Culture of independent US states?

A lot of thought has been put into timelines regarding what would happen geopolitically if the US didn't adopt the US Constitution (resulting in reformed Articles of Confederation or independent states, or blocks of superstates, or whatever). But what about cultural and linguistic and religious history? No right or wrong answers, just curious of people's ideas of "this would be fun if..." Such as Mormons stay in NY and become a major religious block in Western NY (and maybe spill into PA), basketball is only popular in New England and Mid-Atlantic states. Evolution of different Santa Claus' in the different states ('Twas the Night Before Christmas was written in Troy, NY; perhaps South Carolina has a different Father Christmas figure). Thanksgiving meaning different holidays. Would July 4th as the Declaration of Independence even matter to the now independent states? Language evolution? Sports, could soccer (association football) and cricket in some states be MORE popular than baseball and American football in this ALT history? Would music evolve differently, where rock may not be well-known in northern states? And any other type of culture/linguistics etc anyone wants to put out what they think may evolve.