective coming before the noun, but plenty of them coming after (e.g. Carthago Nova, Populusque Romanus).
Well, as I said, I don't actually know that for certain, but the Wikipedia article said that adjectives mostly come after the noun, and I can't remember any examples of the adjective coming before the noun, but plenty of them coming after (e.g. Carthago Nova, Populusque Romanus).
From what I remember of my high school Latin classes, that's the most common word order, but isn't necessarily set in stone and the word order can be the other way around... word order is quite fluid in Latin since usually matching cases tends to be enough. (Though that might just be because most of what we read was poetry- if that's just a poetic convention, then it may not be relevant for a country name)
Do you people take flag requests? If so can somebody be as kind as to make a flag with the horseman on the left, in the center of a green background (horseman should be smaller than he is now), with crescents on all four sides.

Do you people take flag requests? If so can somebody be as kind as to make a flag with the horseman on the left, in the center of a green background (horseman should be smaller than he is now), with crescents on all four sides.

Here it is. Please feel free to request further alterations to the flag ;)
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Can I request a flag of an US-Canadian-British union flag during Worldwar? (map) The country is known as the United Nations of the Atlantic, or Atlantis for short.
From the map, it seems that 'Atlantis' comprising 6 independent nations ( UK, Eire, USA, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic) plus a number of colonies. But I've chosen 7 stars - Denmark and Iceland being technically Danish around 1942 but the 7th star added as a nod to occupied Denmark.

Here are 2 ideas. I prefer the first, simple design - a flag with a red backgound might be too close to the Nazi flag so I chose gold. On the second there's red, white and blue plus my 7 stars again in blue, red avoided for obvious communist association; the white stripe is wavy as a reminder that this union is built around an ocean.

A request, if I may:

I've found the flags on a post in this topic done by arkham6 (I think that's his name), and I haven't been able to get into contact with him about larger versions or a reposting of the flags on this topic he did earlier this year.

What I'm asking, is: "Could you guys/gals make larger versions of these flags for the community please?" I say this because, these flags are fairly small, and it would be way cool to have these in a higher resolution (minus the wavy-ness of the flags). Also, some of the flags are already represented as current timeline flags, so those ones wouldn't have to be done.


One of my favorites from that TL:

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