DBWI: Sadat Assasinated?

Just read something this morning that 30 years ago today a group of Islamic radicals in the Egyptian Army attempted to assassinate President Sadat at a military parade in Cairo. Suppose they succeeded? How would the Middle East have turned out?
If Egypt would be less stabil after Sadats death, they would propably not annex Libya during the first Oil-war.
In fact I would go as far and make it the reverse, dear freivolk:

Egypt would be so instable that Gadhaffi would get a slice of Egypt, maybe build up a puppet regime over the whole thing. United Arab Republic... with the plain green flag... *shudders* Who knows what that wack-job in Tripoli would be capable of in an unstable North Africa!?
I'd guess if Sadat had died who ever fallowed him would likely be more gun shy about Israel, unlike Sadat who brought Egypt very close to Israel, and Sadat was key to forming a Palestinian State in Gaza