Early Sinking of the Indianapolis

my friends and I were discussing the USS Indianapolis and it's sinking in WW2, when I began to wonder what would've happen if the ship was sunk on her way to guam with little boy aboard. Would an invasion be needed to knock Japan out of the war, or would fat man be enough?
IIRC the bomb itself wasn't onboard, just the detonator. So, best-case scenario for the United States, Little boy is out of commission until a new detonator can be rushed out to Tinian. Maybe Fat Man is used first.

If not, then it hardly matters. Depends a bit on the timing, but news of the sinking may precede the trinity tests, resulting in that bomb being rushed out to the pacific (though I doubt it, given that the Japanese probably won't have a shot at Indianapolis until after trinity). But the Americans will have another bomb ready by august, another three or so each additional month for the rest of the year. Not to mention that Japan is being reduced by other means. maybe the bombings are delayed a bit, perhaps by a full month. But Japan is dead at this point anyways.
Basically the use of the Atom Bomb accellerated the Japanese to the decission to surrender, not causing it. The war itself had come to a point already where USAAF bombers could do their job on destroying the Industrial caqpacity of Japan for quite a while, destroying both cities and industry alike, removing Japan's means to fight on.

The main point of bringing the Japanese to surrender was not the atom bomb, but the USSR declaring war on Japan shortly before the Hiroshima attack. With the likelyhood of loosing all grip on continental Asia, including the Korean Pinisula, which was seen as part of the Hartland, Japan could not longer continue.
A Japanese scuba team dive down, retreve the bomb, do some back engineering on it, tie it to a balloon, it floats over the sea exploding on the North American coastline causing America to withdraw from the war.:p

*tongue firmly in cheek*
*Sinks SS Lord Brisbane with IJN Kaiten suicide torpedo*:D

Nope - the balloons would not have had enough lifting capacity.
And BTW, SCUBA needed the Cousteau-Gagnan demand valve to work properly - and that did not appear until 1945.
Hush, don't let silly things like facts get in the way of an awesome conspiracy theory.

*channels Eleven11*

There was no other ship, no back-up plan! Therefore the bomb, and the Indianapolis, did not exist! Your uncle peels potatoes in power plants!
thanks for the input guys, i didn't expect it to change much, just was an interestin thought while sittin at Hooters waiting for our food :D
*Sinks SS Lord Brisbane with IJN Kaiten suicide torpedo*:D

Nope - the balloons would not have had enough lifting capacity.
And BTW, SCUBA needed the Cousteau-Gagnan demand valve to work properly - and that did not appear until 1945.

Thats why we can't let things get to serious.;)


A Japanese scuba team dive down, retreve the bomb, do some back engineering on it, tie it to a balloon, it floats over the sea exploding on the North American coastline causing America to withdraw from the war.:p

*tongue firmly in cheek*

Sadly, I have seen considerably less plausible AH proposals from some folks on this forum, and they definitely did not have their tongue in their cheek.
thanks for the input guys, i didn't expect it to change much, just was an interestin thought while sittin at Hooters waiting for our food :D

That's what you think about at Hooters?

On a more serious note, its a nice idea, and is certainly original (IIRC I haven't seen Indianapolis discussed here before). But at this stage in the war, there really isn't anything that can save Japan. Certainly not sinking an American heavy cruiser, no matter how important a courier mission it is on.
That's what you think about at Hooters?

On a more serious note, its a nice idea, and is certainly original (IIRC I haven't seen Indianapolis discussed here before). But at this stage in the war, there really isn't anything that can save Japan. Certainly not sinking an American heavy cruiser, no matter how important a courier mission it is on.

hey when you get a bunch of history buffs there on trivia night (the question was what ship that was sunk in WW2 was discussed in Jaws)

thank you :D, but you're right, it isn't plausable that it would lead to anythin


A Japanese scuba team dive down, retreve the bomb, do some back engineering on it, tie it to a balloon, it floats over the sea exploding on the North American coastline causing America to withdraw from the war.:p

*tongue firmly in cheek*


Balloon, hell!!!

Japan was only weeks away from deploying Mothra as an intercontinental delivery system!! We will burn your Cities!!! Then Godzilla will dance on your graves!!! Then we will send Manga girls with annoying large eyes to occupy your lands!!! Bwahahahaha!!!!



Balloon, hell!!!

Japan was only weeks away from deploying Mothra as an intercontinental delivery system!! We will burn your Cities!!! Then Godzilla will dance on your graves!!! Then we will send Manga girls with annoying large eyes to occupy your lands!!! Bwahahahaha!!!!


Well, Mothra and Godzilla would be annoying, but the Manga girls would be welcomed with open arms:) (OK, so they might be a serious distraction for a while)