Ethiopia Conquers the Sahel, as Russia did with Siberia

Geography says "almost certainly not." To the west of Ethiopia is a vast malarial swamp, the Sudd, whose natives were incredibly fierce. 19th century Egypt (with European officers and then-modern weapons) tried to conquer this land, but their control was restricted to only a few forts and they had the benefit of using the Nile (choked by cataracts as it is) as a supply line. Ethiopia was also a very decentralised state and after the 15th century or so more or less fell apart due to wars with the Somalis and Ottomans and the Oromo migrations, so they'd need to deal with that (I think this challenge is fairly plausible for Ethiopia to overcome).

If Ethiopia needed to reach Christian Europe, then they'd conquer the Sudan and Egypt. That's going to be difficult--the Sudanese states, even when they were Christian before the 15th century, have their own challenges (i.e. powerful migrating tribes from the west and pressure from whoever rules Egypt) and won't easily submit to Ethiopia. Egypt will be even more challenging. But that's the "natural" path of Ethiopian expansion, proceeding north to the land of neighbouring Christian states and the seat of the ruler of their church (Alexandria).
is there a way for Ethiopia to have expanded and conquered the entire Sahel region, maybe to get closer to Christian Europe?

I don't think so - the Sahel had multiple states that were more of a match for Ethiopia than the Siberian khanates and peoples were for the Russians.
is there a way for Ethiopia to have expanded and conquered the entire Sahel region, maybe to get closer to Christian Europe?
Probably not the "entire Sahel". If you want to chart out a path to the Atlantic for better access to Europe a reasonable goal might be to only go as far west into the sahel as lake chad
and then south through Nigeria taking advantage of the small river networks that run along the chad basin from as far east as sudan before transitioning into the Nigerian River systems in the west which run south to the Atlantic.
Nigeria was fractured into dozens of tiny kingdoms but they might be able to carve out a path to the sea possibly with the help of the Portuguese who otl they where in good relations with and had a regional presence. Assuming they can overcome the colossal feat of getting this far ethiopia might be able to outcompete the Kongo kingdom as Portugals primary trade partner in west Africa
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Sahel is really far from Ethiopia. More reasonable would be conquer Ethiopia and Egypt. And even that probably is pretty hard.
Geography says "almost certainly not." To the west of Ethiopia is a vast malarial swamp, the Sudd, whose natives were incredibly fierce. 19th century Egypt (with European officers and then-modern weapons) tried to conquer this land, but their control was restricted to only a few forts and they had the benefit of using the Nile (choked by cataracts as it is) as a supply line. Ethiopia was also a very decentralised state and after the 15th century or so more or less fell apart due to wars with the Somalis and Ottomans and the Oromo migrations, so they'd need to deal with that (I think this challenge is fairly plausible for Ethiopia to overcome).

If Ethiopia needed to reach Christian Europe, then they'd conquer the Sudan and Egypt. That's going to be difficult--the Sudanese states, even when they were Christian before the 15th century, have their own challenges (i.e. powerful migrating tribes from the west and pressure from whoever rules Egypt) and won't easily submit to Ethiopia. Egypt will be even more challenging. But that's the "natural" path of Ethiopian expansion, proceeding north to the land of neighbouring Christian states and the seat of the ruler of their church (Alexandria).
Would make for a good Ethiopia/Axum TL where they manage to centralize during the first centuries AD and use their newfound strength to eventually occupy Nubia, keep Yemen and Eastern Arabia under their control and if the Roman Empire goes against the Sassanids in it's usual devastation, could see the Ethiopians "holding" Egypt for them, meaning that when the Arab invasions do come, the Ethiopians are in a much better position to resist them and maybe actually beat them back, solidifying them as the local power.
Sahel is really far from Ethiopia. More reasonable would be conquer Ethiopia and Egypt. And even that probably is pretty hard.
I'd still wager that is equally as implausible.
Ehtiopia's historical power base was, well the modern borders of Ethiopia. For instance, Ethiopia did have wars with various Somali states, but they never even came close to subduing them. Simply because they couldn't extend their power to a place like Mogadishu.

I just can't see them even coming close to taking over Egypt. And that's Egypt fighting by itself, never mind such a war would cause other Muslim countries tojump in.
If Ethiopia needed to reach Christian Europe, then they'd conquer the Sudan and Egypt. That's going to be difficult--the Sudanese states, even when they were Christian before the 15th century, have their own challenges (

I've seen stranger things happen in history, although mundane things usually happen more often