Clinton resigns-1997

WI, unwilling to tarnish the image of the Democratic Party during his impeachement proceedings, Bill Clinton had resigned and Al Gore has ascended to the presidency?
WI, unwilling to tarnish the image of the Democratic Party during his impeachement proceedings, Bill Clinton had resigned and Al Gore has ascended to the presidency?

It would be terrible. The gays would have been able to push through their agenda and heterosexual marriage would be illegal, expirimenting in college would be mandatory, and chat forums would be absolutely plastered with gay innuendo.


WI, unwilling to tarnish the image of the Democratic Party during his impeachement proceedings, Bill Clinton had resigned and Al Gore has ascended to the presidency?

Written this way, this would have to ASB, since Clinton is not a "true believer" the Democratic party, he only used it as a tool to get to the Presidency.

However, let's say if Clinton had resigned because Monica was underage, and he would face a Michael Jackson kind of embarassment or criminal charges, and the plea bargain deal with the GOP would be non pursuit of the crime, then yes I could see him resigning to "save" his own skin.

He would then go about writing memoirs of how he revived the economy.

Gore would be elected in his ownright in 2000.
