Dutch comes early: A 1976 Ronald Reagan victory timeline


Dutch comes early: A 1976 Ronald Reagan victory timeline

By: West234

Jimmy Carter Tried to Make it Easier to Vote in 1977 | Time

Ronald Wilson Reagan is possibly one of the most consequential presidents in modern American history. His presidency changed the entire nation and was felt across the globe. Today he is viewed with vast fluctuations of pride and hatred by both sides but no one denies that influence. In this timeline want to try and imagine a new world where just a simple change in a few years dramatically alters the course of a nation and a presidency. We will chronicle what if Reagan were to win the 1976 Republican primaries.

This is my first time attempting to write a timeline after 3 years on this site and I am going to try my best to provide a comprehensive timeline on something I am actually interested in. Given this is my first ever timeline it might take some time to get the kinks worked out in terms of historical accuracy and in-depth. Often previous projects of mine would be instantly abandoned when I felt overwhelmed by the amount of historical information I had to piece together to make them work. This time though I just want to plunge right down into the deep end and create something as comprehensive as I possibly can.

Why Reagan himself? Well, he has always interested me as a president even if I do not agree with him politically I think his life is impossibly interesting. After looking more into his 1976 primary campaign I just felt that I had to create something from it. So then enough about me, ladies and gentlemen ready yourselves Dutch has come early!

Ronald Reagan Archives - The Spot
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Chapter 1: 5 inches down
Chapter 1: 5 inches down
September 22, 1975
Travel Detective Blog: Remembering the Ford Assassination Attempt
Gerald Ford stepped out of the shimmering glass doors of the St. Francis Hotel into one of the wide boulevards of downtown San Francisco. It was a surprisingly warm afternoon with the sun high in the sky lighting up the entire lane. He had spent the last several hours addressing the World Affairs Council and it was so nice to finally be back in the open air again.
"I think my writer cooked up a great one with this speech. I'm going to have to give him a thanks the next time I see him." He said to the heavily built secret service agent on his left.
"Yes, most definitely Mr. President." He stiffly replied.

He had gotten to know his old Secret Service staff a little in prior months but after that crazed Mason girl tried to attack the last two weeks they had brought in a bunch of these newbies as backup. The whole ordeal had shaken him and he was glad for the extra security but he just wished the new guys would lighten up a little sometimes. As he approached the limousines he could not help but glance up towards the building crowd across the street. To him, it was by far the best part of the job. To meet people who really believe in you and what you want to accomplish. He stood up with a grin on his face to give one final wave a the crowd. Cheers poured in from his adoring crowd each one giddy with the chance to get to see the President of the United States.
One quick flash lit up the street for half a second almost as bright as the sun shining overhead. It was two sounds one a violent death rattling screech in the air and the second a simple thud. Panic filled the street like a plague. Sara Jane Moore was quickly grappled by Oliver Sipple and other nearby passersby in the crowd but it was too late. There on the cobble streets of San Francisco lay Gerald R. Ford with a bullet hole straight through his head.

1975 CBS news special report with Walter Cronkite
Walter Cronkite: "We have just received details confirming that Gerald Ford has been declared deceased after being shot by a woman in San Francisco. It appears he was shot exiting the St. Francis Hotel after speaking to the World Affairs Council by one Sara Jane Moore. The shot fired by Moore struck Ford directly in the cranium proving instantly fatal. Details of the motivations of the attack are still unclear. The president was declared dead upon arrival at the local San Francisco Medical Center. His body has been moved to the local San Francisco county morgue where arrangements are being presently made to transfer it to Ms. Ford and Ford's Family for proper burial. The assassination has come as a shock to an entire nation bringing back memories of the John F. Kennedy assassination only 12 years before. In the city of San Francisco and across the country many seem in shock and mourning wondering how such an act could have taken place.

Vice President Rockefeller was shortly after informed of the shooting and is said to be taking steps to mitigate the fallout. He has sent a press release stating that he is preparing to take the oath of office as soon as possible to once again shore up the trust and faith in the American government in this dire time. He has given his condolences to the Ford family and he called Ford "An American hero beyond all others." It is expected that he will take the oath of office later tonight with a scheduled address to the American people at 9:00 p.m. PST. Needless to say, America's hearts go out to the Ford Family. And we will continue to provide coverage as this story continues to unfold..."


"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. So help me god"- Nelson Rockefeller, September 22 1975​
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Chapter one is done. I have been gameplaning out this timeline a bit more and I think I have some pretty interesting ideas I want to try and pursue. I don't know how it will all turn out right now but hopefully I can see this to the end.
Would the nominee be Udall or even a southern Democrat like Bentsen, then?
Neither imo, Frank Church and Hugh Carey if they ran would be much more likely to be the preferred liberal candidate in the primary. Rueben Askew would be the most likely southerner to win the nomination, Bentsen is too conservative for the democratic base to rally around. Although assuming he wins re-election dick clark would be an interesting option and Walter Hiddleston is also a realistic candidate
Neither imo, Frank Church and Hugh Carey if they ran would be much more likely to be the preferred liberal candidate in the primary. Rueben Askew would be the most likely southerner to win the nomination, Bentsen is too conservative for the democratic base to rally around. Although assuming he wins re-election dick clark would be an interesting option and Walter Hiddleston is also a realistic candidate
Reagan winning 1976 could butterfly away the Iranian Revolution, but it's unlikely as the Shah and the US were increasingly unpopular and his health was worsening.
Reagan winning 1976 could butterfly away the Iranian Revolution, but it's unlikely as the Shah and the US were increasingly unpopular and his health was worsening.
Reagan being heavy-handed with iran could easily make things worse . The shah was bound to get kicked out power either by military coup or popular uprising. Hell things could escalate to a full on civil war


Chapter 1: 5 inches down
September 22, 1975
Travel Detective Blog: Remembering the Ford Assassination Attempt
Gerald Ford stepped out of the shimmering glass doors of the St. Francis Hotel into one of the wide boulevards of downtown San Francisco. It was a surprisingly warm afternoon with the sun high in the sky lighting up the entire lane. He had spent the last several hours addressing the World Affairs Council and it was so nice to finally be back in the open air again.
"I think my writer cooked up a great one with this speech. I'm going to have to give him a thanks the next time I see him." He said to the heavily built secret service agent on his left.
"Yes, most definitely Mr. President." He stiffly replied.

He had gotten to know his old Secret Service staff a little in prior months but after that crazed Mason girl tried to attack the last two weeks they had brought in a bunch of these newbies as backup. The whole ordeal had shaken him and he was glad for the extra security but he just wished the new guys would lighten up a little sometimes. As he approached the limousines he could not help but glance up towards the building crowd across the street. To him, it was by far the best part of the job. To meet people who really believe in you and what you want to accomplish. He stood up with a grin on his face to give one final wave a the crowd. Cheers poured in from his adoring crowd each one giddy with the chance to get to see the President of the United States.
One quick flash lit up the street for half a second almost as bright as the sun shining overhead. It was two sounds one a violent death rattling screech in the air and the second a simple thud. Panic filled the street like a plague. Sara Jane Moore was quickly grappled by Oliver Sipple and other nearby passersby in the crowd but it was too late. There on the cobble streets of San Francisco lay Gerald R. Ford with a bullet hole straight through his head.

1975 CBS news special report with Walter Cronkite
Walter Cronkite: "We have just received details confirming that Gerald Ford has been declared deceased after being shot by a woman in San Francisco. It appears he was shot exiting the St. Francis Hotel after speaking to the World Affairs Council by one Sara Jane Moore. The shot fired by Moore struck Ford directly in the cranium proving instantly fatal. Details of the motivations of the attack are still unclear. The president was declared dead upon arrival at the local San Francisco Medical Center. His body has been moved to the local San Francisco county morgue where arrangements are being presently made to transfer it to Ms. Ford and Ford's Family for proper burial. The assassination has come as a shock to an entire nation bringing back memories of the John F. Kennedy assassination only 12 years before. In the city of San Francisco and across the country many seem in shock and mourning wondering how such an act could have taken place.

Vice President Rockefeller was shortly after informed of the shooting and is said to be taking steps to mitigate the fallout. He has sent a press release stating that he is preparing to take the oath of office as soon as possible to once again shore up the trust and faith in the American government in this dire time. He has given his condolences to the Ford family and he called Ford "An American hero beyond all others." It is expected that he will take the oath of office later tonight with a scheduled address to the American people at 9:00 p.m. PST. Needless to say, America's hearts go out to the Ford Family. And we will continue to provide coverage as this story continues to unfold..."


"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. So help me god"- Nelson Rockefeller, September 22 1975​
Does Rockefeller run in the primaries now? I know he was going to be dumped from the ticket, but as the incumbent I can’t see him sitting out the election.
Well Ronnie is got a very poisoned chalice, the economic situation is not good and frankly his reaganomics will hardly improve it and there will be the Iranian Revolution and Afghanistan to deal...plus he will have to deal with the democrats that control both house
Chapter 2: A nation in tears
Chapter 2: A Nation in Tears
Nelson Rockefeller Facts - Who Is Nelson Rockefeller?

39th President of the United States Nelson Rockefeller
As with most politicians, it had always been Rockefeller's dream to become president. He had spent years working his way up the political totem poll of New York State politics and he had run for president 3 times before he was nominated vice president. But he never wanted it like this, under these circumstances. These were the thoughts that ran through his head before he was meant to make that triumphant address to the American people to somehow calm their worries after the prior day's events. He came up behind the podium in the White House's press office. He could feel the sweat on his brow and his speech seemed to shake as he set it down on the podium. This was possibly the most exhausting he had ever been in his entire life, yet he continued. Cameras flashed around the room and the reporter's chatter of conversation died down as he cleared his throat.
"America has lost something more valuable than we could know. A dedicated public servant who spent his life for his country Gerald Ford was the embodiment of what it means to be an American. Many of you may now feel lost and confused as to how something like this could have happened. I feel you. I feel for our great nation which has lost an incredible leader to a cowardly act of violence. But most of all I feel for Ms. Ford and the entire Ford family who have lost something so unimaginable it is impossible to put it into words.
I must now do as Johnson did a short few years ago and pick up the torch of democracy and carry it on. I will follow what I and Ford set out to do and continue with the esteemed business of government. We will not rest until we get to the bottom of what happened earlier today. As such I am launching a full-scale federal investigation in cooperation with state and local authorities..."

The day of September 23, 1975, was declared a national day of mourning by Nelson Rockefeller. Flags were lowered to half-mast across the nation in a sign of respect. In many towns across America, small vigils were held to honor the former president. While Ford did have some of his lowest poll numbers ever at the time of the assassination, mainly because of the pardon of Richard Nixon, this all seemed to be almost forgotten. Sympathies came in from everywhere, from the Sultan of Oman to the Prime Minister of Japan.
Betty Ford was inconsolable after learning the news. She refused to leave San Fransisco until her husband's body was returned to her. She only rarely spoke in the time after and shied away from media as best as possible. Nelson Rockefeller personally called her to give his condolences and he offered to allow her and her family to stay at the white house for the remainder of his term while they got their affairs in order.
For Rockefeller the transition was especially brutal he had lost a close colleague and now was somehow supposed to bear the weight of the nation he had left behind. His first month in office was dominated by two things first the death and the resulting investigation surrounding it and second keeping the nation steady during his short tenure. The brutal way that Ford was killed especially enraged the public. Confusion and theories spread rapidly around the country which was especially fueled by the previous assassination attempt 17 days before. Many at first believed that Moore must have been another agent of the Manson Family. This frenzy left the San Fransico PD in a panic to try and get something from the now-imprisoned Moore. Rockefeller immediately ordered the director of the FBI Clarence Kelley to look into Moores's personal life and any connections she may have had with other groups. Two things became apparent immediately, Moore had both serious 'communist' sympathies and an obsession with Patty Hearst. The small amounts of this gathering pool of evidence slowly trickled back to the press only fueling the fires of public confusion and conspiracies further especially on the far right.

Nelson Rockefeller was not a particularly visually impressive man 5"10' his hair grayed and slicked back and a pair of large square punk glasses on his face. However, he was a man with an iron determination and a sharp wit someone who could get things done. A child of the infamous Rockefeller family he began his work in the government as the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs for the Roosevelt administration. He worked for decades in various positions through the federal government before finally going into state politics and getting himself elected governor of New York. He was widely known as a moderate who often leaned closer to the left on many issues. However, despite his successful governorship, he never truly left federal politics behind. He had run 3 times for the presidency previously and he had finally made it. Why why now...

His hands felt cold and his throat was getting raspy again. He thought about rolling over the covers of the bed once more to see if that would help but it never truly did. He was an old man who had truly never even intended to run for a second term with Ford. A part of him almost felt what was it... unworthy of being here in this oh-so-sacred place. Most of the administration's old plans moving into 1975 seemed to go up in smoke. Tax reforms, combating inflation, and Detaunt all were now shoved down the priority list. The stress of all this seemed to be mounting on him.

This by no means meant he didn't still have ambition however for him the nation came first before all else. The thoughts zipped through his head like a swarm of bees. I need to speak with Kissinger about the plan regarding relations with the Soviets. Something in the FBI needs to be fixed we have to run a tighter ship. Congress reconvenes tomorrow should I call for an act of memorial?

But it can only continue for so long eventually his mind slowly drifts from the madness of the day and falls to sleep.

September 30, 1975-Ranch Del Cielo, Sana Barbra County, California

Ronald Reagan sat on a thin oak chair gazing out at a view of the vast mountains that surrounded the property. He found the mountains particularly relaxing for some reason. The ranch was rather new he only bought it last year but it was already his favorite place to stay. Nancy and the kids seemed to love it as well which made it all the better. Nancy gently tapped him on the shoulder as he watched the fall leaves blow past.

"Honey what do you want to eat for tonight I can help get together a roast if you want?" Nancy asked.

"That sounds wonderful Nanc'. It's a perfect weather to eat outside and the incessant 'favors' of Washington seems to finally be dying down." Reagan replied.

"I don't know why you let them do that to you Ronald you aren't even governor anymore how can they keep asking you for things like this?"

"It comes with the job the whole country is in a bit of a mess right now, especially in California, they need someone with connections to help get things together. I am happy to help honestly, what happened to Ford was just horrible. I can still barely believe it."

"It is truly awful but I just wish you wouldn't get so stressed because of it. The funeral is coming up in three days and it seems to be anything anyone can talk about so it does make it harder." Replied Nancy.

"I knew Ford I had met him a few times as governor. He was a good man in both spirit and character. I disagreed with many of his decisions especially the disaster in Vietnam and with the economy but he was moving us in the right direction but now I don't know where our country is going."

He looked up at the sky in contemplation he had been considering it for a few years now but now it had all come to a head. "It might be a big move Nancy but it might just be the best time for me to throw my hat in the rink."
Chapter 3: Rocky
Chapter 3: Rocky
The Nelson Rockefeller Presidency (1975-1976)
File:Nelson Rockefeller with Henry Kissinger January 3, 1975.jpg - Wikipedia
To many, President Ford seemed like a man walking a tightrope going into the next election. It seemed that the Democrats had a clear shot at victory, but then he fell—with a bullet in his brain.

When President Ford was declared dead, Nelson Rockefeller was on the opposite side of the nation, giving a speech to the Maryland Young Republican Club. A secret service member came up beside him, whispering the news to him. He ended the speech rather hurriedly, briefly apologizing to the students before departing. He was hurriedly driven back to the white house. His driver would later say, “He seemed fidgety the whole time, constantly tapping his foot and adjusting his glasses; something was wrong.”

The body of Gerald Ford had been brought back just two days after the shooting, with Betty Ford traveling alongside. She had been attending a separate series of stops on the San Francisco Penisula on the day of the shooting. The state funeral took place almost two weeks later in the D.C. National Cathedral. Presidents and prime ministers from around the world crowded solemnly in the rows of that old hall. It was a generally calm affair, except for the small media firestorm after Nixon’s eulogy to Ford.

Ford had largely selected Nelson Rockefeller as the man of stability." A competent vice president who would reassure the nation after the disaster at Watergate He also brought a much-needed appeal from more liberal constituencies that would not normally support the Republicans, such as African Americans, Hispanics, union members, and urban voters. He managed to rebuff the attacks from some of the much more far-right members, like Senators Barry Goldwater and Jessie Helms, in the Senate to secure the nomination. But Ford is dead now, and this supposed symbol of stability was going to be put to the test.

While he did see eye to eye with Ford on many issues, including his excursions in the Middle East and his policy toward Vietnam, His relationship was strained by his near ostracization from the government by Ford and Nixon cabinet holdovers. In part, the reason he accepted the nomination was due to Ford's promises of a near co-presidency with him gaining near total leeway on domestic matters, which were always Rockefeller's forte. However, Ford’s attempts to realize this never truly came to fruition, particularly because of the medaling of Donald Rumsfeld, which he had always felt partially bitter over.

The first few months of the Rockefeller Presidency were filled with a string of domestic and policy matters that would dominate his early presidency. In the immediate aftermath, he often attempted to keep aggressive policy matters to a minimum after the dramatic transition. His handling of the assassination and the resulting investigation gave him a huge overnight leap in popularity across America, particularly with middle-class Americans. The consensus of the Republican Party was a murmur of discontent on the far right and a rallying cry for moderates. Nelson Rockefeller had been the far-right Goldwaterites punching bag for decades, representing everything they despised about modern America.

Of prime focus to Rockefeller was the matter of the New York financial meltdown. His interventionist economic tendencies and clear love of all things New York made him more likely to join the side of economic intervention. However, he and his advisor were savvy enough to see how such an act would be framed in the press. He decided to keep the state afloat with what he said was just enough money “to get their economy back and walkin’ again.” However, this did not stop the newspapers from jumping all over the story. The New York Daily News, for instance, penned the infamous misquote headline Rockefeller to City: Take My Money and Run.

He managed to appoint Moderate Justice John Paul Stevens without much fuss through the Democrat-controlled Senate after the retirement of Justice Willam O. Douglas. However, this was not so much the case with his next attempt. When Nelson Rockefeller put forward Edward Brooke as a vice presidential nominee, the far right was in uproar. They attempted at almost every possible opportunity to derail the proceeding and to frame him as a northern elitist with a slight touch of racism from many of the southern senators sprinkled in.

However, their attempts broadly failed due to Rockefeller's incredible national goodwill and the willingness of the Democrats to vote for the more moderate nomination. Brooke was nominated 82-16, becoming the first-ever African-American vice president in American history. The nomination of Brooke for Rockefeller was more about his long and experienced career in the Senate, which would lend extra credibility to his ticket. It also served a practical purpose in that it would help win over many African American voters, which Rockefeller's advisors predicted would be a key demographic in the upcoming election, especially for the many midwestern and southern states that Rockefeller would need to win.

In his administration itself, however, Rockefeller’s so-called Kitchen Cabinet was proving to become more and more trouble by the day. The cabinet made up of hard-line Nixon loyalists, was awash with infighting. Henny Kissinger was proving further and further overloaded with positions as Secretary of State and head of the National Security Council. Many, such as Defense Secretary James Stislinger and White House Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld, had grown increasingly belligerent, not just towards the Ford administration's actions but especially towards the actions of the Rockefeller administration. Rockefeller had had enough and conducted what the media dubbed the Christmas Purge. Kisinger became exclusively Secretary of State, and the rest of the Nixonites were done. Donald Rumsfeld was replaced by Dick Cheney as White House Chief of Staff; CIA director William Colby was replaced by Vernon A. Walters; and Secretary of Defense James Stislinger was replaced by General Richard G. Stilwell.

Rockefeller's magnum opus was completing Ford’s agenda when it came to tax reform and the economy. The nation was in the midst of one of the worst economic depressions in recent history, with inflation and unemployment up dramatically. Following in the legacy of “Whip Inflation Now," he pushed for a series of social programs and spending plans nicknamed the New Plan by Nelson Rockefeller in one of his speeches. With major influence from the White House, the New Plan would be partially passed with some minor revisions from Democrats in May of 1967.

On foreign matters, Rockefeller was largely accused of tossing it to the wayside in favor of domestic preoccupations. The aftermath of the Vietnam retreat ran deep in Rockefeller's foreign policy. He took an internationalist view of the world, preferring to go through bodies such as the UN, which he was a great supporter of. He continued a policy of detente with the Soviet Union, ratifying a small arms reduction treaty in Athens in early 1967, for which he reserved much praise. Given his stressful domestic situation and ailing health, travel was generally off the table, and he is notable for being the president to take the fewest overseas trips in modern American history.

His strategy of peaceful negotiation seemed to only backfire on him. For instance, the attempted Operation Fluid Drive to save American civilians trapped in Lebanon proved to be extremely undermanned and an overall failure, resulting in seven deaths after Lebanese militants began firing on the transport ships. He also sparked a small riff between him and his close friend Henry Kissinger when he refused to allow Indonesia to launch an invasion of the nation of East Timor, which Kissinger was in favor of. These lackluster foreign policy credentials generally seemed to not have much of an effect on Rockefeller’s' popularity with the moderate voting public, but they were often used by his Republican opponents as ammunition against the president.

As Rockefeler's term carried on, one thing was apparent in everyone's minds: the 1976 election. Everyone knew that despite his popularity, Nelson Rockefeller was still on a short timer before he would have to test it.
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The next chapter will probably be out in a few days I have been mulling over this one for a while and just wanted to get it out of the way. I still feel like running through a maze with a blindfold trying to figure out this out for the first time so critiques are highly appreciated!
The next chapter will probably be out in a few days I have been mulling over this one for a while and just wanted to get it out of the way. I still feel like running through a maze with a blindfold trying to figure out this out for the first time so critiques are highly appreciated!
Always glad to see a new entry.