Effects: Good Star Wars Prequels


I will have to disagree with you in terms of the otl prequels being on par with te originals though I will grant that the originals had their flaws as well.

I agree Indy four will get made.

Oh and agree wth meshing continuities better!
Perhaps the Lord of the Rings films would be more/less successful?

I don't think it has any effect, seeing as a well-made Tolkien franchise will always have a built in fan base/potential fan base that Wars lacks--upper middlebrow people who think LoTR is literary canon.

What would be interesting is if the prequels are so damned good that most other folk reckon they're the natural rival of Jackson's films and the rebooted BSG, in the same way that there was a rivalry between Wars and Trek back in the day.

Firefly stays on the air?

That would be a pleasant side effect, but I'd hate it if these better preqs also made the network instruct Wheedon to 'mythologise-up' his show. 'Firefly' is sci-fi with a western- and post-apocalypse-bent, not fantasy.

Uh huh, do not want intergalactic swords and sorcery in the Serenity-verse.*

I think a lot of this commentary belongsin th thread to making the Phantom Menace good.
Agreed -- we've got a thread for how to improve the prequels, this thread is for the effects the improved films have.

Every time, every time this happens.:rolleyes:

Perhaps a sticky is in order?

*But then again, I guess Crazy George decided he didn't want sorcery in his preqs (hence midclori-whatzits).
Digital characters I don't mind at all. If they're done well. Jar Jar was just annoying. The ewoks at least largely kept their mouths shut.
His comic relief was often mis-placed too.
I kept expecting them to expound on his clumsiness and reveal it to be at least something like smashing the boss' vase or something....but nope. It was just clumsiness. Poor Jar Jar.
And then having the comedy in the battle like that....totally mis-placed and unfunny.

Midichlorians I don't mind at all. Who is to say that this is true? That its not just an example of how crap the Jedi have gotten, that they have lost touch with the force and are attempting to explain it with pseudo-science?
Back on subject... I wouldn't see that huge of an impact by a few Sci-Fi movies in the late 90's, early 00's.

My Opinion:

The primary reason that the original Star Wars had the impact it did was because it was sooo different from what was in the theaters at the time. By the time of the prequels, science fiction and fantasy movies had become such a staple of the summer blockbuster season that anything that looked like Star Wars can't really stand out. All it has to go on to bring in the bucks is the hype and fanbase, and honestly, better writing than a number of other big budget sci-fi films of the time period. But, that still didn't save it in the hearts and minds of the fans.

Add to this what was already stated about the older fans always going to be critical of what Lucas does after years of speculation, and you end up with a nice film that does well in the box office, but doesn't really change the game.

If you want the Star Wars prequels to make an impact, you have to not just make them better, but completely surprise everyone with the product. And I don't mean just better special effects, or getting rid of a few bad characters, I mean -- completely overhaul the whole concept, create something completely new, but in a way that the original fans are going to love. In my thinking, that's virtually impossible.

That said, I would be willing to accept some individual career changes amongst the cast and crew if it is perceived to be a better movie.