Fate of North America if the US broke up sans 1787 Constitution

Just like it says on the tin. If the United States broke up after a failed constitutional Convention, what might have happened to the rest of the continent? Would the British swoop in and seize the Old Northwest, perhaps grabbing the sparsely-populated northern reaches of Luisiana as well? Would American colonists moving west return to British rule once a King who lacks George III's belief in the necessity for the Crown to honor its agreements with the First Nations ascends to the Throne? Would BNA still unite into one country, or would we see some sort of Northwest Dominion, Canada, Quebec, and dominions in the Prairies and in Oregon? Would a stronger British presence cause consolidation among culturally-similar states, like perhaps some kind of Mid-Atlantic Confederation (I'm sure New England will confederate soon enough.)

And what of the South? Do they consolidate as well since the Deep South was very culturally similar as well? Does Luisiana survive, or do the French still buy it back from the Spanish? Absent a Louisiana Purchase do the French or Spaniards retain control, or does a British campaign to seize it become a forgotten front of the Napoleonic Wars? Does Spain retain Florida?

What of California? Does Mexico/Spain hold it, or does it get swamped with Anglo settlers and break away, perhaps forming a Republic that ends up a British protectorate? Texas too?
Generalised British revolution at the peak of starvation during whatever concommant revolutionary wars occur. This makes the 2nd BNA revolution, as part of the Second Glorious Revolution, more radical than the whiggish 1770s.