Europe After The Peace Talks

Russia: The late war had seen the destruction of most of the Imperial Russian Navy. It was decided that the Duma would allow the construction of 2 new capital ships based on the Borodino Battlecruiser design with some revisions. The Russians were also going to overhaul some of the Battleships that were still available.
The Japanese were now looking at what ships they would scrap in order to save the construction of much more powerful warships. In the US the Navy was already providing the administration with a list of ships that would be on the scrap list. Already there were plans to convert the two battlecruiser hulls currently under construction to aircraft carriers.

In Great Britain the government was looking to save as much money as possible so as to help recover from the cost of the war.

In France the Government fell as it seemed that the country could not deal with its defeat in the Great War. The country seemed to shift from the left to the right and neither appeared able to deal with a down turned economy.
Europe: As the summer approached things were happening in Europe. In Germany the Naval Ar was submitted to the Reichstag for approval and the same thing was happening in Great Britain, France, Italy, Austria_HUngary and Russia. However, in France the situation was becoming much more unstable.
The Previous leftist government had fallen and it appeared that the new one was to be just as unstable as the last one. To Provide the necessary stability the President of the Republic called upon the Army to restore order in the countryside and end the Chaos. Martial Law was declared in France.
It appeared that at least in the short term the measure worked.

Belgium appeared to be well on the road to economic recovery and a lot of the damage was being repaired. The Belgians were however building fortifications along its border with Germany just in case.

In Italy the Naval Treaty passed the Paliament and then word arrived in Washington that the Austro-Hungarian Government had also approved it follwed by the Russians.
It would appear to me that while the Germans may to a greater extent believe that the war is over the same may not be true in France. It would appear that the French people are bitter about the fact that they fought that war, suffered a lot of damages and the loss of lives and treasure but have gained nothing.

On the other hand the Germans are fairly happy at how things have gone but distrust the French and feel that perhaps there will be another war. There hope is to reduce the chances that Britain will be dragged into the war. This would increase the chances of an easy German victory.

Germany has altered the face of eastern Europe and thus has a buffer zone between it and Russia. There is some concern that Russia could present a problem to Germany in the future. Thus it is important that either the Russian govt be friendly to Germany or that Russia be kept weak.

Kaiser Karl has had the time needed to put his house in order. The re-organization of the Empire has created a more stable Empire. Every day that passes the Empire grows more stable. Reforms to the military and to govt services has improved things.

Germany is hoping that the sale of the second battlecruiser to Turkey will help in the flow of oil and gasoline to Germany from the Turkish oilfields in Iraq.
As France effectively "lost" and Russia obviously lost, round two is about to happen sooner or later. The question is how the great powers prepare for round 2.

From the German point of view, it is obvious that their fleet wasn't able to break the British blockade. Given the limitations of the fleet and costs, the Hochseeflotte will not be able to challenge the Royal NAvy in Round two as well. The main problem of Germany thus is how to avoid a new blockade. And the easiest way is to avoid another war with Britain. Accepting the fleet limits is one step. True cooperation in international matters with both the British and the US is another step. Effectively, Germany needs a new Bismarckian foreign policy...
Kaiser Wilhelm III invited his fellow World War I veteran and Army commander the Bavarian Crown Price to the Palace in Berlin. Wilhelm while not exactly the best army commander that Germany had had was not stupid he knew that Germany would need a new government if the country was to be ready for any possible future conflict. The Bavarian Crown Prince had been a popular army and Army Group commander during the war. He was well liked by his men and respected by the other Gemerals and even Foreigners. Wilhelm knew that if the Center- Right parties were to win they would need a canidate upon who they could rally around. Wilhelm was sure that the man who was sitting acrass the table from him was that man.
Wilhelm thus carefully began to sound him out if he would be willing to take the reigns of power to help prevent Germany from falling into the trap of another war with Britain.

Germany lacked the money to conduct another naval arms race with Britian and its signing of the Arms agreement had helped to alter fears in Britain and the US that another war might happen. Indeed the sale of a German capitalship to the Netherlands was welcomed as it would mean the dutch fleet in the Far East would be stronger. This pleased the Americans , who were not at all happy with a stronger Japan.
King George V invited the reigning Monarchs of Europe to a celebration in London. Arriving were the Queen of the Netherlands, King of Belgium, King and Queens of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Italy,Greece, Czar of Russia, Kaier Wilhelm III and family, Kaiser Karl to name just a few.
The arrival of so much of Europe's nobility caused a lot of heads to turn It was the first massive appearance since before the death of Queen Victoria.
Czar Nicholas was looking a lot older and it was clear that the war and the recent unpleasantness in Russia had made him a lot older. It was not clear if the future Czar would live long enough to mount the throne.

Kaiser Wilhelm III was treated with respect by his British couisin but the person to receive the warmest greating was Kaiser Karl. It would seem that the British Monarch had been keeping up a steady correspondence with young Karl and the pair seemed to get along fabulously .

Present was the German who was Finland's King, although it would seem that no one was exactly sure if the monarchy would hold. It would appear that demonstrations of German Naval strength in the Baltic and a German training mission in Finland reminded the Finns of the long reach of Germany. The fact that there was talk in Russia about reacquiring lands that broke away did cause the Finns to wonder if alienating the Germans would be a good idea.
Speaking of Germans the Crown Prince of Bavaria also arrived to visit his British cousins. This created some stir in the Royals.
France: A declaration of Marshal Law in France was noted by the British and American Ambassadors. French troops were everywhere. Attempts to strike were put down by the military. When railroad workers struck the French President order that they be drafted into the army and those that did not report were shot for desertion. This had been done before at the start of the century. While the majority of French troops were restoring order not all of them were doing that. More than 8 divisions of the French army and 12 fortress battalions manned the border facing Germany.

Germany had at least 6 Fortress battalions plus 6 Infantry and 2 Cavalry divisions. A young officer named Erwin Rommel was posted to a unit along the border. He had done quite well fighting the Romanians and Italians during the last war. He had been promoted to Major and was in command of a battalion.
France: The British and American governments presented their concerns regarding the declaration of Martial Law in France and the Mobilization of military reservist for the French military. As a result the French President called the two Ambassadors as well as the Belgian Ambassador and the German Consulate General into his office to asure them that France had no intention of starting another war. How long the army had to remain active was a question that he could not yet answer but already France was beginning to respond. As soon as things returned to normal the French Army would be reduced with the demobilization of reservist.

In London the Nobles were meeting at a dinner. The appeared to be some strain between the Belgian King and the German Emperor. But on the whole things went well. The Emperor Karl seemed to get along quite well with his host as well as with most of the others.
The Czar seemed to be suffering from the stress of the past few years.
Word then arrived from St Petersburg that the heir to the throne had been injuried and was not expected to live. The Czar had to leave immediately and a Royal Navy destoyer was made available to take him to the Netherlands were he could catch a train to St Petersburg. The Kaiser made arrangements for there to be a speedy train made available to take the Czar through German territory.
Talk in the press immediately became What caused the Czar to hurriedly leave the celebration. It wasn't until two days latter that the British Correspondent for one of the papers filed a story about the injury of the heir to the throne. It was only 48 hours latter that he reported a very somber St Petersburg marking the passing of the heir. The Russian Prime Minister called upon the Imperial Family to express their deep regrets at the passing of Alexis.

It appeared that the loss of the son produced a groundswell of sympathy from the Russian people
Naval Treaty 1922 The Naval Arms limitation Treaty had gone into effect and the scrapping of the German, British, French, Italian, Japanese and Austro-Hungarian navies had already been underway. The Pre-dreadnoughts were the first to go. The Germans stripped the Ships of their guns sending them to help fortify borders and coastal sites in Germany. Next would come the Nassau class and the process was repeated. The steel was sent back to be reprocessed and would help to complete newer ships for the KaiserMarine.

Older ships were being scrapped in the other countries and in Great Britain the process had begun to reduce the home fleet. It appeared that all of the 12 inch gun battleships were going to the scrap pile The Australians had accepted the proposal to replace the battlecruiser Australia with the reworked HMS Lion. The Ship was to be renamed Australia. The New Zealand Navy was to get the overhauled Princess Royal in place of its battlecruiser , which was considered too slow to remain in service.

Canada, was offered the HMS Erin in place of the Canada, which had been returned to Chile Brazil was once again offered the Agincourt and it appeared that the Brazilians would turn it down again until they leared that Argentina had purchased a German capital ship for its Navy.

America had been busy scrapping a lot of the older capital ships and the Navy department was studying as to what ships should be removed from active service and used as training ships.

Chile was said to have expressed an interest in purchasing the HMS King George V, in view of the purchase of a third capitalship by Argentina.
Well the French gained Cameroon and parts of Togo, didn't they??

My assesment of the situation is that both side probably consider themselves losers. In Germany the democratic government is trying to create the story of "how democracy was won", not how the war was won, since they then would have to explain the loss of several colonies. I think some kind of national sentiment still is in place in Germany, and there are those who think the war still is unfinished business. German democracy in the future is not certain at all.

In France the new military government would have to justify it's existence. My feeling is that they try to capitalize on the fact that Alsace- Lorraine is still lost, Germany still a big threat to France and the "story about the foreign threat" could be used to minimize the anti- government sentiments in France and establish an artificial national unity.

In Russia the government is weak. They are trying to control a vaste nation that is harder to control every day. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an deadlocked duma. Several clashes between the traditional elite and the new Center- Left duma. Anger in the military over how things turned out. Several strikes by Bolsheviks, Mensheviks or Social Revolutionaries every time they're upset about some minor detail in government policies. Combine this with a growing national awakening slowly appearing in the Ukraine, in Belarus, in the Caucasus and in Turkestan. In the shape Russia is like at the moment they couldn't fight anyone, but that might change.

Austria- Hungary is probably one of the most defunct nations in Europe. Federalization has probably created serious conflicts between the Vienna central government and the regional parliaments in Lvov, Vienna, Prague, Zagreb and Budapest. Meanwhile ethnic groups that were ignored earlier are demanding self rule, which Austrian Germans, Croats or Magyars are seriously unwilling to give them. Also the difference in the empire probably would become clear. In Austria and Bohemia liberalism and socialism are probably making gains, while Hungary and Croatia keep being dominated by the old nobility. Galizia- Bukovina is a special case. The Polish nobles of East Galizia probably look towards Poland, while the German burghers looks toward Vienna for support. The Romanians of Bukovina still hope that a victorious Romania will appear, while the large mass of Ukrainians are on one hand hoping for support from Vienna, but on the other hoping for a Ukrainian nation to appear, either as independent or as a self ruling area in Russia.

Italy is the nation that probably feel the war was the worst fiasco. They can definitely rule themselves as a loser. Trieste, Trento, South Triol, Gorizia, Fiume, Dalmatia etc. are still in the hands of the Habsburgs, and the Italian nation will have a hard time surviving as a democracy. Both the left and the right ought to be quite angry there.
Germany 1922: It is now 5 years since the end of the war and new parliamentry elections are due to take place in Germany. It appears that the Center-Left Government of the Social Democrats may soon be replaced by a Center - Right Government lead by the Bavarian Crown Prince. Germany is still leary aout the French. The recent mobilization of the French army and the crushing of the left in France has left the Germans feeling unsure of what their neighbors are up to. The French have started to demoblize some of the forces but Germany has wondered why the forces facing it continue to be more than twice as large as before the unrest. The French President has called upon Marshal Petain to form a government. This has caused protest from some of the centerist Parties.

Austria-Hungary: in a surprise move the Emperor Karl has appointed a Czech to be the next Prime Minister of the Empire. The Commander of the Navy is a Hungarian and the Deputy Army commander is a slovenian.
There have been some bumps in the empire but it appears to be functioning.

Italy: Italy appears to be as unstable as France. There is still anger in the electorate over Italy being dragged into a war in which it not only didn't gain anything but lost a lot of lives and spent a lot of money that it could illafford. Austria has tried to divert Italy's attention to North Africa and to the instability of Albania.

Russia: The Question of Succession has come up now that the future Czar is dead. There is a dispute as to whether there will be a female rule or if one of the Czar's many relatives might take the throne.
The Army has pulled itself together restoring discipline but it is doubtful that it is ready to take on any European power. There are several officers who appear to be convinced that Russia needs a strong leader and that the time for all of the leftist bullshit is over. The suppression of the last attempt by the radical leftist to seize power was crushed but it took a lot of effort. The army has some tanks left over from the war but has yet to see new weapons.

Great Britain: The Chinese government has made a surprising offer to purchase the old battleship Neptune. They have offerd to pay in GOLD and since th British treasury could use all the hard currency that it could get the deal appears to be certain to win approval despite any objections from Japan.

Turkey: The Turkish governments purchase of the Moltke has given that government 2 capitalships that make it a power that could dominate the Black Sea. Germany has received payment in the form of OIL.
Elections were to take place in Germany, France, Italy and Poland within the next few months Things were not looking good for the Social Democrats in Germany as the parties of the center-Right appeared to be making a come back.

The biggest surprise is that while the economic situation in France had improved and usability had been restored all of the political groups wanted an end to Marshal Petain's military government. More of the military had been demobilized but the French army was still far larger than it had been before the "troubles".

In Italy a move byt the new Fascist Party to take power had been defeated by the government but the people were very unhappy at the current political and economic status. An uprising in Lybia had begun to divert peoples atention.
Late Summer 1924 The Military government of France had now passed into history. The Public's opinion of the hero of Verdun was a mixed one. His administration had been ruthless with the Left. Attempts to start strikes or to mount political protest were ruthlessly suppressed . Yey he also dealt harshly with corruption. The recession had caused problems for the French leaders but there was concern that while this proble hit France it could be the start of a much wider problem effecting the economy of the world.

China: The Sale of the British Battle ship Orion to the Chinese was marked with massive celebrations by the Nationalist Government. It arrived in Hong Kong with a British and Partial Chinese crew. Japan on the other hand was quite angry over the matter but the British were glad to get the money.
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As Europe entered the spring of 1925 thing were beginning to happen, Great Britain appeared on the verge of electing its first Labor Government , France was ow electing a civilian government as Marshal Petain stepped down and left for a post in North Africa. Spain had seen the rise of a military dictator as the King appointed a General to run the government after economic woes. Germany's Social Democrats had managed to hold onto power but just by their fingernails. The m
had a majority of just 2 seats and it was predicted that the government would last just a month or two and then their would be new elections.

In Russia the parties of the center -right appeared to be making a comeback. Nationalism was being trumpeted by these parties. Still Kerensky and his partners managed to hold onto power. The military had be restored to a command where there were no longer any soldiers councils. There had been a lot of improvements in conditions. Soldiers pay, food and medical conditions was much improved. An effort was made to ensure that all of the soldiers could read and right. The officers corp was better trained and educated. Still while the New Imperial Russian Army was a lot better than the army that went to war in 1914 it was not yet considered capable of fighting a war with any major European power.

America was mourning the passing of President Theodore Roosevelt , who had been elected in 1920 and had manage to nearly complete his term of office. Vice President Calvin Coolidge had been elected as President in November,
For Fermany a the Social Democrats need a coalition partner. What about a Social Democrat- Catholic Centre (Zentrum) coalition? Not to mention that a socialist- catholic coalition government would be the nightmare for most of the Junkers.:D

The right wing parties of Germany are I assume DVP (moderates), DNVP (nationalists), DDP (liberals) and BVP (Bavarians). Could a centrist government consisting of Zentrum, BVP, DDP and DVP have a chance? DNVP would of course be angry if they're out. How strong is German nationalism? I assume the left is split between SPD and a more revolutionary group. That group could of course still be a part of SPD since Soviet Communism doesn't exist in thsi TL, or it have split up. USPD anyone?

Russia; barely keeping itself together I see. When will the real clusterfuck begin when Turkestan, the Caucasus and Ukraine/ Belarus (ok slavic unity will probably dictate that Belarus and Ukraine are the last places to go kaboom, but it would be the most serious crisis if they go) go of in flames. I assume the right wing parties in Russia are the Octobrists and some more thraditional Conservative Party. Perhaps some kind of radical Slav nationalists too. In the centre there would be the liberal Constitutional Democrats (Kadetts) that probably is a government partner, and on the left spectrum there would be the Social Revolutionaries (Kerensky's party, probably split in a right and a left wing), the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. I guess the Mensheviks are also in the government coalition with the SR and the Kadetts.

Does this mean Primo de Rivera became dictator in Spain two years too late? Well good for the Spaniards I guess. Two more years of democracy is always something.
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A lot of the political parties of the Imperial Germany are still around in this time line. Thus as you mention the Center Party (ka as the Catholic Center Party), The Conservative Party, Free Conservative Party, National Liberal Party, The Progressive Party, and the Social Democratic Party. Therer are also as you mentioned a fee new parties that would have cropped up after the end of the war.
When the military budget came up for a vote the Socail Democrats with their allies failed to pass their budget. Since this was a critical issue the government fail and the Chancellor had to inform the Kaiser.

New elections saw a governmant formed around the Center Party joined with the two Conservative parties and some of the new ones Crown Prine Ruphardt was seclected as Chancellor with Wilhelm Marx as deputy Chancellor.

In Spain the dicatorship of Riveria sarted somewhat latter but he alos live a little bit longer. There is the question will the fact that the Communist do not control Russia mean that the Spainish Civil War may be adverted or less violent. One would hope that there might be more moderation resulting in Spain perhaps becoming more of a Constutional Monarchy.
If the Republic comes about I would say that the Civil War will then happen.