David Cameron captured by Taliban after chopper shot down ?


Lets say the taliban succeed in shooting down his helicopter, and manage to capture Cameron alive with only minor injuries and hustle him off before NATO rescuers arrive .

How would the government react to this ? especially when David Cameron appears on an internet video bloodied and beaten, passing on the Talibans demands that he will be released if British withdraws its forces from Afghanistan.


When they tried to decapitate him their swords would just slide off his shiny forehead. And then he would lecture them about how they need to make their terrorist demands PERFECTLY CLEAR.
Yes, there simply wouldn't be any other way.

Within six months, of course, we'd be back.

Without a doubt. Cameron wouldn't exactly be in a pacifistic mood, I think the Cabinet notes of the initial meetings after his return would make for chilling reading.
When they tried to decapitate him their swords would just slide off his shiny forehead. And then he would lecture them about how they need to make their terrorist demands PERFECTLY CLEAR.

'If I may continue - let us make one thing absolutely clear. This hostage-taking is the result of Labour's deficit, of Labour's mistakes, and of Labour's waste!'
When they tried to decapitate him their swords would just slide off his shiny forehead. And then he would lecture them about how they need to make their terrorist demands PERFECTLY CLEAR.

I wonder who would be the first to make the cuts joke? Even Frankie Boyle would probably have to have a think about doing that one.
I wonder who would be the first to make the cuts joke? Even Frankie Boyle would probably have to have a think about doing that one.

When Dave got home and was made to fuck a pig on national TV by David Hockney I imagine his day would get worse and worse.


Was this before or after the Defence cuts which saw the Harrier fleet scrapped and the Ark Royal disposed of? If it was before would the cuts be delayed and reassesed? If it was after would they be rescinded?



Lets say the taliban succeed in shooting down his helicopter, and manage to capture Cameron alive with only minor injuries and hustle him off before NATO rescuers arrive .

How would the government react to this ? especially when David Cameron appears on an internet video bloodied and beaten, passing on the Talibans demands that he will be released if British withdraws its forces from Afghanistan.

Everyone in the British government cries with joy at the thought they can move up one step.

The public in much of the country celebrate, but quietly and in good taste.


..The US threatens to drop Dubya and Obama on top of the Taliban HQ. If the Taliban are lucky, they won't be given parachutes.

Ironically the threatened dropping of Rummsfield is banned by the UN as a possible use of chemical and/or biological weapons/
Without a doubt. Cameron wouldn't exactly be in a pacifistic mood, I think the Cabinet notes of the initial meetings after his return would make for chilling reading.

I suspect that the words "Pashtun will be a language only spoken in hell!" may start to occur. In spirit, at least.

Lets say the taliban succeed in shooting down his helicopter, and manage to capture Cameron alive with only minor injuries and hustle him off before NATO rescuers arrive .

How would the government react to this ? especially when David Cameron appears on an internet video bloodied and beaten, passing on the Talibans demands that he will be released if British withdraws its forces from Afghanistan.

Never before had the line "We don't negotiate with terrorists" been uttered with so much satisfaction or resulted in so much joy.:D

Lets say the taliban succeed in shooting down his helicopter, and manage to capture Cameron alive with only minor injuries and hustle him off before NATO rescuers arrive .

How would the government react to this ? especially when David Cameron appears on an internet video bloodied and beaten, passing on the Talibans demands that he will be released if British withdraws its forces from Afghanistan.

It wouldn't change British policy at all. He's just a politician and there are over 600 others. He's expendable.

It would dominate TV schedules and make some people angry and bring amusement to others.
Wow at the vitriol. I mean, dude's a douche but come on.

In any case, there's special forces mobilisation for a rescue mission if they can find out where he is. If not, and if he's killed, leaving Afghanistan just became political suicide. People will demand revenge.


Wow at the vitriol. I mean, dude's a douche but come on.

As Devolved says, it's not because people dislike Cameron because of his policies, it's because he's a politician. The government are not going to alter the course of British foreign policy just to prevent the death of a PM. That was true with the IRA and it's true now. Now if they managed to take Prince Harry prisoner that might be a different kettle of fish...