Edward the confessor exiled to Ireland - an iri

What if Edward the Confessor had fled to Ireland rather than Normandy when Cnut invaded England? He lives at the court of the King of Leinster and then becomes king in 1042 as OTL. Instead of promising the throne to William, a duke he doesn't know very well, he promises the throne to Diarmait Mac Mael na Bho, King of Leinster. He brings in Irish men and appoints them to key positions, rather than Normans, and in 1066, Diarmait becomes King of England and fights off Harold Hadraada. He then raises an English army to land in Ireland to fight Connauht, Munster and Ulster and becomes High King there. He covers Ireland with English style burghs and shires and turns Connaught, Munster and Ulster into earldoms. What do you think?
I'm not sure why Edward (and Alfred) would go to Ireland when they have kin in Normandy but... (heh heh) I like it. Are you going to expand on this idea?:)