DBWI: AHC: New World areas north of the Andes mountains develop civilization

Civilization in the New World developed only in the Andes, in the form of the Inca, and the mostly unknown Amazonian agricultural people, who mostly died out by European contact. Is it possible that civilization could have developed in New Spain? [OOC: The term for Mesoamerica] Or are there no possible domesticable species?

OOC: This is semi-inspired by the Lands of Red and Gold, in that OTL has maize, which ITTL does not exist, just like the red yam in Aururia does not exist OTL.
Well, considering the furthest north the Incans ventured was Old Panama City (the ancient Venice of the New World they flooded to build the modern canal 100 year ago:mad:) and because we have little evidence to show why they didn't go further north, It's really hard to say what would happen if Incan influence spread further north. Maybe they'd meet up with the pre-urban, but already farming Skrayling (OOC: my character is from a more successful Vinland, and uses the term "Skrayling" from the original "Skræling" to mean Native American.) peoples of New Spain. But I can't really see them spreading beyond say, Tejas (OOC: Texas, part of new Spain).