CSA Southern Cross, any good?

No, I'm not talking about the confederate flag, I'm talking about the recently published graphic novel form Sekwana Comics. For those who have read it, is it any good? It seems like a great idea, a purely alternate history comic with no supernatural means (not that I don't love me some ASB mind you) and the artwork looks very good.

Still, I'm a little concerned about content. I know only one of seven volumes has been relapsed so far, and my fear might be resolved in issues to come. That being said, Sekwana's website gave off the impression that it's going to be a big Lost Cause rant; and some of the titles of the future volumes seem to suggest it might go Confederate-wank at some point. Basically, it seems to glance over the brutality of slavery and while it's ture the North wasn't exactly a shinning example of morality, the series seems to being planing on going overboard in order to portray the north as hardly better (and might wind up glorifying the South, or at least, letting them off the hook way too easily)

So, any thoughts or comments?