Dunkirk Disaster causes Spain and Soviet Union to join Axis.

The British ran on cheap Caribbean oil as well. And cheap Texas oil. For your second point, that weakens Hitler, not strengthens him. He wanted a Germany so strong no nation could bully or blackmail it. Why would he agree to it? You need to do more research to see why and where you went wrong.

Because Hitler had a secret overwhelming desire to be blackmailed by the "Slavic Untermensch" of course. :rolleyes:
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If Britain was outside the range of land based aircraft the RN might be a factor. The pacific war showed that Britain's collection of battleships would be almost defenseless when attacked by aircraft. Germany would also have four years to develop landing craft, submarine hunters, minesweepers and amphibious tanks needed for a successful invasion.
As late as Sibuyan Sea Japanese battleship fleets were wading through 300+ sorties and remained in fighting condition. And the Brits are most assuredly going to bring way more ships and way better AA to the party than the Japanese did, against much less experienced strike pilots. Not to mention the Brits have carriers, need I remind you.

And even if you fiat the Germans successfully landing - you've already fiated the Luftwaffe not just beating the RAF but grinding them into dust in two fucking weeks, after all - then there's the problem that the Brits are going to immediately counterattack with multiple armored divisions and likely chemical weapons.
@John Gault I really am confused as to what you're trying to do here.

I think it's awesome to propose scenarios and discuss, but this is the 4th thread in a row where you are proposing a scenario that people FAR more knowledgeable than me are telling you is completely far fetched.

At some point, do you think it might be prudent to do some research prior to suggesting scenarios that can be dismissed by even a relative amateur such as myself?

WW2 is a FASCINATING subject and I what I love about this board is learning how to question my preconceptions about it.
must agree with mr Floyd.
.your entire time line is so far fetched I find myself rolling on the floor in laughter
The only impediment to a Nazi-Commie alliance was Stalin/Russian fixation on control of the Bosporus. Hitler's crushing victory at Dunkirk would convince Stalin to compromise on the issue. Once Turkey can't expect British help Turkey will readily cave in to German and Russian pressure, guarantee Soviets access to the Bosporus and give Soviets territorial concessions in the Caucasus in exchange for slices of Syrian territory.
Not so much. Stalin wanted territory - Baltic states, Moldavia, and he eyed Romania and Bulgaria. Otherwise kiss the CommuNazi alliance goodbye.
Once Hitler gets enough planes for air supremacy over Britain he will nuke the Soviets somewhere around 1948.
Not so much. It wasn't a nuke the Russians or the West was as afriad of. And besides, Germany lacked the factories to produce the quantity you're describing - B-17s et al will still pound German cities and factories like the fist of an angry god.
The British Empire ran on cheap Persian oil. The British didn't invade Iran just to transfer supplies to the Soviets but to secure control of their most profitable oil business venture to date. With control of the Persian Gulf the Soviets are going to be the main supplier of oil to the Axis and can charge a premium for it.
Mostly in the form of territory or sphere area after the war. Namely the Raj and Persia - on paper. Again, the Soviets on their own lack the logistical resources to pull off escapades like that.
The Germans would have the ME262 in 1945, which would wipe out obsolete British propeller driven planes. Speer estimated the Germans could have a nuke by 1947 if they devoted enough resources to it. At peace in 1942 Germany wouldn't have scuttled the nuke program and have the spare capacity to develop a nuclear weapon.
And the Jumo 004B has what, a 25-hour half-life? Maybe the 004D has a 35-hour half-life? Without a massive boost access to steel alloying materials their technology still has major problems in implementation. Never mind the BMW 018, BMW 028, or HeS 011. Have you also seen their later Me 262 designs and what they were proposing to do with the cockpit...?
The meteor isn't a match for the me-262 in 1945 and the US isn't turning Britain into airstrip one if the US is not at war.
US won't stand by while Russia, Germany, Italy, and Japan start uniting Eurasia and parts of Africa under one political alliance. They'll be in the war faster than OTL.
Britain is in a cold war with the Axis from 1941 to 1945 and no formal peace treaty is executed. Hitler wont turn east until the Brits are completely cowed. All sides are in an arms race. Britain keeps hoping for a Nazi -Soviet conflagration. Britain collapses in weeks in 1945 through shock and awe of the V2s and Me262s. The war is over before the US and Soviets can think of intervening. The Soviets marvel yet again at the invincible Wehrmacht. Germany gets the Brits nuke research.
V2s won't be enough and Me 262s won't be enough. Read about landings for the latter and failure rates for the former. It'll scare the UK certainly but they will not have been idle - look for Vampires to start showing up with Canada becoming a giant factory for the Allied war effort.
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V101s might be enough and truly modular hydrodynamic submarines a la type XXIX-H woth the kinks worked out might do it though.
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The Germans were straining every nerve to get jets into service, while the British were just dawdling along with their own programme, yet still had jets in front-line units before the Germans did. It would have been far easier for the UK to accelerate its programme than it would Germany. I'd imagine Vampires and long-nacelle Meteors would be in squadrons by mid-1944.
The only impediment to a Nazi-Commie alliance was Stalin/Russian fixation on control of the Bosporus. Hitler's crushing victory at Dunkirk would convince Stalin to compromise on the issue. Once Turkey can't expect British help Turkey will readily cave in to German and Russian pressure, guarantee Soviets access to the Bosporus and give Soviets territorial concessions in the Caucasus in exchange for slices of Syrian territory.

This comment betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the Soviet and German interpretations of the political situation in 1940. I'll quote what I had to say about this in another thread.

Look carefully at Stalin's counteroffer as posted by Nathan Bernacki. You will note that Stalin is essentially trying to fulfil Great Russian imperial goals (the Straits, Finland, Bulgaria, secure positions north of the Baltic etc) without entering into direct conflict with the Allies, which is what Germany would actually want the USSR to do (incentivising them to attack India). This is a very shrewd proposal. Were Germany to accept, not only it would become the junior partner to the USSR economically and industrially, but it would be doing all the fighting while the USSR sits unassailable behind it. If Stalin does not actually attack British possessions he knows the British will always be on the lookout for a diplomatic opportunity to pry Nazi Germany and the USSR apart, rather than fight another death-and-life war to get to Moscow after spending years of blood and treasure just to defeat the Third Reich. Stalin can maybe give up one or two of the concessions he got from Hitler, get peace with the WAllies, and still come out ahead. It's very hard to envision a situation in which Germany and the USSR end up as temporary cobelligerents because geography makes it hard for the USSR and the WAllies to fight in the relevant time period.
Moreover, every year under the M-R Pact is a year in which Germany pays for oil and grain deliveries by sending machine tools and the like to the USSR. It is another year in which the USSR takes another technological step closer to the Third Reich. Meaning Hitler's dream of genocidal invasion to the east would be receding more and more the longer he waited.
The Germans assumed (correctly) that with the Soviet offer, the Soviets would be doing the expanding, and they would do the dying. Under this scenario Stalin has exactly zero reason not to press his advantage, and Germany has exactly zero reason to meekly accept.
The Germans were straining every nerve to get jets into service, while the British were just dawdling along with their own programme, yet still had jets in front-line units before the Germans did. It would have been far easier for the UK to accelerate its programme than it would Germany. I'd imagine Vampires and long-nacelle Meteors would be in squadrons by mid-1944.
Keep Hirth's original team under Von Ohain together and keep the HeS 30 on its original schedule to get more German jets going. Keep BMW focused on its 018 design instead of pushing its 003 design and maybe Germany gets the powerful jets it really wants in mid-1944.
Keep Hirth's original team under Von Ohain together and keep the HeS 30 on its original schedule to get more German jets going. Keep BMW focused on its 018 design instead of pushing its 003 design and maybe Germany gets the powerful jets it really wants in mid-1944.
only "if, if, if" can just as easily apply for both sides here, and the allies have far more resources and are in a far better position to direct them.
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only "if, if, if" can just as easily apply for both sides here, and the allies have far more resources and are in a far better position to direct them.
Isn't that the crux of our posting here if not the existance of the site itself - to ponder the 'if'?
Isn't that the crux of our posting here if not the existance of the site itself - to ponder the 'if'?
it is but sometimes it seems only one side get to see the potential benefit from it even when it's the side that is least well placed to take advantage of it

(but yeah it's also me being grumpy so don't take too seriously :))
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it is but sometimes it seems only one side get to see the potential benefit from it even when it the side that is least well placed to take advantage of it

(but yeah it's also me being grumpy so don't take too seriously :))
Yep. The Nazis are allowed incredible amounts of foresight, and the Allies are blind as bats. Such is the fate of most Axis victory timelines.
The Nazis are allowed incredible amounts of foresight, and the Allies are blind as bats. Such is the fate of most Axis victory timelines.
It is a function of just how badly outmatched and ill-prepared they were for the war they started. That great disparity is what makes WW2 what ifs both immensely fascinating and incredibly frustrating, depending on the context of the discussion. Toying with the mechanics and limits of a partially developed Central European country taking on the rest of the world is fun if you do it honestly. When you just keep beating a dead horse and need to abandon intellectual honesty to suspiciously get a result at all costs, on the other hand... yeah.
it is but sometimes it seems only one side get to see the potential benefit from it even when it's the side that is least well placed to take advantage of it

(but yeah it's also me being grumpy so don't take too seriously :))

Sometimes it just seems like only one side gets the limelight or better treatment. Sometimes it actually *is*. And if a bit of grumpy is the worst thing either of us deal with today then call it blessed and keep rollin'.


Gone Fishin'
The Germans assumed (correctly) that with the Soviet offer, the Soviets would be doing the expanding, and they would do the dying. Under this scenario Stalin has exactly zero reason not to press his advantage, and Germany has exactly zero reason to meekly accept.
With the benefit of hindsight, Germany has one very good reason to accept: a war with the USSR has the potential to destroy them as OTL.
With the benefit of hindsight, Germany has one very good reason to accept: a war with the USSR has the potential to destroy them as OTL.
Yes. That is the same hindsight that would tell them there is an obvious alternative to being so dependent on, and easily blackmailable by, the Soviets: don't start a war with everybody else! The Anglo-Americans are more than capable of destroying Germany even without the Soviets anyway.

But of course the Nazis didn't have this hindsight. Perhaps more to the point, I think we need to grapple with the mind-warping idea that the Third Reich was not a "normal" state concerned with "normal" things such as self-preservation and survival. This is easy to do on paper but much harder to do when discussing alternate history. Imagine you give Hitler the hindsight we're discussing, what do you think his reaction would be? That a Soviet entry into, and at some point leadership of, the Axis is the only solution? In his worldview the Soviets are remote-run by the "international Jewish conspiracy" out to utterly annihilate Germany. If that's your mentality then obviously an alliance with them is impossible. Even if you assume in this scenario that Hitler becomes convinced the Bolsheviks can be "pried away from their Jewish masters" or some such nonsensical rationalisation, there is still the problem of junior partnership. If Germany cannot become a world power but is forced instead to play wingman to a bigger ally (the Soviets in this case) then in Hitler's mind all is lost anyway, because the Nazi worldview divides the world in winners (who eat) and losers (who starve). Might as well roll the dice and accept the consequences if it goes poorly - he'd rather see Germany razed to the ground than still extant and not a world power.

When the man in charge of the whole country has that mentality it becomes apparent just how narrow the window would be for any meaningful German-Soviet cooperation beyond 1941. The Nazi worldview is so mad that even hindsight wouldn't save it, and that's saying something - because its problem is not in the logical chain of conclusions, but in the beginning assumptions, which are literally out of this world.