Draka Question: Haven't Read The Books

I haven't read the books, but I'm intrigued. I'll probably order them off amazon at some point in time. I was wondering, however, if anyone could share with me the reasoning behind their strength. How did they accomplish so much with (assumingly) such a small population base?
Ah, Handwavium. Okay, I can accept that I guess. Handwavium, and poof, twelve Anglo-Saxon conqueror the world. Well, we're bad ass, but...Still, seems like a cool story.
The Great Powers also had a tendency to ignore the Draka, which enabled them to grow so fast at the beginning (they also had control of the Witwatersrand gold mines, which gave them a lot of financial power).

This is slightly credible at the beginning, but once they start getting really far north, someone should have noticed and gotten paranoid.

Plus their belief in "win or die" gives them a powerful incentive to be hard-core.