Famous quotations that never were

"A conquerer is like a cannonball, he must go on, or his carreear must stop."

Marshall Bonaparte, on the field of Waterloo, after defeating Emperor Wellington

"Honesty is the best policy, but only if in your interests."

George Carlin

"It is good that war is so tame, otherwise we would be repulsed by it."

Robert E. Lee, after accepting the surrender of U.S. Grant, ending the 17th American civil war. Total casualties amounted to 1700.

"The only loser in the war of 1812 was Tchaikovsky."

Solomon Short, refering to the Russian revolutionary who misinterpereted the border skirmishes with the Venetians as the start of a general war, and launched a failed coup. He was dipped in boiling oil, had his skin sliced off, was knawed on by the royal hounds, whipped, starved, frozen, thrown off the walls of the kremlin, and finally impaled on a rusty pole.
"Somebody set up us the bomb."
- Emperor Hirohito, 7 August 1954
and in the spirit of this, here's Hitler's bunker All Your Base. :D

Narrator: In A.D. 1945, war was ending.
Hitler: What happen ?
Himmler: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Goebbels: We get signal.
Hitler: What !
Goebbels: Main screen turn on.
Hitler: It's you !!
STALIN: How are you gentlemen !!
STALIN: All your bunker are belong to us.
STALIN: You are on the way to destruction.
Hitler: What you say !!
STALIN: You have no chance to survive make your time.
STALIN: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
Goebbles: Captain !!
Hitler: Take off every 'Cyanide' !!
Hitler: You know what you doing.
Hitler: Move 'Cyanide'.
Hitler: For great suicide.
(Extra, added by me :D)
Goebbels:What happen us !!
Himmler:We get tried.
ALLIES:For great justice !!
"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!!!"

George Washington, while awaiting for Congress to grant him dictatorial powers after the decisive battle of Monmouth, and the recapture of New York.
"We shall return to the Egypt, the land that received our father Joseph into its bosom, and submit ourselves to the mercy of Pharaoh and Pharaoh's gods" - Moses

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." - Benedict Arnold, 1789, (though there's like a thousand AHs you could do with this quote)
"Volveré y seré millones" (I will come again, and I will be millions)

1836, Emiliano López de Santana, returning to Mexico after been defeated in the Battle of San Jacinto (IOTL, this was supposedly said by Eva Peron before she died).

"The state? I am the state!"

1714, King James III of England, son of James II, who disolved the parliament and became an absolute monarch. He was destituted by the revolution of 1724.
"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

from the memoirs of fleet admiral Ernest King (ret), on the German surprise attack that opened the Three-Ocean War of 1937-1941.
"Volveré y seré millones" (I will come again, and I will be millions)

1836, Emiliano López de Santana, returning to Mexico after been defeated in the Battle of San Jacinto (IOTL, this was supposedly said by Eva Peron before she died).

Why did she say that, and what did she mean by it??

I looked up that shocking quote from Pope Leo, and according to this it was supposely from a Protestant satirical piece...



(And we won't go into the various uses of the word "myth"...:rolleyes:

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

--President Harry Truman, upon stepping into the main auditorium of the United Nations on its opening day.

"I am a jelly doughnut! Really, I am!"

--Entertainer J.F. Kennedy, in a USO tour sketch with Bob Hope and Jayne Mansfield, joking about his poor German and the meaning of the phrase,
"Ich bin ein Berliner!"

"Mister Gorbachev, tear down this mall!"

--Famous line from Lucille Ball's last sitcom, Life with Lucy. In one of Ronnie Reagan's last sitcom appearances, he has a memorable scene with character actor and real estate mogul Mikhail Gorbachev, playing himself.

"Houston, we have a problem."

--Famous line from Houston, an early reality show from the 70s following the life of Whitney Houston. One of the producers was confronting Whitney Houston about the behavior of herself and her husband, questioning whether production on the show should be shut down permanently. The whole scene, broadcast uncut, served as a wakeup call to Whitney Houston.
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"We hung seperatly, so now we must hang together."

Last words of American rebel Benjamin Franklin, after refusing a royal pardon, 1777.
Shit Shit Shit Shit
Stated by Field Marshall Blameiy at the start of the Massacre of Bunderburg in 1943 during the Japanese invasion of Australia.