DBWI Great man hypothasis


Hazel Smith the man who built Alaska
A alaskan Native Hazels Famly had grown wealthy from the forestry
industry but Hazel was not satisfied with Alaska's status as a territory
and had dreams of glory For his home State. To acomplish his goal of
making Alaska great he needed raw numbers. As Hitler rose to Power
Hazel smith saw an oportunity, Hazel used his money influance, and his
ledendary safe haven speech to convince congress to publically open
up alaska to Jewish and Gypsy Imagration. Rumors state that Hazel
also had connections to the mafia and blackmailed varous members of
congress and the senate to acomplish his goal. To the refugees of europe
Hazel was a hero and he quickly gained a almost liftime posistion as Alaska's
Govornor. Hazel worked hard to attract more refugees into alaska to help it grow. When Vietnam fell during the 1970s he helped create programs to both welcome and intregate the fleeing boat people into Alaskan soiety. During a trip to San Francisco during the early 70s Hazel saw another oportunity to increase Alaska's standing, He fully supported the gayrights movement and was able to use his almost dictatorial powers to legalise gay marrage making Alaska the first state to do so. This decision was extremly unpopular even during the liberal 1970s but such was Hazels reputation that he was able to stay in office. On June 1985 Hazel died and thousands of Alaskans came to his funerial. Hazel Smith helped to make Alaska the cosmopalitian state it is today and he will be sorely missed.

New Yorker 1985

How differnt would the world be If Hazel Smith was not born?