DBWI: President Barack Obama

<shudder> Ye gods...it was pretty clear quickly that the guy was all form and no substance. He couldn't deliver any message without a teleprompter, for example. He had no experience outside the public sector and never had to be truly accountable for his actions, especially his mistakes. Even with Hillary promoting him as heir apparent, he didn't have the chops to pull it off. She was more than enough in her own right.

SIDEBAR: Thank goodness Hillary's election/re-election were much like the inverse of Nixon's win in '72: the party in opposition to the president carried both houses of Congress. In this case, it was a mercy, keeping her on an extremely short leash. True, she was ahead by a mile until the Edwards scandals broke, but you'll doubtless recall every pundit being totally baffled at the seeming schizophrenia of the electorate that year, opting for a relatively conservative Congress while wanting to look cool in electing a woman. One wonders if she'd have been curb-stomped if her temper had surfaced during the campaign: if you'll recall the stories in Time in 2014, her tantrums at even modest GOP opposition were legendary, and it was only the relative steadying influence of SecState Lieberman that kept her from going over the edge. And you'll clearly recall that speech in Kansas City during the '08 campaign in which a foghorn-voiced heckler made her respond in a manner that would have had Chris Christie shaking his head in admiration. But I digress.

Obama would have been strictly a creature of his handlers and advisors; i.e., a come-to-life Manchurian Candidate. America was and is far better off without him.
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Let's say he won the senate seat and somehow, through smoke and mirrors, made it to the White House. He would have had to leave office anyway to focus on his treatment after the lung cancer diagnoses in 2010.

Cigarettes will get you every time people!