Code Geass History That Actually Makes Sense

This thread is dead, but I had additional ideas in another thread (see my signature) for a world that I made that I felt is more realistic. But it still embraces Code Geass' ASB nature.
Hello. Just dropped in to (shamelessly) advertise my TL, which showcases a similar premise, yet vastly different from the canon of Code Geass. Any questions or comments go there.

To be on topic, I am of the same opinion as the few posters above that the "High King Eowyn" is utter propaganda, but the possibility of Elizabeth I having an issue is very real.
I`ll give it a shot . [no geass or the immortality code ]

First, we must erase the absurdities of the official timeline Second, we must add elements to make the timeline realistic , these are presented in the timeline.
1. celtic super-king
2. Glorianna and her bastard son
3. indian unification with china
4. Napoleon...
5. A.T.B calendar

The timeline

1. Tudor survival
It is december 1542 year of our lord , Marrie de guise dies after childbirth , the child is Mary Stuart . James V King of Scots , her father, dies at the battle of solway moss {OTL} six days after the birth of his daughter. Mary stuart is now the queen of scots , the first queen regnant of Scotland , As she is a baby her crown is left in the hands of the protestant lord Arran , He has no objection to king Henry VIII`s proposal that the babe queen marry his son prince Edward.

In 1547 Henry the eight dies , The new king is Edward VI .

In 1558 King Edward VI , now 21 years old , and Queen Mary, now 16 years old, are wed thus uniting england and scotland under Protestant monarchs

British colonization of the eastern north-american coast begins sooner. circa 1565

Fastforwarding to the second half of the 17th century , the King of England, Scotland and Ireland is Charles III Tudor.
The british colonies now extend from florida to quebec to hudson bay and are the most populated european settlements , In this alternate British north america there is an abundance of landed aristocrats .

2. Formation of the North-american monarchy

1670-1720. On the island of great britain disagreement between crown and parliament on the nature of the state and the power of the monarch leads to civil war .
In 1675 The royalists lose , king Charles III is executed by the parliamentarians , and great britain and ireland are ruled by the parliament . King Charles IIIs only legitimate child
Elizabeth Tudor flees to Maryland . Subsequently royalists seek refuge in north america
There is also an alternate version of Oliver Cromwell , this great man is a fervent anti-monarchist and He proclaims the republican 'Commonwealth of Albion'.

In North-america Elizabeth Tudor dies childless and passes the Royal authority to Richard von Britannia Duke of Maryland .

At the start of the 18th century on christmass day a continental congress made up of North-american nobility and clergy and the aristocratic and clerical refugees from britain crowns Richard von Britannia
HOLY BRITANNIAN EMPEROR . Holy= affirming the divine right of the monarch.

3. The state of France and the formation of the European union

At the start of the 18th century there would be two powerful protestant republics in western europe : The Albionic commonwealth and the dutch republic

1790 -1830 Their neighbour France is an absolutist catholic monarchy , By the end of the 18th century and the start of the 19th it is indebted , bankrupt and starving
The ancient Kingdom of France collapses its royal family is murdered and atheist revolutionaries create a republic .

The Republic of france has immense success against Prussia , Austria and Spain in its first years . By 1815 it has created French-style republics in Germany, Iberia, Italy and Denmark .

The year is 1817 AD Year 24 of the french republican calendar France and the now french-influenced Dutch republic , french client republics in iberia, italy, germany and denmark
create the Confederacy of Europe . In the 1840s under the threat of invasion and isolation the albionic commonwealth joins the Confederacy .

4. The Holy Britannian Empire and its conquest of the new world

18th century
The new state saw itself as the only legitimate successor of the Kingdoms of England-ireland and Scotland, in its infancy it underwent a cultural reformation
, akin to the First great awakening and manifest destiny , influenced by it being a reactionary state to anti-monarchism

Emperor Richard von Britannia decrees the foundation of the Empire to be : CHURCH ; NATION ; MONARCHY
During the 18th century the HBE allied itself with the kingdom of france in its wars against Spain and acquired spanish north america
During the French revolutionary wars the HBE acquired french lands in the new world
In 1810 The Holy Britannian Empire is constituted solely by the North American Continent

It is 1835 year of our lord South America is made of Republics inspired either by France or Albion .
On the 3rd of may 1835 Brutus von Britannia Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire declares war on the republic of Columbia
this is the start of the Britannian Conquest of South America it ends with the annexation of the republic of Argentina in 1893 .

[ this is my first alternate history post i hope yo like the general idea ]