Fantasy Metro Maps

Huh, that's interesting. Most DC metro expansion maps I've seen use Tenleytwon as the change point. I think I like the idea of Bethesda better, because it would mean less traffic by AU. :D
Bethesda will probably be the stop for Red and (planned) Purple lines. I haven't seen tenleytow as a change for anything.


Ah, road people! My TL is having a Alt-Interstate Highway system built in the 1920s-1930's. Any of you want to go past Metro and go interstate?
Not labeled. Map of Aŋþérwi, with major transportation systems. Green is the interurban railway, red the major subway routes, blue the canal system, and the various dotted lines are for ferries. All railways are electric do to a highly divergent technological history. population is roughly two million, technology is most similar looking to early 1700s, except for the electric knowledge. The city is called Moþté Kernawyn, although native speakers tend to prefer Óð Oŋþ "All [the] city." There's also a map detailing geographic terms, if you'd like. From my conworld.



Here's a map I made a while ago of a hypothetical larger metropolitan subway system for Greater Boston. On long stretches, the trains can probably hit Mach 1. So this'd be roundabout 2100 at the earliest I'd say.



Here's some more of mine, first in a series, thus one I call "Osakaesque"


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I made this for a fictional city... I'm not sure how plausible some of the track arrangements are, but I had fun making it anyway.

Anyone have any others?

Well, this is my work in progress...

Ive spent years researching the forgotten parts of londons transport system , including all proposed and future lines. This is what Ive come up with. ALl these stations and lines were one of the following:

  • Closed and abandoned
  • transfered to Heavy rail
  • halfbuilt / never opened
  • Proposed in passing
  • proposed for future.
There is more than the "Tube" lines here , but as TFL have started taking over surface rail , ive essentialy widened it out to everthing that may fall inside thier juristiction. Its not quite finished yet , but there are well over 700 stations so far



Well, this is my work in progress...

Ive spent years researching the forgotten parts of londons transport system , including all proposed and future lines. This is what Ive come up with. ALl these stations and lines were one of the following:

  • Closed and abandoned
  • transfered to Heavy rail
  • halfbuilt / never opened
  • Proposed in passing
  • proposed for future.
There is more than the "Tube" lines here , but as TFL have started taking over surface rail , ive essentialy widened it out to everthing that may fall inside thier juristiction. Its not quite finished yet , but there are well over 700 stations so far


Well, this is my work in progress...

Ive spent years researching the forgotten parts of londons transport system , including all proposed and future lines. This is what Ive come up with. ALl these stations and lines were one of the following:

  • Closed and abandoned
  • transfered to Heavy rail
  • halfbuilt / never opened
  • Proposed in passing
  • proposed for future.
There is more than the "Tube" lines here , but as TFL have started taking over surface rail , ive essentialy widened it out to everthing that may fall inside thier juristiction. Its not quite finished yet , but there are well over 700 stations so far
Holy crap, that is the most astoundingly awesome transit map I have ever seen.
Thanks for the encouragement guys. Its still not quite finished , I have at least 3 more lines to complete

If anyone knows aof a project that I havent included (Especially any tube/light rail projects in South East/ South West London) let me know , Ill add them in


Thanks for the encouragement guys. Its still not quite finished , I have at least 3 more lines to complete

If anyone knows aof a project that I havent included (Especially any tube/light rail projects in South East/ South West London) let me know , Ill add them in

Have you thought of posting this on Skyscrapercity? They'd love this.
Well, this is my work in progress...

Ive spent years researching the forgotten parts of londons transport system , including all proposed and future lines. This is what Ive come up with. ALl these stations and lines were one of the following:

  • Closed and abandoned
  • transfered to Heavy rail
  • halfbuilt / never opened
  • Proposed in passing
  • proposed for future.
There is more than the "Tube" lines here , but as TFL have started taking over surface rail , ive essentialy widened it out to everthing that may fall inside thier juristiction. Its not quite finished yet , but there are well over 700 stations so far

Would you believe I spent five minutes looking for Mornington Crescent up on that map, before I realized it wasn't supposed to be there? I am a plonker, I really am.

That's a brilliant map. Wonderful job there.
Would you believe I spent five minutes looking for Mornington Crescent up on that map, before I realized it wasn't supposed to be there? I am a plonker, I really am.

That's a brilliant map. Wonderful job there.

Mornington crescent IS there , but its not :D

I was having difficulty fitting in other lines around the label so I reverted it to an earlier name it had. Cheating I know , but I did it in a couple of places
Thanks for the encouragement guys. Its still not quite finished , I have at least 3 more lines to complete

If anyone knows aof a project that I havent included (Especially any tube/light rail projects in South East/ South West London) let me know , Ill add them in
The only thing I can think of is that you still have the bus service for Heathrow 4 on the Piccadilly Line rather than the loop, but I don't know if that was deliberate or not.