
What would have happened if the British had been able
to retain control over the far northern colonys (Canada)?
during and after the revolutionary war instead of losing them
to General Arnalds Campain?
They would have lost them, just as the United States did... the French culture of those areas was too strong...

Actually, now that I think of it, the UK may be able to hold them, as I recall they didn't get into a situation like the Great Civil War- I mean, the West, the South, the North, and the Northeast of the country all seceding? It's a shock there was enough of the country left to put up a four-year war to try and stop them... (no surprise that they couldn't be stopped) Sorry, I guess this post just turned into a rant about all those "What if US wins GCW and stays united!11!11" threads that are so popular... totally implausible, I say- there's a reason all those regions don't even have a supranational agency between them even today.
More loyalists head north?

Georgia and British Carolina might not develop as fast. Louisiana and Tejas would suffer too without so many disgruntled and dispossesed Quebecois. The Free Port of Orleans would probably see a lot more commerce in the 19th Century as well if the United States didn't have access to the Saint Lawrence.