Fear, Loathing, and Lobster


"I, Edmund Muskie, was the victim of Nixonism. I have a path to redemption. I will never make another mistake like letting something like the Canuck Letter happen again. I will not act unemotional and I will not be let down again. I, Edmund Muskie, will be the next President of your United States"
-November, 11, 1975


"At Christmastime, polls show tight race to take on Ford.
Muskie: 35%
Carter: 25%
Kennedy: 15%
Brown: 25%"
-December, 24, 1975, New York Times


"The Muskie campaign has taken on some new advisers. Former White House Press Secretary Bill Moyers will run the communications shop, while former Ambassador to the UN George W. Ball will be the chief foreign policy adviser. Ken Galbraith, ex-Ambassador to India has taken on the position of fiscal policy adviser, and national security issues are handled by fellow Polish-American Zbignew Brzezinski."
-January, 1, 1976, New York Times
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Muskie notches big win in Iowa
Edmund Muskie has unexpectedly defeated folksy Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter in the Iowa caucuses. The caucuses, a part of the McGovern-Fraser primary reforms that have made primaries more important for the first time, have launched Muskie, best known until now as the running mate on Humphrey's failed 1968 ticket, into a household name. Meanwhile, Gerald Ford has beat off a primary challenge from ex-California Governor Ronald Reagan.


Muskie wins New Hampshire
Edmund Muskie wins, in an upset of Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter the same state that humiliated him 4 years earlier, New Hampshire. This surprise win has made Muskie a winner twice. Can the man upset in '68 and in '72 finally make it to the top? And, Gerald Ford has successfully fended off Reagan.


The Conventions
The conventions are done and over with. Gerald Ford has humiliated Ronald Reagan. Reagan said, "I'll be back!" Meanwhile, Muskie beat Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter in a surprise win. Ford's VP shortlist: Sen. Bob Dole, Fmr. California Gov. Ronald Reagan, Sec. Elliott Richardson, and current VP Nelson Rockefeller. Muskie's VP shortlist: Gov. Jimmy Carter, Sen. Henry Jackson, Gov. Jerry Brown, and Actor Gregory Peck.


Both Candidates Name Running Mates
Both candidates have named running mates. Ford has named Sec. Elliott Richardson and Muskie has named Sen. Henry Jackson.


Preparations for debates
The preparations for the debates have begun. The first televised debates since 1960 will feature President Gerald Ford and Sen. Edmund Muskie. These debates will be set up by the League of Women Voters and CBS, and be moderated by Roger Mudd.


First debate
The first League of Women Voters/CBS debate moderated by Roger Mudd was a roaring success for the Muskie campaign.


Someone actually commented on one of my threads. And I like the sig, it's just funny. And the fact that the first comment on this thread that isn't one of my updates is also a Star Trek reference.