DBWI: July Crisis Goes Hot

The July Crisis, the frantic diplomatic maneuvering following the assassination of Austro-Hungarian heir apparent Franz Ferdinand, was the greatest of a series of "close calls" in the early 1900s.

What would have happened had cooler heads and skilled diplomats not prevailed?
The Crisis was only defused because the allies were dealing with Emperor Karl, and Emperor Karl was actually willing to heed the pleas of the Holy Father to resolve the matter peacefully. If Franz Joseph hadn't died just after his nephew, he probably would have forced the issue and triggered a war with the Entente.
It may actually have been a better thing
When the Great War did break out in 1918 over some stupid crap in the Balkans
( thank you Serbia) the great Powers were even more heavily armed and they were in 1914
Both sides fought each other to a bloody stalemate, I 1920 all sides were using 14 year olds in the trenches. The war ended when the governments of Germany France , Austria-Hungary and Russia all went down to his socialist Revolutions within a month
Great Britain came close but it was only economic aid from the United States that prevented that from happening.
European world power was broken the European powers still haven't recovered
The world is now balance between the Japanese and the Americans
The revolution in Germany was put down pretty quickly though because of infighting between the rebels/charismatic leadership by.... What was his name called? I totally forgot, European history isn't my forte tbh I've always been more interested in the Canadian insurgency considering both my Grandfather and Uncle died from those damned Canucks . I know they were able to grab a lot of Eastern Europe because of how weak everyone else was. Granted they were the tallest miget in the room, if their adversaries had been a little stronger they would have been crushed. I read some statistics saying Germany didn't fully recover economically and population wise until the boom of the 60-70s (I think that's when they became a constitutional monarchy but like I said, I'm no expert). As for Eastern Europe and the former Austrian-Hungarian Empire some areas are still almost completely unpopulated, I had a friend who explored some of them, absolutely eerie.
You mean Westminster selling Canada and Newfoundland to the US out from under us? And then you Yankees wondering why the Troubles are still a thing?

OOC: Can Britain even just sell Canada and Newfoundland whebn they were dominions? I think that Caribbean islands, Bahama and Bermuda are more plausible.
Then the US might not intervene in Mexico to save the Madero Government meaning Mexico will get destroyed in a civil war. The fact that Mexico is one of the richest countries today because it avoided the civil war that was almost innevevitable until the us decided to send some help to aid the Madero Government as its possible they might enter the war that the crisis might cause
OOC: Can Britain even just sell Canada and Newfoundland whebn they were dominions? I think that Caribbean islands, Bahama and Bermuda are more plausible.
OOC: Remember that the PoD is pre-Balfour Declaration, so the Dominions are only semi-autonomous territories. Legally, Westminster had every right to repeal the British North America Act, and doing so would then give them the legal right to sell the territory to the USA. The Canadians and Newfoundlanders would be incensed, and the Indigenous even more so, but against the US Army they would be reduced to a guerrilla/terrorist campaign.
OOC: Remember that the PoD is pre-Balfour Declaration, so the Dominions are only semi-autonomous territories. Legally, Westminster had every right to repeal the British North America Act, and doing so would then give them the legal right to sell the territory to the USA. The Canadians and Newfoundlanders would be incensed, and the Indigenous even more so, but against the US Army they would be reduced to a guerrilla/terrorist campaign.
OOC: Why would the natives care?
You mean Westminster selling Canada and Newfoundland to the US out from under us? And then you Yankees wondering why the Troubles are still a thing?
The United States took control of Canada due to a fermenting socialist Revolution
Let's just remember the US Embassy was not the embassy that got blown up in Ottowa
OOC: Why would the natives care?
OOC: Look at Canada's record on the aboriginal-relations file. Then look at the USA's. There's your answer.
And given that our (admittedly not great by any means) record on this file is very politically active right now, I'd suggest we end that discussion here.
An interesting DBWI turned into the USA annexing Canada in the 1900s and 14-year-olds in trenches.

OOC: DBWIs tend to take bit odd path. And IMO it is quiet unlikely that many great or mid-powers can sustain war of 14 years in modern times speciality when people and army would begin oppose that and demand peace.
The United States took control of Canada due to a fermenting socialist Revolution
Let's just remember the US Embassy was not the embassy that got blown up in Ottowa
Yeah, that's the thing, Canada was destabilizing and HARD. While most of the violence had been isolated to Canada and Newfoundland, there was enough misfires on the boarder and even outright supply raids by the more desperate factions that the US didn't really have a choice in the matter. Now, that's not to say the administration of the time is blameless for the absolute mess Canada/Newfoundland became. Wilson screwed the pooch in SEVERAL big ways, and we're still dealing with the stupidity of the 'Royalist President' to this day. The actual purchase of Canada and Newfoundland happened after the initial fighting and occupation, with Britain taking everything they could to help them rebuild and help the people that 'really mattered'. While we bungled a bit, the British are the ones that left everyone in a shitty situation.

The big question is, would the US be as powerful as it is now without access to the Resources of Canada/Newfoundland, that is when fucking Canucks, Newfies, and Indigs don't decide to start killing innocent people again...There was also the Industrial Drive to rebuild Canada, and later 'Hold Down Canada'.
OOC: DBWIs tend to take bit odd path. And IMO it is quiet unlikely that many great or mid-powers can sustain war of 14 years in modern times speciality when people and army would begin oppose that and demand peace.
In 1918 a few 16 year Olds were fighting in the trenches. There were plans to start drafting 14 year Olds if it was deemed necessary
Heavier casualties in the early war and it could have happened. None of the governments were going to accept a white peace because of the sacrifices their people made doing so would be political suicide
Old men making decisions based on their own personal short-term interest and Drafting 14 year Olds is what what started the Socialist Revolutions
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OOC: Remember that the PoD is pre-Balfour Declaration, so the Dominions are only semi-autonomous territories. Legally, Westminster had every right to repeal the British North America Act, and doing so would then give them the legal right to sell the territory to the USA. The Canadians and Newfoundlanders would be incensed, and the Indigenous even more so, but against the US Army they would be reduced to a guerrilla/terrorist campaign.
At which point the Canadian and Newfoundland governments (probably along with the Australian, New Zealand and South African governments) declare full independence and tell London and Washington to get stuffed.
At which point the Canadian and Newfoundland governments (probably along with the Australian, New Zealand and South African governments) declare full independence and tell London and Washington to get stuffed.
Except that the USA now considers it their territory. In no universe can the post-1900 Canadian Militia tell the US Army to "get stuffed".
What US Army? Before the US joined the Entente it barely existed and what there was was failing to put down Mexican bandits.