DBWI the rebels won at Bull Run

In the first southern rebellion, the federals scored a decisive victory at Bull Run and were able to occupy Richmond. The "Rape of Richmond" is a touchy subject, so let's leave politics out of this. I am wondering what would have happened if the rebels won at Bull Run, would they be able to go on to win the war or would this just prolong their loss?

Do you think that the federal government would actually have to conscript? Do you think that we would have less or more uprisings than we have now?
I doubt that the Confederates would have managed to get anywhere near Washington. It was too strongly defended.

Conscription may come if the war goes on and on. If the Rebs win at Bull Run, the war is going to do that, precisely. They are not going to surrender, and to defeat them, a huge army would have been needed.
In the first southern rebellion, the federals scored a decisive victory at Bull Run and were able to occupy Richmond. The "Rape of Richmond" is a touchy subject, so let's leave politics out of this. I am wondering what would have happened if the rebels won at Bull Run, would they be able to go on to win the war or would this just prolong their loss?

Do you think that the federal government would actually have to conscript? Do you think that we would have less or more uprisings than we have now?
Maybe if they win the myth of the "first strike" would be around. How if the South had been able to "muster it's full strength" they could have beat the Yankees. I bet if if the war drags one the poor whites will be the ones to bear the biggest burden, so when the war is over race relations will be better than OTL. Here most of the poor whites we able to stay out of the war so they kept on hating the black population over the aristocracy.
I do think that the Federals would institute a draft - I am not sure that after a loss at Bull Run they would be able to find enough volunteers. I also agree that even after winning the battle, the Confederates would not be able to seriously threaten Washington.

This does, of course butterfly away the Richmond Market Massacre (OOC: assume that some friction between civilians and the first wave of Federals into the city causes a brief shootout with a dozen or so casualties). Which means that William Tecumseh Sherman is not the villain figure he is in Virginia to this day.
War is over by summer 1862, Bull Run win or no; you can get within 6 miles of their capital just by river, and the rebels don't have a navy. A force operating on the York-James Peninsula, with Fort Monroe or some point on the north bank of the James as a base of operations would have a shielded north and south flank, and there would be nothing the rebels could do about it if the government forces just dug their way into Richmond.