DBWI: Reverse the reputations of Saint Rick and Tricky Ron

Former president Richard ‘Saint Rick’ Nixon has a sterling reputation within the Republican Party and even outside of it with his character and ideals frequently cited as an inspiration for modern politicians while Ronald ‘Tricky Ron’ Reagan’s presidency is overshadowed by the scandal that scuttled it. How could this be reversed and what would it change in American culture?
Former president Richard ‘Saint Rick’ Nixon has a sterling reputation within the Republican Party and even outside of it with his character and ideals frequently cited as an inspiration for modern politicians while Ronald ‘Tricky Ron’ Reagan’s presidency is overshadowed by the scandal that scuttled it. How could this be reversed and what would it change in American culture?

Nixon's reputation could have easily gone down the drain.

He was lucky enough to find out about Liddy's plan to wire tap the democratic party and nipped that in the bud before they could enact their plan wisely seeing that it would just blow up in his face. When the Sino split happened he was able to use that to his advantage to cut off north Vietnam from soviet support and he also wisely fanned the flames and helped a minor boarder incident become the Sino Soviet war, one of the most bloody conflicts in human history one that killed more people then both world wars combined.

The mans bluffs kept nukes off the table and gave the soviets their own Nam times a hundred, as for the north after a final offensive where they were crushed by our air forces and then lost their damns they kind of fell a part.

Nixon was both lucky and able to capitalize on his luck by the time Ronald Regan took over the soviet union had collapsed and china was going through a second warlord era. The kind of shenanagans that were not only allowed but encouraged during the cold war were not acceptable in the new post communist era. If you have Nixon fail to stop liddy and continue the cold war their fates could easily be exchanged.


Guys, this is impossible. Nixon was raised a Quaker. He had Quaker ethics flowing through his veins, even if he served in World War 2 in the Navy. Nixon was a man of his word, something taught by his Quaker parents. This "Liddy" fellow sounds nasty. Does anyone know what happened to him after this.
Guys, this is impossible. Nixon was raised a Quaker. He had Quaker ethics flowing through his veins, even if he served in World War 2 in the Navy. Nixon was a man of his word, something taught by his Quaker parents. This "Liddy" fellow sounds nasty. Does anyone know what happened to him after this.

after he got out of prison he managed to get work as an actor of all things he played the main villan in the series Air wolf and was on Miami vice as a drug king pen that acted as a recurring villain. His last bit in show business was losing to betty white on the game show secret password.