DBWI: Modern State of Israel?

I recently read a TL that has a majority-Jewish State of Israel that included most of Palestine. This seems rather ASB to me--Palestine hasn't had anything close to a Jewish majority since the time of Christ, and while I am aware of the Zionist movement of the late 19th/early 20th century, the Zionist movement fizzled out due to a combination of local Arab hostility and improving acceptance of Jews in Europe.

Is this plausible? The idea of a modern state called "Israel" is just surreal IMO.
The problem is: how the hell do you suddenly get most of the world's Jewry into one convenient location? Millions of Jews in Germany and Poland would rather not leave their comfortable homes, and certainly not the ones in the US. Perhaps Mizrahi Jews across the Mideast decide to head for their ancestral homeland? Iraq cracked down on them pretty hard in the 80s, as did Iran with the rise of today's Arab Nationalist states. Maybe instead of emigrating to the US or to Poland they reform Israel.


It takes a mass migration, and interesting as Zionism was (and they certainly boosted Palestine's economy, both as a source of capital investment and in the knock-on effects of a growing tradition of Jewish pilgrimage/tourism) there simply weren't enough Zionists for a state anything like in Altneuland.

Save the late Tsarist regime for another generation, or get the nationalistic and antisemitic strain of Polish nationalism in power in a likely smaller Poland, and the Pale of Settlement's going to empty. And in that era of rising nationalism, the Zionist project is going to get a much needed boost to their numbers - we're talking either a local majority in the Jaffa Governate and some other Zionist centers (which won't be Jewish states, but Jewish provinces are more than the world's seen in centuries) or maybe even a national one if America goes nativist and they add to the numbers too.

It would be interesting to see. A Jewish state. Judging by OTL, the communal conflicts between Christians and Muslims in Palestine would be a lot less nasty - the Jews, with few international friends to spur proxy wars and a long history of persecution, would probably be the most liberal and tolerant rulers in Palestine since the Ottomans.