The Year is 484, and the Frankish Empire has been defeated, and the victorious Soissons moves in on its territory, halting the barbarian advance. However, they still reign on in Iberia, Italy, Britain and Africa. The King of Soissons, instead of invading them, decides that hopefully the majority Romans in the provinces will eventually destroy the barbarian ruling class. After a short confrontation, the Visigoths are formally pushed across the Garonne and the Barbarians who had stayed in Germany were now stuck there. They decided now that instead of pushing against the Roman Wall, they would take the technology they had learned from the Romans, and push into their weak eastern neighbors- The Slavs. The first sign of invasion would be when the disgruntled Franks crossed the Brdy Mountains into Bohemia and driving out the Czechs. The Baltic Peoples would not be spared either, Baltic Prussia would be swallowed up by the Burgundians, who were only stopped at the Nemunas river. The Slavs used this tactic, holding some invaders at the Vistula and Bug rivers. The Huns would also partake in the spoils, seizing lands from exhausted Slavs and migrating Germans. Their time would come too, however, as almost 100 years had passed, and Justinian the Great was planning to kick the Barbarians back where they came from. The Huns, lacking a centralized society, were overrun by fleeing Ostrogoths, and the Pannonian basin was turned into a German Homeland. As for the Vandals, most scholars agree they tried to flee into the Sahara, where no sane soldier would pursue them. It is believed that most of them died, with a few managing to reach the Ghana Empire, where they were assimilated over the years. The Byzantines were on the victory road, with no one to stop them. No Franks, no Huns, and No Bulgarians, as the Germans prevented their Western Advance. No foes, or at least that was what it seemed, until the Arabs attacked. The Byzantines fought much harder than in our timeline, but the Arabs would still win, just to a lesser degree. The province of Africa would declare independence and halt the Arab Advance into North Africa, and the Byzantines would barely manage to claw onto Jerusalem, though Egypt would be completely lost to the Arabs. Of course, this means that Persia, facing a much weaker Arabia, would keep the Arabs at bay. They did somewhat, but Ctesiphon, the former capital, was lost and the Persians instead opted to hold the Zagros Mountains. The Arabs, still fueled with conquest, turned towards the Sea. Massive fleets would set sail from Oman and Yemen, landing on the Shores of India. And despite the best efforts from the Indians, the entire Western Coast would fall into Arab hands, with many Indians turning to the Interior, which, to the dismay of the Arabs, was impenetrable. Meanwhile, a fierce battle was commencing in the Caucasus. The Slavs, fleeing East from the Germans, and the Turks, invading West from Mongolia, clashed in the Volga and Ural Rivers, With both sides managing to make impressive gains. The Slavs at one point saw the coasts of Lake Balkash, and the Turks once saw the Azov Sea. The clashes would continue for a while, only slightly simmering with the split of the Gokturk Khanate. The Persians even partook in this Central Asian mess, seizing opportunities at the regular to build back their lost power. The Saxons, without being able to bring more from the mainland, were pushed out of Britain, and instead invaded Norway. The Vikings however, defeated the Saxons and as punishment, send them to colonize the Arctic Island of Iceland, and later, Vinland. Because of the Vinlanders, the Native Americans learned European technology and became advanced enough to rival the Vinlanders directly.

The Year is now 930, and the world looks insanely different, but this map is all I made, what would the future of this world look like? Discuss and constructively criticize to your heart's content!
